Your Tarotscope For The Week of September 9- Sept 15, 2018 Revealed
Theme of the Week: 10 of Swords It’s time to begin anew! The worst of a situation has been achieved and although that may not sound very gratifying, the only place to go now is up! Take the next steps very carefully, for they will be your first steps through the doorway of your future

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Theme of the Week: 10 of Swords
It’s time to begin anew! The worst of a situation has been achieved and although that may not sound very gratifying, the only place to go now is up! Take the next steps very carefully, for they will be your first steps through the doorway of your future. We dictate where our path will lead, so move forward in earnest and do not let your standards waver.

Your Card: 9 of Wands

After all your hard work and perseverance, something is finally beginning to sprout. You may be going through a lot and are considering cutting your losses, but if you look closer you may realize that you are actually beginning to make some headway. The war isn’t over, but if you feel the cause is important enough I advise you to push through because you are so close, Virgo! Play through!

Your Card: King of Cups

There is so much out of your control right now, Libra. The only thing you can control are your reactions. Acknowledge the situation and do not ignore your feelings. But, try to keep level-headed and don’t let all that is happening outside of you leak in, otherwise you might have an emotional tsunami on your hands!

Your Card: King of Pentacles

Business dealings and commitments may be at the forefront for you this week, dear Scorpio. You are proud of what you have built for yourself, but you want more! This could apply to your relationships, as well. You long for a certain kind of satisfaction, and once you figure out exactly what that is, you are more than capable of getting it.

Your Card: Queen of Swords

You have something to say and it needed to be said, like, yesterday! While you’re not looking to hurt anyones feelings or step on any toes, sometimes the truth just needs to be heard. You’ve been carrying this one around for awhile, so regardless of consequences, this will be a big weight off your shoulders.

Your Card: Ace of Pentacles

Karma may be paying you a visit this week, Cap! If you’ve racked up some k-points, then lucky for you it may be another lovely week! If you haven’t been so honest in your dealings, it may be time to pay the piper. It’s never too late to right your wrongs or create some good karma for yourself in the future! Give without expectation and watch the magic boomerang through the universe.

Your Card: 3 of Wands

You want to venture out so badly in some area of your life, Aquarius. But there is something you’re letting hold you back. You just can’t seem to let go! The irony here is that although it may seem like there is something, or someone, holding you back—YOU are really the only one in your way! Just because something is safe and familiar, doesn’t always make it the best choice. They say the things people regret most in life are the chances they never took. Don’t let this be yours.

Your Card: Page of Swords

Do you even know what you’re doing, Pisces? You may put up a front like you do, but in reality, you’re just throwing caca against the wall and hoping for the best! Lucky for you, as long as you look like you know what you’re doing, most likely no one is going to notice. Just be realistic about how long you can keep up the charade and start getting a backup plan in place!

Your Card: 4 of Cups

You can’t always get what you want, when you want it, Aries. Of course our rational, adult-selves know this, but sometimes ego takes over. We revert to childish offense, pout and reject when we don’t get our way. Don’t turn down a good offer or possibility that presents itself to you just because it isn’t on your exact terms. If you’re willing to compromise a little now, you may end up pleasantly surprised, anyway!

Your Card: 5 of Swords

It does so please you to be right sometimes, dear Taurus. You’ve proven yourself not to be underestimated, but now you may feel like you’re in this alone. Although you may have gained some satisfaction from showcasing what you’re capable of, you may have unintentionally alienated some of those who care about you in the process. They may feel you simply don’t need their support, or perhaps that you prefer to keep their company to a minimum. Set your pride aside and be sincere with your words if you want to win those special ones back, Taurus.

Your Card: The Chariot

“Two roads diverged in wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost. Two paths lie ahead of you, dear Gem, and it is time to go full-speed ahead down one of them. There are no wrong choices here, just chalk it up to preference. You are on your way towards your destiny and although the ride may have many bumps and turns, rest assured, it will shoot you to the stars.

Your Card: King of Wands

A moment you’ve long awaited for is here, Cancer! You are the master of your fate and creator of your fortune. A commitment has taken place, bringing you one major step closer to a life goal- whether you realize this yet or not. The seeds have been planted and the universe is swirling in your favor. Relish as it all begins to unfurl, but keep in mind that this new development is also an added responsibility that requires nurturing.

Your Card: 2 of Pentacles

You are a little bit nervous about a decision you’ve made recently, Leo. You can’t help but play out all the possible worst-case-scenario’s in your head. Although nothing in life is ever guaranteed, you may be making yourself a little more paranoid about impending doom than you should be, in this case. Relax, and let the chips fall where they may. The worst that can happen is you live, you learn and you move on.