Your Weekly Tarotscope for July 7 – July 13, 2019 Revealed
Theme of the Week: King of Swords This week’s theme is the King of Swords

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: King of Swords
This week’s theme is the King of Swords. The KoS does not rush himself or take anything lightly. Because he is ruled by swords, he puts a lot of thought into his considerations and typically looks before he leaps. The king is also extremely prone to overthinking. This week, we are all up in our headspace trying to anticipate every move and what is to come. Play it smart, but try not to drive yourself too crazy predicting all the ways a scenario can play out. Let things unfold organically without tainting them with preconceived notions.

Your Card: Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles is your message this week, Cancer. The AoP has something special in store for you now. This is an opportunity that may seemingly have fallen into your lap or come out of thin air, but trust that it is a golden one. You just have to take it. I’m hearing this may have been set in motion last week, but now is the time for you to actually walk through the gate and take those first steps in your new journey. The trials and tribulations of life will never be permanently behind you (or anyone for that matter!) but this is the passageway to a stretch of much smoother terrain.

Your Card: The Devil

The Devil is your card this week, Leo. Don’t be too nervous. This is one of the most misunderstood cards when it is pulled. The Devil speaks to you this week about the attachments you place on yourself. You are holding yourself hostage in an area of your life where, in truth, you have full freedom to do as you please. Don’t burn yourself because you are doing things the way you’ve always done things. Think about where that has gotten you and where you want to be. You can take the shackles off at any time and make a major change in your life. If this seems daunting, try taking off one chain at a time.

Your Card: Justice

Justice serves you this week, Virgo. Justice is seeking to put the scales in balance now. A decision must be made in order for all to be right with the world once again. Whichever way the scales tip, once there is a definitive resolve, your mind will be put more at ease. It is really the anticipation that is the worst part. Keep in mind, there is something hidden from view at the moment. But it looks like the curtain is being held by a thread, so the reveal should be sooner than later. This could affect your judgment and decisions being made, but you may not have the luxury of finding out any hidden aspects in time. This is a long-term decision that you will have to live with, so do the best with what information you possess, or find a way to rip that curtain down!

Your Card: 5 of Cups

The 5 of Cups is your card this week, Libra. The 5oC is showing me that you are facing some disappointment now. There is a sense of permanent loss that you are having a difficult time with. You haven’t lost it all, but in your eyes, what is gone is irreplaceable. Take care of what remains with you. Work on your carelessness and take this as a learning experience. Down the road, you may find something similar, although not quite exactly the same, to take the place of what you have lost. Try to embrace this rather than reject or compare it to what you had before. The past is the past. It is done and over with, now you must move forward.

Your Card: 3 of Pentacles

The 3 of Cups is your card this week, Scorpio. It is begging and pleading you to consider another viewpoint. You’ve been standing on your soapbox for so long, you’ve forgotten what it’s like to actually be in the action. This has the potential to change your outlook and expand your horizons. If you do what you always do, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. It is time to shake things up and open yourself up to some new considerations. If things don’t go your way, you can always go back to plan A, but at least you’ll know what lies behind door #2.

Your Card: Strength

Strength is your card this week, Sag. Strength is interesting because it shows the duality of both sides. On one side, a woman taming a wild animal. On the other, the king of the jungle happily folding into submission. So, is true strength the ability to stay calm, cool, and collected in the face of adversity? Or is it trusting and letting yourself be vulnerable, despite your pride? The answer will come to you this week as you find yourself playing one of these roles in a situation. Whether you are the lion tamer, or the one being tamed, there remains one constant truth: true strength comes from within.

Your Card: Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is your card this week, Cap. The KoS is prompted to spring into action! You may think that quick and decisive movement is needed right now, but I’m hearing that it will do you well to stop and think – if only for a moment — before doing anything too rash. You could really do some damage by your actions if they are not carefully curated. This does not need to be a necessarily eloquent approach, just appeal with caution. You want to make sure your butt is covered in case things backfire.

Your Card: 4 of Pentacles

The 4 of Pentacles is your card this week, Aquarius. The 4oP is not a fan of change or opening themselves up to others’ views and opinions. He holds steadfast to his beliefs and has a hard time letting go — in general. There is a hard truth someone is trying to make you face this week, but you are blinding yourself. You choose to believe what you want to believe. While ignorance can be bliss, it could be time to ask yourself if this kind of self-preservation is really in your best interest in the long-term? You will have to face the music one way or another. The sooner you get used to the idea, the less prolonged your discomfort will be.

Your Card: Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands is your card this week, Pisces. The QoW is creative, feisty, friendly, and committed. She also doesn’t like to give away her whole hand. As open as she may seem, she is always sure to maintain an air of mystery. An interesting or creative venture has appeared that seems very appealing right now. While you are inclined to accept this invitation with open arms, you do have a few reservations that you aren’t speaking up about. You are waiting to see how things play out before dedicating yourself fully. This is the best move for you. If everything checks out, feel free to move forward with plans.

Your Card: 5 of Pentacles

The 5 of Pentacles is your card this week, Aries. It speaks of difficult times, struggle, unconventionality, and feeling left out. There are also two people on this card walking together through the snow, indicating that in all this, you are not alone. Things may feel tough right now and you aren’t where you want to be yet, but this is something we all go through at one time or another. Don’t feel like others won’t or can’t, understand what you’re dealing with right now. If you need someone to talk to or to seek advice, there is no shame. Things will look up soon, and this could actually be inspired by someone you open up to now.

Your Card: Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles is your card this week, Taurus. It longs desperately, yet knows that good things take time. He is willing to wait, even if it is not necessarily his first choice. Something you’ve been pining deeply for is on your mind this week. Just think of it as slow-roasting for the time being. All the things that you are doing in your life at this moment are actually setting the stage for this to come to you, Taurus. This needs to happen in order for things to fully manifest and take shape. And when it comes it will be everything you hoped for and more. The way you deserve it.

Your Card: Judgement

Judgment is your card this week, Gem. Judgment sends a major message. Many times, it is in the form of signs. A sudden understanding or clarity could hit you, or simply the inclination to throw your hands up and submit to the universe’s plan. Rebirth and revival is also a major theme of Judgement. You feel as if you are getting thrown back into the deep end now. The good news is there is only one way to go from here and that’s up! You may feel like you’ve heard this song play a thousand times before and you know how it ends, but consider that this might be a remix. This time, things might sound a little different. This could be your biggest comeback yet if you let it.