Love Edition: Your Weekly Tarotscope for February 9 – February 15, 2020 Revealed

Theme of the Week: 7 of Swords This week, it’s all about where we’ve been and where we are going

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: 7 of Swords

This week, it’s all about where we’ve been and where we are going. We will not only be looking to the past for answers and insight but wondering what we are actually taking with us into our future. It can be anything from where our future is going with our current loved ones, whoever we are dating, or who we have yet to be with. Are they the right ones for us? Is this the best it’s going to get? Or did we let the right one slip through our fingers only to become “the one who got away?” It looks as if we will be thinking about love in very logical and practical terms, rather than emotional. You may have many things that you enjoy and are happy about your relationship right now, but do you long for more? Sometimes, our longing stems from a different place than we think. Rather than a place of lack, it could be from a place of trauma, a place of insecurity, ego, and the like. Be careful not to be fencing yourself in, when you could be using this as a great time of expansion.


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Your Card: 2 of Cups


An olive branch was extended and the token was accepted. Now, it is time to let the real healing begin. They say “it takes two to tango” but one always must initiate the first move. Don’t be afraid to forgive and don’t be afraid of healing. It’s not something that can, or will, happen overnight and that is important for you to keep reminding yourself of now, Aquarius. Any wound must first be treated, then given time to mend itself. But it must still be looked after and taken care of during the healing process in order to recover properly and fully. Treat this as you would any other wound. Be gentle with yourself and others, and give it time.



Tarotscope HIpLatina Pieces

Your Card: The Star


Pisces, you are making an investment in your future — or at least that is what you’re desperately hoping to do. Some of you are betting all your chips on red, not because it’s a sure thing, but rather because you just want something to bet on. You’re convincing yourself to have faith in a person or a relationship that you have no business looking that far into the future with yet. There is a lot more work that needs to be done in the here and now, rather than trying to make your longtime dreams come true. Forcing someone to fit this mold of what you want for the sake of speeding things up is not fair to them, and will not bode well for you either. I cannot stress this enough: Let things flourish and grow organically. You can still have faith in your future and the things that you want — your goals and aspirations — without placing unfair expectations on others to fulfill them for you. Stop worrying about tomorrow. Instead, revel in the present.



Aries Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Judgement


Your expectations have been set high this week, Aries. Whether it’s for a Galentine’s Day celebration, your partner dialing the romance factor up real high, or you have other plans. But it would be wise to set the bar a bit more realistically. It is much more enjoyable to be surprised than to be disappointed, and expectations are the root of all disappointment. Go into this week with a blank slate and save your judgments and criticisms for the end. For some of you, whatever happens, could be the tip of the iceberg and there is much more that lies ahead. You will know instinctively. For others, it’s more like the straw that broke the camels back. You’ve finally had enough. Either way, this will be a very telling week in terms of your relationship or dating life. Listen to your intuition, gut feelings, and initial responses. They will tell you everything you need to know.




Your Card: The Hanged Man


There’s a part of you that really wants to celebrate love and do all these romantic, mushy things this week, Taurus. But there’s also another more practical, levelheaded, and logical side to you where you feel like you don’t need a certain day to dictate how special your love is. As much as you might try to convince yourself that you don’t need to do anything exceptional this week, deep down you know you really want to. Whether it’s spending time with your partner, best friends, loved ones, or even just making it a unique day for yourself, it is okay to give in to the hype. Even if you don’t have a romantic partner to share this with, it doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to celebrate love at all. There are a million forms of love out there that should never be forgotten, nor taken for granted. Don’t deny yourself the pleasure and fulfillment of sharing in any mutual comradery with grace.




Your Card: 4 of Pentacles


I’m seeing you as the ring leader of the anti-Valentines Day squad this year. Feelings are not your priority at this moment, Gem. You would rather focus on the more tangible aspects of life. The things that you can do and create for yourself, rather than having to rely on someone else to bring you the happiness you seek. While that is all well and good, by disregarding either aspect of your life, you’re inevitably going to feel a sense of struggle and a sense of incompletion. You’re not really guarding or protecting yourself if you’re going too far to the left or too far to the right. Balance is key. Open yourself up a little to the possibilities. If you don’t make room for something in your life, the universe will recognize that — and it’s never going to come. Don’t self-sabotage by pushing something away that, deep down, you really do want. wp_*posts



Your Card: King of Cups


You are in the zone this year, Cancer. You’re just chillin’ and taking it as it comes. I’m feeling like this is the first year in a while where you are completely at ease. You have a great sense of not trying to control your emotions but rather, finding a healthy way to balance them. You can see things clearly and you can think clearly. You are in a very ideal, mature place. For some of you, there may be someone that is giving you the sense of security you need in order to feel this way. For others of you, it is more about your personal evolution. You have come a long way. The wrong things are no longer able to cloud your judgment. You have everything that you need to feel calm, confident, and in your own power. Nothing can shake this out of you, now — and possibly, from here on out.




