Your Tarotscope for November 3 – November 9, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: 5 of Wands There are many different types of conflict in literature

5 of Wands


Theme of the Week: 5 of Wands

There are many different types of conflict in literature. There is the classic Man vs. Man, then as we delve deeper, Man vs. Self, and Man vs. Nature. If we reach further, we can find examples of Man vs. Machine, and even Man vs. Fate, or the supernatural. These are all conflicts that seem somewhat outside of ourselves when reading literature, yet they are all based on reality. We all suffer from insecurities and inner conflict, we have disagreements with others, sometimes we just struggle to keep our window sill rosemary alive. We have all experienced the trying times of Mercury Retrograde delaying our travel plans, or not sending that urgent e-mail. Then there are those existential thoughts that stream through our consciousness. Is he/she the one? Is there really any meaning to all of this? This week will be filled with discourse, but try not to think of it in the traditional way. Try to see it as the grapple of the Hero’s Journey. These are the necessary trials and tribulations, whether inner or outer, that are ultimately the key to taking you from point A to point B. This week is all about working through and up to your moment of enlightenment.




Your Card: 7 of Wands


Don’t let ’em catch you slippin’ this week, Scorpio. There are quite a few just waiting for the opportunity to jump if they see you fall off. This just means that whatever you’re doing, you must be doing right. Others would kill to be in your shoes, so it is all about keeping up, working hard, and not resting on your laurels. You aren’t quite there yet — even if everyone else thinks you are. The great part is you don’t have to fake it. You already look like you’ve succeeded and in some respects, that can be half the battle. Press on and keep giving it your all. You are on the precipice of reaching new heights.




Your Card: 9 of Swords


You’re worried, you’re overwhelmed, and I’m hearing very possibly overworked. This looks like a job for self-care! Sag, if you don’t treat yourself right, you can’t expect anyone else to either. Whatever woes are taking up your headspace now, it is time to excavate them. Take a night out just for yourself this week. Schedule in a “date” night, or a relaxing evening in. Dance around the apartment to your favorite guilty pleasures, get yourself your favorite dinner and snacks, whatever it is that makes YOU happy. This isn’t about anyone else so no one’s allowed! You need to get back to center and put your happiness back on top of the priority list, otherwise, you are on the fast track to burnout.




Your Card: Page of Cups


Nailed it! It looks like you’ve achieved some sort of goal, Cap, but now you don’t know what exactly to do with it. Do you hang it on the wall and show it off to your friends and family, or do you figure out a way to make it something bigger? Bigger isn’t always better, though Cap. Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie. Enjoy what wonderful positives are in this situation, and try not to think about what you consider may be lacking. Nothing is lacking if it is already complete in itself. This is how things are supposed to be. Simply appreciate the perfection in imperfection.




Your Card: King of Wands


It’s your way or the highway, Aquarius. You are dead set on getting what you want and you aren’t taking no for an answer. Fortunately for you, you have your own foolproof technique to get your way without most people even knowing they’re giving it to you. Use your keen intellect and creative ability to find the best avenue to your heart’s desire now. It looks like you are more interested in getting what you want just to get it rather than because it is something that is actually that important to you. Try not to be a bully for the sake of power and dominance, Aquarius. Be a fair ruler.




Your Card: 10 of Cups


Happy wife, happy life — right Pisces? Keeping peace, tranquility, and happiness among the family unit doesn’t just happen, you have to put in the work. Keep this in mind when someone does that one little thing that really annoys you. Choose your battles. It may not be easy, but it’s worth it. When you see this happening between any members of the household, help them to put things into perspective as well. It’s important in life not to let the details ruin your day. Once everyone is on board with not sweating the small stuff, the happier everyone will be — both individually and collectively.




