Your Weekly Tarotscope for January 19 – January 25, 2020 Revealed

Theme of the Week: 3 of Pentacles There are so many intricacies going on this week in your dealings

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: 3 of Pentacles

There are so many intricacies going on this week in your dealings. Within one thing lies another, which lies another, and so on and so forth. It will be impossible to figure this all out and be strategic about it, so you’re going to have to let the situation unfold on its own. Take it as it comes. You have all the tools to navigate this, but it won’t be easy and likely won’t be familiar territory. This is a time to expand as far and as wide as possible, not to hold steadfast to the things that are already safe and secure. Catch yourself if you act, or react, from a place of fear. That will only hinder your own growth potential. Take advantage of this unique time of expansion. If you hold on to your current situation for fear of losing your safety net, you will only be putting yourself out in the cold.


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Aquarius Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: King of Swords


You’re thinking about all the different roads and possibilities that lie before you, Aquarius. In fact, you’re overthinking it. It is great to be prepared — and you can prepare as much as you want — but the reality is you’ll never feel ready. This is something that requires decisive action and the willingness for transformation. I see that you will be put outside of your comfort zone and that is something that you’re going to have to accept in order to rise to personal greatness. In some sense, you are at a crossroads. The only problem is you are anticipating too much. You’re too busy psyching yourself out for things that may never happen, rather than giving yourself credit for being able to handle whatever life throws at you. Believe in yourself.



Tarotscope HIpLatina Pieces

Your Card: Ace of Cups


Pisces, I feel like you’re at your wits end in a situation. You have done and made so much out of this, but there is still more that needs to grow. There is more that needs to happen in order for this to come to completion or fruition of some sort. You are pouring yourself into this, but remember, results take time. If you’re willing to put in that time and effort — and have the patience for it — then you will likely see the fruits of your labor pay off. Some of you may be doing too much and need to recognize when to concede. Others, need to keep up the good fight and put as much of themselves into this as they possibly can. Someone you are close with will have the answers. They can help you put into an honest perspective whether you are in the former or latter category.wp_*posts


Aries Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 5 of Wands


You’re out for blood this week, Aries. You are so passionate about this fight and about what you are fighting for. It is interesting that I can’t tell which one you care about more. It’s like you’ve been training for this in your head for months. According to you, everyone better step out of your way. I’m seeing you fight fire with fire. To me, that says that this is quite intense and perhaps deep-seated. For you, this isn’t a surface competition. There’s much more to this than meets eye. You might have a personal vendetta with someone that’s involved, or perhaps there is someone who you feel is coming out on top and doesn’t deserve it. You feel like you deserve it now. This is your time and you should be victorious. I’m being guided to tell some of you that just because you feel like you deserve it, doesn’t mean you do. I know that sounds harsh, but some of you need to accept that you can’t win every battle. In fact, consider the idea that it is far superior to lose the battle and win the war.




Your Card: 5 of Cups


It seems as if something blew up in your face recently, Taurus. The reality is, though, that it didn’t. It only looks that way on the surface. There are good things that you can’t see yet within this situation. But, what this did was it actually shifted and changed something necessary in order to pave the way for something else to work its magic. You’re too distracted by what just happened and focused on what you saw, to really be able to appreciate or even understand what’s going on behind the scenes. You just have to trust it right now. Don’t even worry about what the “good thing” is that is happening. You will cross that bridge when you get to it. It’s something that’s going to transpire and reveal itself at the right time. You will soon understand.




Your Card: Queen of Cups


I’m seeing that there is something that you love so much and that you have been giving your all to, Gem. Now, you’re finally seeing some payoff for it. You might even be feeling a little like a boss betch. Keep doing the things that you’re getting a positive response for. More specifically, keep doing the things that you love and are getting this type of great response to. You really have to adore what you’re doing in order for it to work. You’ve been throwing s— against the wall and trying to see what sticks, but that is never going to work for you. Those ideas are short-term at best. You can only take with you the projects and people that you unconditionally love. Meaning, no matter the painstaking work it takes: long hours, staying up late, missing dinners, parties, living broke, the mental blocks, the frustrations — whatever it is that you have to sacrifice or pour into your craft, if you have a strong love for it, it will be successful and it will be fulfilling. You will never consider yourself successful without this type of emotional fulfillment attached.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: Page of Cups


