Your Weekly Tarotscope for February 23 – February 29, 2020

Theme of the Week: The Moon You have a long road ahead of you

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: The Moon

You have a long road ahead of you. The only question is: Are you up for the challenge? There’s no way to know at this moment where this all will lead, so you’re going to have to take a chance on fate. More importantly, you’re going to have to bet on yourself. This could be what you’ve been longing for, but it could also be something that takes much too long to come to fruition for your taste or, to be frank — your heart might just not be in it for the long haul. If you’re thinking short-term about a situation now, this isn’t the path you want to stay on. Look elsewhere. If you’re in it to win it forever, keep on going! You will start receiving signs and signals about anything you’re unsure of. It’s time to pay attention and take heed. The universe has a lot to show you if you open yourself up to it.

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Your Card: King of Swords


You’ve got a whole lot of knowledge, Pisces, but you ain’t showing those cards. I see you’ve got some tricks up your sleeve as well — ya know — just in case. I’m hearing that you’re waiting for someone to dig themselves into a deep hole before you whip out your receipts. And you will be more-than-happy to do so, with a big smile on your face. Regardless of if this is someone who wronged you, a friend, or is just straight-up being dishonest in some way, all you care about at this time is showing them that you know. You know that they know, that you know. And best believe you’re not afraid to whip out the proof. You just want them to admit it first. The longer it takes them, the more fun you will have, Pisces. This isn’t even that deep for you at this point, it’s basically a game. You’ll get what you’re looking for, but that is where it ends.



Aries Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Death


Like a lotus flower, you are rising from the murky waters, Aries. You aren’t out of the red yet, but you’re headed there. I’m seeing you bulldozing your path forward. For some of you, this puts you in a position of power. For others, it makes the ones you are plowing in a state of exhaustion and it’s as if they are being forced to wave the white flag, which means whatever you are getting back from them may stem from a place of desperation or exhaustion, rather than being the genuine response you are looking for. Machiavelli stated that, “It is better to be feared than loved.” But that is purely an opinion of one. Which do you want? Would you risk one for the other? I’m seeing that another path may not have even been considered here. You are forfeiting much more happiness and ease by forcing things in your current situation to go a certain way. Stop and consider an alternate route. It may take you in a completely different direction, but in the long-run, you will have a much better outcome on the horizon.




Your Card: The Tower


You’re going through a deep, personal transformation right now, Taurus. One that may be VERY apparent to you, but completely hidden to the people in your life. But I’m hearing that is how you prefer it, for now, at least. You want to have things a bit more sorted out and understood before you expose any type of chaos. I’m hearing this as part of a fear of being judged or seen as someone who doesn’t have it all together. But, if you need support, it’s okay to reach out to trusted comrades. Not everyone needs to know every detail of your life. But the ones who love you won’t judge you for going through a difficult time. We all experience tough intervals. I see that someone, in particular, could have some great advice for you now. It may even be someone you wouldn’t expect to have such keen insight in a situation like this. Give your loved ones the benefit of the doubt. It will likely be more helpful than you know.




Your Card: King of Pentacles


It is all about your career, Gemini. I’m really not seeing anything about love for this week. You just want to make it happen and you are extremely determined to do so. There is nothing that presides above this dream at this moment in time. You want, not just comfort, but success. Mediocrity is not an option for you. You have an innate need to be the boss, rather, the star, in whatever role you are vying for. And, while you’re at it, you also expect to be compensated accordingly. You already see yourself like this, so the problem in your mind is: Why doesn’t everyone else? You should be asking yourself how rather than why, though, Gem. If this is truly what you want, you need to put in a lot more work to make it happen rather than expecting that others will just realize your worth and potential by looking at you or encountering your work. It’s not just going to manifest. You need to make a much more concerted effort and be way more convincing if that is what you want people to recognize. Not everyone feels the same way you do about yourself. You gotta sell it, babe!



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: The Emperor


You’re in an odd position now, Cancer. You’ve got complete control, in one sense, but in another, that’s not quite the case. You know exactly what you need to do in one area, but in the other, you’re kind of just throwing s— against the wall and seeing what sticks. It’s the best chance you have right now. At least, that is how it feels. You want so much to keep your cool, not get frustrated, and potentially mess up what you’re dealing with by letting emotions get in the way, or by making the wrong play. But, you know you need to make a move, regardless. Your passions are playing a huge role in this, but I’m seeing that you’re concerned with protecting yourself at the same time. You’re a smart cookie — no need to question that. Weigh your thoughts, feelings, and knowledge equally in order to make the best move and create the most effective strategy possible. Do not disregard any one of those individually, as they all play an important role right now. You’re fully capable of reaching the peak, just be sure to develop your plan of action first, and follow it.




