Your Weekly Tarotscope for October 20 – October 26, 2019 Revealed
Theme of the Week: 9 of Wands The 9 of Wands asks us to carefully evaluate our next moves this week

Photo: Labyrinthos
Theme of the Week: 9 of Wands
The 9 of Wands asks us to carefully evaluate our next moves this week. It is time to take stock and think about where you’ve been versus where you’re going. The paths we choose are not always easy, but as Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” Push on into your future, but do not forget where you came from. If you do not utilize the lessons of your past experiences, you are doomed to repeat them. Be conscious. Stay woke. Follow where your passions lie. Even if something hasn’t worked out in the past, you have the opportunity now to change that pattern. But only if you make the effort. Analyze the actions you’ve taken and how they worked out for you. In looking at what has led to positive consequences and what has led to negative ones, your next steps will be revealed.

Your Card: Ace of Pentacles

There is major growth in a new opportunity. You may have already seized this and it is in its infancy, in which case you should already be noticing yourself flourish. Otherwise, I see it as a chance you are about to take. If you are on the fence, know this holds great growth potential for you, Libra. Whether you have begun already or not, this is something that not only holds a ton of possibility but offers the rare opportunity for long-term stability along with it. This is something that will continue to unfold and lift you up for possibly years to come. This is the right move. This is leading you into your best possible future. I am hearing to write a disclaimer, though — understand that this may not be the exact thing that stays with you through growth, it is likely just the catalyst for it and guiding you in the best possible direction.
Your Card: Wheel of Fortune

The theme of the week is taking what you’ve learned from the past and applying it to your future. This applies to you in a major way this week, Scorpio. In order to move out of a vicious cycle, you have been repeating in your life, the time has come for a major, major change. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. You already know what lies ahead if you keep going in the same direction. Time to shake things up. Sometimes, we subconsciously place glass ceilings over our heads because fear keeps us in a comfortable place, even if it is not ideal. Be smart enough and bold enough to take a chance and don’t let being scared keep you from fulfilling your great potential. You deserve good things.

Your Card: The Empress

You sometimes have fantasies of being a kept woman, Sag. Just throwing it all to the side and letting someone else take care of you for once. It is a lot of pressure to be both the provider and the nurturer, even if just for your own self. This week, you might find yourself in the position of being put on a pedestal. This will feel like a breath of fresh air, and you might even convince yourself that this is where you’re supposed to be and how you need to be living. Enjoy this time and seize it for all it is worth because in the blink of an eye you will realize the sacrifice of power that comes along with it. Once that happens, get ready to pursue more control than ever!

Your Card: 6 of Swords

Pack your bags, Cap. For some of you, I’m seeing a physical move of some sort. You could be helping a friend pack up and move, or traveling with a lot of baggage yourself. For others, it’s a time for moving on. You’ve done all you can, but you are being pushed to make your transition. Bow out gracefully, take what you’ve gained and keep it moving. This might not be your first choice, but if you know it needs to be done – it needs to be done. Be mindful of the things you take with you, physically and metaphorically, from where you are leaving. They will have a direct impact on the future you create moving forward.

Your Card: 3 of Wands

You are finally taking the plunge, Aquarius. You are done contemplating and asking questions and are walking into the next chapter of your life. This is difficult for you in the sense that although you do see a fairly clear picture of the road ahead, you still anticipate eventual difficulties. Of course, there will be some hardship Aquarius, no life is complete without it. But, you can’t let that deter you from moving in, what is still, the right direction. Where you are going now has the potential to lead you to a very happy and homey place. You won’t regret this, even if conflict does arise. Whatever it is will pale in comparison to what you stand to gain from this experience.

Your Card: 10 of Swords

Pisces, you are worrying so much about something you don’t want to happen that you are, in essence, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Do not be the one who makes your worst fears come alive. You need to get out of this mindset in order to turn things around for yourself. Negativity breeds negativity. If you feel like you’ve already hit rock bottom, feel defeated, and are waving the white flag, as Aaliyah sang, you got to “Dust yourself off and try again.” And all you have to do is try. Don’t worry about not knowing what you’re doing or how you’re doing it. Just be willing to make the effort and show the universe you’ll fight for something better.