You’re dumping something that you’re attracted to in order to plant seeds for the future that seem a bit more reliable and consistent. Cancer, you know what’s good for you, it’s just about having the courage to resist what’s not. It’s time to lighten your emotional load. You don’t need to carry so much around with you, especially when it’s not benefitting you. I’m hearing that you may be holding onto some baggage from the past. This could be a flame that you finally decide to extinguish or give up on. For some of you, this could be emotional baggage that you’ve been carrying around from a past relationship, that you finally decide to put down. But the irony and good news for you is that once you do this, that person or whatever it is you want to attract will actually become more captivated by you. It’s almost as if they could feel this shift happening. They can feel you letting go and freeing yourself. There is much left unexpressed on their end at this juncture, which has the potential now to create a role reversal. But, do not let the idea of this cloud your judgment.wp_*posts



Your Card: Death


Something big suddenly changes your whole perspective on s—, Leo. It was like there was this impenetrable barrier between you and this nugget of enlightenment, and now something has shattered this facade or the way that you knew things to be. Now, all of a sudden you’re scrambling to switch things up. You want to move forward in a different way than you originally thought you did. For some of you, it might be too late. For others, this is actually a very welcome transition. This is the metamorphosis that you have been waiting for and hoping for, and it’s finally here. This is in your face, and you can’t deny it. I’m feeling that it’s kind of a take it or leave it situation. And it is a take it or leave it RIGHT NOW. You have to leap into action immediately. You can temper things moving forward, but you have to do something major now in order to have the option still available to you, in any capacity. This is a crossroad and a potentially life-altering opportunity.wp_*posts



Your Card: The Hanged Man


Virgo, you know what you have to do, but something is holding you back from doing it. I’m seeing that this could be financial restrictions or some type of a resource that you need, but feel isn’t available to you. I see that there is a way to attain these resources. This is a method or a person that you do know of, but for one reason or another, you don’t want to utilize it. Consider, even for a moment, changing your perspective on this. What I mean by that, is not necessarily changing your stance on where you’re getting your means from, but distinguishing the assets that you actually need, versus the ones that you would like. Looking at it this way could put you in a much better placement to begin this project. Once you get the ball rolling, you should find yourself having easier access to the things that you wanted to include originally. I’m seeing the dynamics of an episode of Shark Tank. You just need something tangible to present first.




Your Card: Knight of Pentacles


Libra, you are so consumed with so many things that it’s become debilitating at this point. You’re looking at everything as a whole when you need to be breaking it up into pieces. Breaking it down will make it much easier and more realistic to conquer. Otherwise, you are going to stay at a standstill, staring at this huge cluster — that you don’t even know where to begin with. I’m seeing that this is something you’ve been looking at for a while, unsure how to tackle it. Take the time out to sit with it, divide it into groups or categories, and figure out your best course of action for each, individually. Do not attempt to dive in without any plan in place. The best plan is no plan in this scenario!wp_*posts



Your Card: Page of Wands


Okay, Scorpio! You have been doing the work and you are well on your way. I am so proud of you! You can feel that you’ve accomplished a lot up until this point and it hasn’t been easy for you. This has been a long, hard journey. The next step you take, you may feel a little bit indecisive about in terms of your direction. I’m seeing you kind of hop in with 1 foot in one puddle then hot back out onto the solid ground, then hop into a different puddle with your other foot, and hop back onto the ground. It is like you want to try all the different methods because you aren’t sure which is the best one for you. Because this has been such a difficult road, I feel like you’re questioning your own judgment. You don’t want to mess this up. You need to know that you should be proud of how self-aware you’ve become. At the same token, you will make the right decision. This is because you already know what it feels like to make the wrong ones.




Your Card: Justice


“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —  I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” If you haven’t read the short poem by Robert Frost entitled, “The Road Not Taken” I encourage you to Google it and read it now. This was the first thing I heard as soon as I pulled your card. There is an important message there for you. Every decision we make, every road we decide to walk down — it shapes our lives. From the time we chose to wake up or leave our house in the morning, the stops along the way, each seemingly insignificant election we make dictates our lives. Start making choices that will lead you to lead the life that you deserve, not one that is any less than that.

In this Article

aquarius aries cancer capricorn gemini horoscope leo libra pisces sagittarius scorpio tarot tarot reading taurus virgo zodiac
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