Your Card: The Hanged Man


You’ve gotten yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place — and you know it, Leo. You’re good at keeping up appearances, but that can only last so long. Eventually, you are going to want to cut yourself out of this massively uncomfortable situation. This is not news for you. You can only take so much, so expect a change to be initiated whether it is by you or someone else. I’m hearing you would be very surprised if it was, though. I’m telling you now, that is a possibility and it is on the table, whether this is something you’re aware of or not. In a sense, it is nice to feel like you have control over cutting a chord, but in another way, it could be smarter to let someone else think it was their idea. That could save you some extra work and difficulty, but with your ego, it may still sting a bit, even if it is what you wanted. You are stretching yourself thin, to the point where you can’t take it anymore. Only at your breaking point, or just before it, will a change be initiated. I’m hearing for most of you, that you aren’t going to be the one to do it. The good news is that this will return you to a more balanced state.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Justice


You are the captain now, Virgo. The power is in your hands to decide the way a situation plays out. You have all the control here. And I’m hearing that may be news to you. You’ve taken steps to get to the place that you’re in, but now that you’re here, it seems that you don’t know what to do. You’re going to have to make a judgment call sooner or later, so start thinking about what you wanna do now. I am seeing that this isn’t something that needs to be rushed, but it is something you want to be prepared for, should a surprise come to your door. By this, I mean you need to have some idea of the direction you want to go in, just in case something unexpected happens. Example: Another party could decide to make a move that you never expected they would make. For most of you, I don’t see this particular scenario necessarily happening, but I am strongly sensing that you need to be prepared.




Your Card: 3 of Cups


Let the good times roll, Libra! I’m seeing so much fun and excitement with people whose company you really, genuinely enjoy. I’m seeing a big breath of fresh air. As if you have been around other people that maybe don’t bring this kind of energy to you, and now this person or these people, who are coming to spend time with you feel like a real slice of heaven. I’m seeing that you just connect on a different level. There really isn’t a whole lot to say about it, except just enjoy the time that you have together. Try not to take away from these wonderful moments and from your happiness by ruminating on what lacks in the people you interact with more often. Let your life be dynamic. The sweet things don’t taste as sweet if you have them all the time.wp_*posts



Your Card: Ace of Cups


Scorpio, I see you diving deep this week. You’re really getting into your feelings about something or someone. I am definitely feeling like this has to do with someone in particular, even if the situation as a whole is much bigger than them. This is actually an opportunity for you to understand yourself better and why you feel the way you do about things. That is why this is all happening right now. This is a big lesson learned, I’m hearing. That is not to say that this is a bad situation. It only means that you have a lot to gain from it. Even if you’re having a hard time seeing it for yourself, there is someone connected to the situation who is going to help you and kind of act as a guide. They are the ones that will ignite your understanding. From there, it will be a snowball effect where one idea leads to the next, which leads to the next. And from that, you will have a better understanding of many other relationships you have and have had, with people.




Your Card: The Lovers


Sagittarius, there is someone that you still feel very connected to, but out of touch with. You both have your own things going on, but you also both know that when it comes down to it, you will always seem to have this unspoken bond. You don’t have to be fully present in someone’s life to still care for them and hope the best for them and hold space for them. Sometimes, it’s okay to love from afar. I’m hearing that you both know that is what’s in each other’s best interest. You do serve an important purpose in one another’s lives, which is why you still feel this deep connection. Let knowing be enough, at least for now. You never know what the future holds, but things are good between you. There’s nothing special that you need to do, or this other person needs to do except let sleeping dogs lie.




Your Card: Judgement


I am seeing the clouds parting, sun shining, and you hearing, “Halleluja!” It is such a sigh of relief that accompanies this card, for you, Cap. It is as if all a sudden you’ve seen the light, it all makes sense, and now you know exactly what to do. You’ve been looking for — even just a hint — for so long and now it has finally come to you, clear as day. Make no mistake, this is the sign that you have been waiting to receive. Do with it what you will. But, this is it. Your prayers have been answered. It may not be the answer that you were looking for or the one that you expected, but to be blunt – it usually doesn’t work that way. Whatever you do from here, you are now 100%, completely responsible for the outcome. However you make your bed, expect that you are going to have to lay in it. For some of you, this has the potential to be one of the greatest things to ever happen to you. For others, this still has the potential to be something really fantastic, at minimum. Again, take away from this what you will. The next steps are completely up to you.




Your Card: 9 of Swords


What are you worried about now, Aquarius? It seems like all you do is worry. You are the biggest stressor in your life. Even when everything is coming up roses and going great, you find something to work yourself up about. Try to enjoy the good things that happen to you. Don’t look at them as something that you just check off the list, so that you can turn around and give more attention to all the other things you think are wrong. You will never be completely happy living this way. If you give even half the attention to your wins as you do your perceived losses, you would position yourself much better overall. Change your attitude and watch everything around you shift as well. Things will start falling into place a little bit easier and with seemingly less effort than you would’ve had to expend prior. You don’t have to walk around like Little Miss Sunshine, but you only stand to benefit by looking on the bright side every once in a while.

In this Article

aquarius aries cancer capricorn gemini horoscope leo libra mercury retrograde pisces sagittarius scorpio tarot tarot cards tarot reader taurus virgo zodiac
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