Your Card: 10 of Wands

It hasn’t been easy, Aries! You are getting so close to the finish line! You’re in the home stretch now — don’t give up! Soon you will be able to get all this weight off your shoulders and step lightly into the future. Until then, realize how all of this has tested you and simultaneously made you stronger for the road ahead. You’ve gained invaluable lessons that will assist you in averting potential disaster if you apply what you’ve learned from your recent experiences. So keep them in your back pocket even after this is over. You are moving into a more stable time, but this is still Wands, and they are a fickle friend. I would much rather see you with Pentacles for increased stability, but everything in life is a process. Just take solace in the fact that you’re getting there, Aries.

Your Card: Page of Pentacles

You are looking at a situation with rose-colored glasses, Taurus. Innately, you know the difficulties that lie here. But, you desperately want to justify them and see them in a way that turns mountains into molehills. This has been going on long enough for you to know better. It is what it is, Taurus, and sometimes coming to a place of acceptance means not wasting your time on things that aren’t in your best interest anymore. This isn’t set to benefit you moving forward, and in fact, is likely to be put on ice very soon. Although I do see it is more likely that you won’t, you do have the opportunity to put this down before you are let down.

Your Card: Knight of Cups

Lucky you, receiving the only Cups card this week, Gem! There is good news is on its way to you. It looks like this is something you’ve been waiting for for a long time. There is a catch, although not quite with the news, itself. Whatever this leads to will not be an easy feat. That isn’t to say it is necessarily bad for you, but the road from this point is more of an adventure than smooth sailing. You will be tested to keep things in perspective and make sure you look out for #1. You will be tempted to let what is truly best for you take a back seat due to FOMO. This would not be wise, nor in your best interest. Keep in perspective that having a good opportunity doesn’t mean it’s your only opportunity. Sometimes, it is a test to see if you’re ready to level up. You can pass with flying colors if you just stay alert.

Your Card: 3 of Pentacles

After much deliberation and checks and balances, you are finally reaching the end of negotiations and entering into solid contracts. Whatever agreements you enter into this week are not to be taken lightly, for they are due to have a lasting impact, Cancer. Someone may try to make it seem like they have more clout than they actually do, but it is nothing you need to be very concerned with. This is more to make up for the fear that they simply aren’t convincing or enticing enough to persuade you. Keep an eye out for false promises though, and nip those in the bud so you won’t feel jilted in the future if they never come to fruition. This would make you second guess your agreement as a whole and damage the relationship unnecessarily. Again, these promises would be made out of persuasion due to insecurity, rather than an intent to deceive. Be a hard sell if you feel so inclined Cancer, but in the end, take the chance.

Your Card: Temperance

You know what you have to do, Leo. The tricky part is how. You are trying to find the right formula to work out a big, ongoing situation in your life. You’re ready to work on this, and in a sense, you have – little by little. How has that panned out for you so far? Perhaps it is time to start making some more poignant moves. The way you’ve been going, it is set to be a very long road before you reach your happy place. In order to achieve your goals now, while you are right to treat this delicately, you must also be committed. Having one foot in and one foot out for safety is rarely successful in any type of situation. The only way you’ll ever get anywhere is if you’re all in. Be honest with yourself. Deep down, you know that’s what you want anyway. The biggest regrets people have are the chances they didn’t take. Don’t let this be your, “I wonder what would’ve happened if I…”

Your Card: Strength

Your intentions are pure and your heart is in the right place, Virgo. That is a great foundation for a major situation you are attempting to handle right now. Those virtues are truly the key to calming things down and turning whoever is involved into putty in your hands. They may play tough on the outside, but you can see through their shell to the soft, sweet, kitten that lies on the inside. As long as you are genuine and gentle, you will achieve the best you can hope for out of this situation. You may even begin to regain the trust of someone from whom you have been estranged. Now that would be a big feat. Big changes are afoot if you keep calm and prove yourself.