Your Card: The Hermit


Aries, you are looking too hard. You are looking too far and too wide for something that is right in front of you. It is right there under your nose! Still don’t see it? You won’t until the time is right. While that piece of information may cause you to lash out in frustration, you also understand why timing is essential. In this case, because this is something so significant to your life moving forward, the timing needs to be on point. The Hermit is number 9 in the Major Arcana, which signifies endings. Which also means you are very, very close. It is as if you are playing a game of Marco Polo and are red hot!



Taurus HIpLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: 10 of Swords


You have given it your all and tried your best, Taurus. And sometimes that’s all you can do. Stop beating a dead horse. There are some problems that aren’t meant to be solved, whether it is a case of wrong timing, wrong person, or simply a situation that has served its purpose in your life. Try to take what knowledge you have gained from this experience and put it to good use. Pick yourself up and try again, but this time pick something or someone new. You are not meant to be in your current situation any further. I’m hearing you don’t need to necessarily abandon all attachments to it, you just need to start moving in a different direction. One that breathes life back into you. Trust that the sun will rise again, but only if you let it. The longer you keep yourself down, the harder it will be to rise again.



Gemini Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Page of Pentacles


Gemini, you see something happening, but you may be having a hard time making out what it is. Things are coming together slowly, but the point is they’re coming together. Value what you have in your hands now. I believe that you do but it eludes you as to why this is or will be so significant. Hold on. Things aren’t set to start moving any faster any time soon because there is still a lot of work for you to do. You know what they say about “overnight” successes. That overnight usually took many years of blood, sweat, and tears. But in the end, that is what makes victory so much sweeter and instills in you a grateful heart. You may think you know all you need to know, but there are still many experiences awaiting you. Stay open to the scenic route. It is more often quite beautiful.




Your Card: 6 of Swords


With a little extra effort this week, you can get that final push through those rocky waters, Cancer. You’ve actually gotten through a lot at this point, but as you likely know already, you aren’t totally out of the woods yet. Your luck has been changing. You’re finally collecting what’s rightfully yours — and maybe even a little extra. You’re still worrying about the present, past, and future. I’m hearing that the majority of these concerns can be solved by throwing money at them. You need to stay optimistic that what you need is coming to you if it hasn’t shown up already. You have all the essentials, now it’s time to take care of them by any means necessary. Don’t worry about where you’re going down the road. Right now, just focus on the next closest port.




Your Card: The Devil


Something has taken hold and it’s not letting go, Leo. Try as you might. Know that this is a conscious decision on your part, though. No one is holding you captive but yourself. If you’re here, you want to be here. This doesn’t have to be bad for you if you don’t let it be. Usually, if you’re addicted to something, there is an underlying reason. Look for those reasons now and figure out what’s really going on. This has more to do with yourself than whatever or whoever, you feel so compelled to. There is something important there for you, you just have to let the fires of inspiration fuel. Rather than denying or trying to get away from this obsession, I implore you to run towards it. There you will come face to face with the answer to the question(s) that have been plaguing your mind for so long.




Your Card: The World


It’s all coming together, Virgo. And in a neatly tied little package, just how you like it. You couldn’t have done it better yourself! Things seem to be falling into their perfect place all around you, with you barely having to lift a finger. But that is the illusion, Virgo. You’ve already done all the heavy lifting. And the universe has been conspiring all this time behind the scenes. Now, you get the rare and beautiful opportunity to witness the magic happen right before your eyes. You are moving into the next chapter — one that seems as if it was curated just for you. Distractions that may have been a problem in the past are no longer a source of weakness. You’ve created boundaries and most importantly — you’re ready.




Your Card: Knight of Swords


Where’s the fire, Libra? Rushing headfirst now may seem like a great idea at the moment, but it could end up causing more friction than progress. I see you likely having to revisit this and perhaps even putting others’ character judgments of you into question. Don’t soil your good name over one instance of poor planning. Brash impulsiveness is not the way to go if you value your reputation. There is a difference between working fast and efficiently and flat out being careless. Simply take a moment to plan your next move before you proceed and all will be well!

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