Your Tarotscope for November 17 – November 23, 2019 Revealed
Theme of the Week: 7 of Cups This week is all about taking stock and really going for it

Theme of the Week: 7 of Cups
This week is all about taking stock and really going for it. Other options may have tempted you or thrown you off track in the past, but now things are becoming clear. It isn’t just about your best option, it is about the one that truly fulfills you on a deeper level. One that has the most potential to make your grandest dreams a reality. Everything else pales in comparison, for one blaring reason and you’re now realizing what that is. Make your dreams come true and don’t let this slip through your fingers again. This may be your last opportunity.

Your Card: Page of Cups

Walking a mile in someone’s shoes does no good if you aren’t willing to shift your perspective, Scorpio. That’s the whole point! You are assessing a person or situation from a harsh and rigid standpoint now. But consider that you might not be giving enough credit where credit is due. You might not have all the facts or the experience to make an accurate judgment from the outside. Remember the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover?” Not everyone has an ulterior motive. Send your feelers out and give this a chance before writing it off completely. You might like what you find, even if it scares you.

Your Card: 9 of Swords

There is such a thing as “knowing too much” Sag. And this week you could feel it. What you find out after a period of blissful ignorance will weigh heavy on your mind for many different reasons. But is it really necessary to worry and stress yourself out over it this much? Sometimes when we feel like a victim in a situation we want to feel bad for ourselves in order to release any responsibility for what has happened. If it has happened TO you, then you can’t possibly take any of the blame, right? Sorry! While considering your role in what has transpired could initially hurt that much more, not facing it isn’t living in reality. You need to stay real with yourself in order to learn from your mistakes. It will be much more important for your future than in your current situation.

Your Card: 10 of Pentacles

You are moving on up, Cap, and all of your closest friends, family, and pets are right there with you to be your biggest cheerleaders. You’ve accomplished something great and when one person wins on a team, everyone wins. Recognize and appreciate the support you’re getting and who you’re getting it from now. Those are the people you want to make sure you hold on to as you move forward on your journey. Those are the people who will be there even when things don’t feel so successful. And although it will feel like that’s when you need them the most, nothing is worth celebrating if you don’t have one’s you love to share it with. Revel in how lucky you truly are!

Your Card: 2 of Wands

You are so concerned with where you’re going and what is going to happen from here, Aquarius, that you are cheating yourself out of fully enjoying the current moment. As much as you prepare, you can never fully plan for what the future will bring. To a degree, we always have to roll with the punches. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself and contemplating all of the possible scenarios of a situation. Figuring out what your ideals are and what you want is the first step. Then try to take further actions towards those goals. Time hopping is not an option. One foot in front of the other, Aquarius. Trust in the universe. You will never see it looking forward — only backward — but everything will work out.

Your Card: The Moon

It is like you’re in the video game of life right now, Pisces. You are jumping and ducking obstacles left and right trying to get to your destination. But these hoops you’re jumping through are being put in your path for very specific reasons. Each one is shedding light where once there was none in your life. These are lessons you need to learn for the future. Consider yourself on your own, personal path to enlightenment. I don’t see you being able to very easily stray from this track, so it looks like you are on it whether you like it or not! Once the smoke clears, though, you will come out a much happier and freer soul. This is a period of cleansing and exposing darkness to the light.

Your Card: Ace of Cups

Uh-oh Aries, are you catching feelings again? It’s like someone said or did this one little thing that has you sweating them hard. This isn’t totally like you, but it happens to the best of us. This is relationship related, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic. This could also be a friend, family member, or co-worker who just knows how to push all the right buttons. What is it that has got you all worked up about this person? Once you solve that mystery, you can move forward into connecting with them on a deeper level and resolving whatever issue lies between you (even if they didn’t know there was one).

Your Card: 5 of Cups

You’re feeling a bit hopeless right now. You’re looking at a situation as a big loss this week, Taurus. But what you can’t see is that what is happening is in your best interest. It is exposing that for which it truly is and in the process, developing your emotional maturity. The way you handle a situation right now will be key to whether it is repeated again. This may already be the second or third time you’ve dealt with it, but that is because you keep making the same mistakes over and over. You aren’t implementing what you’ve learned from the past. I’m hearing this is you acting from a place of fear. Well, you already know the outcome when you function from this place. It’s time to try a different approach. There is something better waiting for you, but you’ll never get to it as long as you keep yourself playing on loop.

Your Card: The Lovers

I see a very intense connection here, but something is standing between you. You are so close, but so far away. There is passion, will, and an abundance of resources, but I’m hearing that this is about more than the tangible. It’s about divine timing. You can have everything you need and more for something to work, but none of that matters if the timing isn’t right. If you had any doubts or second-guesses about whether a person or situation was right for you, understand this is the biggest factor out of your control. It may be meant for you only in a certain capacity. It may not be what you had set your heart on, but it is ultimately in your best interest and for your highest good. Hold and cherish this connection — it has come into your life for a major reason. But do not place an expectation on it. The way this unfolds will surprise you in the warmest way.

Your Card: 5 of Swords

You will come out of upcoming encounters on top, but it will sting to some capacity, Cancer. You never like to win at the expense of others, because to you, it feels as if it is at the expense of yourself as well. Although, in general, you do not receive any backlash from situations that arise this week, it doesn’t mean things will be easy on you. Choices will be made and battles will be fought. You know how to stand your ground when you must and you will. It just won’t be easy. You may wonder if in the process of winning, you’re losing, but you are shedding excess and moving forward with what you really need — not just what you want. “Leaving with dignity” is something that keeps popping up. It is a nervous time for you, but try your best not to overthink it. Do the best you can with the information you have now.

Your Card: Justice

Karmic connections are front and center for you this week, Leo. A karmic relationship is considered one that challenges you and forces you to look inward. It intensely inspires personal growth and dares you to reach your zenith. It is not an easy relationship by any means. You will be dealing with the cause and effect of past interactions with someone you’re linked to in this way. The scales of the universe are always put back in balance one way or another. This week, the scales become balanced between you. There is the possibility for things to go in two distinctly different directions. It all depends on how you handle this situation, dear Leo. You can keep yourself comfortable under your glass ceiling and continue to act from a place of fear, or shatter it and discover new heights of love. Decisive action must be taken and honored from here forward. If you commit to a plight, you must see it through completely in order to achieve any peace for yourself in the longterm. wp_*posts

Your Card: 5 of Wands

Where do you draw the line between light, witty banter and passive-aggressive conflict? Usually, it’s pretty easy to tell when things begin to teeter into sensitive territory, as long as your paying attention. You may not have meant for a conversation to develop the way it does, but somehow you’ve found yourself in a sticky spot. Handle with care, Virgo! There is a lot more than you realize going on underneath the surface here. This isn’t a conversation you need to “win.” A little understanding and empathy will go a long way now. You will truly feel like you won something special if you are able to talk this person down and bring them to a place where you are on the same side again. Make that your aim and the rest is golden.

Your Card: 2 of Pentacles

We don’t always know what we’re doing in life, and that’s okay! Libra, you may be winging it right now, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t doing a fine job of it. Sometimes, you just gotta roll with whatever life throws at you. Expect some feedback on this soon that will help you further navigate and bring a little more stability to the table. This might sound crazy to someone who likes everything to be balanced and even keel, but try to enjoy this brief bumpy ride! A little spice in life will keep you on your toes. This isn’t something so serious that there is no room for error. Take advantage of that factor and focus on having a little more fun with it rather than trying calm things down. The confusion is only temporary.