Your Tarotscope For The Week of October 7th- Oct 13, 2018 Revealed
Theme of the Week: The High Priestess The tea is piping HOT this week and we are all going to have our own little cup to sip on! So watch out if, and that’s a major IF, you reveal any of these juicy new tidbits of info you’ve got up your sleeve

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Theme of the Week: The High Priestess
The tea is piping HOT this week and we are all going to have our own little cup to sip on! So watch out if, and that’s a major IF, you reveal any of these juicy new tidbits of info you’ve got up your sleeve. Be tactful when overindulging in the gossip and you should be fine. If the news involves you directly, you might want to harbor that just a little while longer because things could get messy!

Your Card: King of Cups

Saving face is not always the easiest thing to do, dear Libra, but this week you gotta do what you gotta do! Talk yourself down from the ledge when things get a little erratic around you. If you let yourself become consumed by the drama, it will leak out into every area of your life and you’ll end up will a big puddle of crazy to clean. Keep your composure and you’ll get through this week a lot easier.

Your Card: Queen of Wands

There’s a passion in your heart that you almost can’t contain, Scorpio, but your mind is saying, “Control yourself! I’m cool, you’re cool, we’re all cool…” So pin on a smile, act calm and collected, although you might be boiling from within with this intense energy. There is something or someone you really want to make an impression on. Don’t worry as much about hiding your crazy as displaying your competence and intelligence. Therein lies the true key to victory!

Your Card: 7 of Wands

Do you, booboo! This week is all about being yourself and letting your freak flag fly! Your uniqueness takes over and leaves impressions on all the right people this week. There is no such thing as too bold right now. Don’t worry about what anyone will think or say, because “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind!”

Your Card: The Star

This week you’ll be considering some type of major investment in your life. This could be emotional, financial or professional. There is something that you have been hoping and wishing for. If you keep reaching for it, you will start to make strides. Don’t give up on yourself, or your dreams, Cap!

Your Card: Page of Cups

Are those pesky emotions rearing their ugly head again? You may be looking at something you have a fondness for with distain because you feel as if it is holding you back in other ways. Therefore, you hold the love you have in your heart for it, but are constantly contemplating what to actually do with this. The Page is holding a fish in his cup. Consider this fish that “thing.” The fish is going to flip and flop around until eventually, it is going to flip flop right out of your grasp. You can only keep this thing at arms length for so long, Aquarius, so as they say, “Either s*** or get off the pot!”

Your Card: 4 of Wands

There is something to celebrate this week, Pisces! Let yourself revel in your achievements and how far you’ve come in a personal endeavor—you deserve it. Share this special time with the one’s you hold near and dear. The one’s who have been there for you through all the ups and downs and really understand where you come from. It will give this special occasion its due diligence rather than create a superficial vibe with a casual “cheers.”

Your Card: 2 of Wands

You’re looking to venture out, but in order to do that you must leave something behind, dear Aries. Are you ready for this? You may not feel 100% about it yet, but trust your gut instincts. You know deep down what is best for yourself. This could end up becoming a journey in which you take others on and in turn lift one another up higher than you ever thought imaginable. But that will only ring true if this venture is sincerely destined for you. Be honest with yourself now and don’t rush.

Your Card: Justice

Karma may be coming into play this week for you, Taurus. Despite its rep, karma doesn’t always mean something bad is coming to you! Karmic justice is considered a consequence of past actions, so perhaps the cause and effect of something is now beginning to take place or coming to fruition. Justice could also signify that you’re experiencing a significant karmic relationship now. A karmic relationship or soul mate, is typically identified by those life-changing type of connections where you learn, grow and ultimately heal from certain unhealthy patterns you’ve acquired. A little forewarning: they aren’t typically the easiest relationships. Either way, this is positive for you, even if it may be difficult. You are ascending!

Your Card: 10 of Pentacles

Are you craving the familiar comforts of home right now, dear Gemini? Perhaps you are a little homesick. Safety, security and being grounded are all at the forefront of your mind this week. Figure out how you can begin to attract more grounded energy into your life. It could be as simple as booking that flight home for the holidays or starting on your Friendsgiving plans early this year. If you are into gemstones, try carrying a piece of Tigers Eye, Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz with you in your pocket. Once you have taken initiative, you will feel much more at ease.

Your Card: 8 of Pentacles

You are so focused right now, Cancer! Tenacity is one of your fortes and good thing because you will be on your grind this week. Although you may be inundated with work and responsibility, you will also be happy to do it as it has the potential to rise you up to the next level in your professional journey. Just be careful not to neglect your loved ones or yourself, for that matter, this week. Be mindful of over-scheduling and set healthy boundaries.

Your Card: 3 of Wands

This week, you are ready to take a gamble. You are finally exploring the unexplored, Leo! It has taken you longer than you care to admit to get here—but you made it! It’s all or nothing now, so dive in head first and give it 1,000%. You will be pleased at the results and they won’t take long to see. It is a new day. Happy trails to you!

Your Card: 9 of Cups

Well don’t you seem pleased with yourself, Virgo? As you should be! Something big has gone your way and you are in 7th heaven. You’re sitting on top of the world like Brandy right now. Hold onto that feeling, but don’t let it cloud your judgement because this is no time to rest on your laurels. The standard you were being held to just rose significantly, so if you want to stay up on this cloud, as Ru Paul says, “You better work!”