Your Card: 10 of Swords


I hate to say it Leo, but it looks as if someone, or some relationship, is just not making you feel good enough. You’re feeling like you can’t win, or that whoever you’re giving to just doesn’t appreciate it. It is as if your efforts are going completely unnoticed. Or, if they are acknowledged, you’re always welcomed with criticism or blatant disappointment. I’m not sure how long you can keep this up, if at all, after this week. I’m seeing that even if you do, you just simply do not know what else to do. You do not have anything left in you to give, at this time. It is possible that you will rise up and try again, gaining a sudden second wind, but at this point, I’m hearing that will be more of a conscious choice and will lead to a lot of back and forth. You are going to need a little bit of time first to just rest up and get over all of these painful lashings. Someone has really hurt you and cut you pretty deep, whether they realize it or not. Take solace in knowing that you put your all into this and you tried your best, regardless of how the other party may feel.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: The Empress


At least one sign of the zodiac is ready and raring to go this week, Virgo. You are getting primp and perfected, ready for your five-course meal. You expect the champagne to be flowing and to be treated like the queen or king that you are! And this you shall receive. If you don’t have that special someone who’s going to treat you nice, then you best be treating yo’self! There is a saying that you show others how to treat you. You are the only person who knows all of your deepest wants and needs, so fulfill them this week. Don’t wait for others to do it, even if you do have a significant other or special relationship in your life. Diane von Furstenberg said, “The most important relationship you have in life is the one you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens in life, you will always be with yourself.” Never forget that. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of others. Be that b—- this week, with no apologies.




Your Card: The Chariot


You decide how this week turns out for you, Libra. You have everything at your disposal, it’s just a matter of knowing what you want. And that can be a tricky thing for you. You can choose to have fun, enjoy yourself and the people you surround yourself with, whether it’s a lover, friends, or even just taking a time of solitude. Or, you can decide to sulk, to look at the downside of things, and focus on where you’re lacking. Even if you have conflicting feelings right now, don’t get bogged down by thinking that you’re being forced into spending your time in any certain way. You aren’t. You have full control and you need to recognize that. In general, you have much more authority than you are giving yourself or your partnership credit for. The direction you choose to pursue at this time will immediately dictate the future in this particular relationship and/or in relationships to come.




Your Card: 2 of Pentacles


Initially, I don’t see that you’re really in the Valentine’s Day spirit this week Scorpio. I’m hearing you say, “Same s—, different day.” And, to be honest, if you look at it like that, that’s exactly what you’re going to get out of it. Shake things up a little bit. Put yourself, even the tiniest bit outside of your comfort zone. You know that you really want to feel special and make others feel special — so let that happen. You have a golden opportunity now to do this. So don’t just let it just slip through your fingers. There is no downside to consider. You’re not really risking anything right now. You only stand to benefit from giving and letting yourself receive. I’m hearing that this could actually be a really significant learning curve for you. All you need to do is compromise in the utmost slightest way.




Your Card: 5 of Cups


Sag, it looks as if you feel like you’re missing out on something. But what are you really missing out on? You have many blessings to be thankful for and many reasons to celebrate this week. Some of you have significant others and some of you have families. Others of you may be single or dating, but you all have people that you care for and cherish. This is a week to acknowledge your love and appreciation for those who bring the extraordinary into your lives. Those who have taught you, guided you, and been there for you through tough times. These are your parents, siblings, best friends — anyone who has lifted your life with light in some way. When you’re doubting yourself, or your lovability, take a moment to step back and recognize just how lucky and blessed you truly are. Then, make sure all those who contribute to that, know too.




Your Card: 5 of Swords


This week may not be quite what you wanted, or how you expected it to turn out, but you will be happy with it, Cap. You will feel like you walked away with something, even if it wasn’t your idea of perfection. But, the reality is, that this is just a blip on the radar for you. This is not the week that will dictate your love life or your relationships for years and decades to come. This is just a time to remind you of all the love that you do have in your life, regardless of the type of love it is. Some of you might much prefer to celebrate romantically over platonically, but sometimes there is a much deeper meaning in our platonic relationships. They do tend to last longer, anyway. If you are in a serious relationship, you might feel as if you put a lot of effort in and didn’t receive much back. Or, visa versa. Don’t take it too personally. Walk away with whatever you got, and make the best of it. I’m hearing that in the scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter.

In this Article

aquarius aries cancer capricorn gemini horoscope leo libra pisces psychic sagittarius scorpio tarot tarot card tarot reader Tarotscope taurus virgo zodiac
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