Your Weekly Tarotscope for October 27 – November 1, 2019 Revealed
Theme of the Week: 8 of Swords Situations arise this week that we may not know how to get out of or deal with

Theme of the Week: 8 of Swords
Situations arise this week that we may not know how to get out of or deal with. As Mercury Retrograde begins, so does a feeling of slowing down and getting stuck. Circumstances seem out of your control, but if you dig deep, you will understand what needs to be done. All that will be left to do is make the attempt. Or you can choose to sit in bed and let it haunt your dreams. There is a world outside of where you keep ending up because of your choices. Open yourself up to possibility, rather than letting it scare you into submission. Life can be everything you hoped for, you just have to accept the unknown with open arms and stop pushing it away.

Your Card: Page of Wands

You’ve already gotten this far, Scorpio, what are a few more steps? The hardest part is over with and the true journey has only begun. There’s no more looking back. The key this week is keeping your eyes on the road ahead. Focus on what you’re going to make happen, not what has already been done. The only exception is if you can use the past to fuel your motivation now. Take some chances, let yourself get fired up and excited. Go for things even if you don’t know if they’re going to work out. You never know who you will meet in the process or what you could gain from the experience.

Your Card: Queen of Swords

Sag, you are letting something severely cloud your logic. This could stem from plain wishful thinking, or – more likely, I’m hearing – avoidance. You are smart and you have all the knowledge right now. You just aren’t using your good judgment. If you are trying to make some positive changes in your life, start paying attention to that little voice deep down who really knows what’s up. Stop ignoring your good conscience because you don’t want to deal with reality. Sooner or later it will catch up with you and the longer you wait, the less pretty it will be.

Your Card: 5 of Swords

Cry me a river, Cap. You’re feeling bad for yourself now because you feel as if you lost something to someone who may not really deserve it. But do you really deserve it any more than they do? The reality is that this is more your own ego and pride talking than anything else. Even if you truly care about what you’ve lost and feel as if you put good time and effort into it, if you’re being honest with yourself — nothing was really happening there anyway. There was no real progression or unity. The best thing for you to do now is not to make this harder than it has to be. Just take what’s still left and make the best you can of it. It won’t be as hard a transition as you think.

Your Card: Page of Pentacles

You’re focusing on money matters this week, Aquarius. I see you tightening the belt buckle, looking for more ways you can save. There used to be an old adage about the more money you gain, the more afraid of losing it you are. Your finances might be in great shape now, but you want to reassure yourself it will stay that way. Try not to go overboard and limit yourself too much. What’s the point of having all this money, but missing out on life? Try developing a more practical technique like starting a holiday savings account, or something of that nature. This way, you will still be playing it safe and responsible, but you won’t risk losing out on life’s daily joys.

Your Card: The Moon

Pisces, something big is being hidden from you. There is someone in particular who does not want you to know a major piece of information. Keep in mind, this may not be with bad intent. It could be negative, but for many of you, this has a higher likelihood of being something more along the lines of a surprise. Either way, this person, or persons, are surely doing their best to cover their tracks. You will have to do a lot of digging to get any info out of them, and you will have to dig deep. There are scattered clues you can pick up if you pay close attention, but it will be tough to put them together. Let this ride out a little longer because if it is a good surprise — you will regret spoiling it. If it is a negative secret, it is on it’s way to being revealed anyway.

Your Card: Ace of Wands

Aries, something new and exciting is about to pop up in regards to your environment. Whether this is work or living surroundings, something is about to appear seemingly out of thin air. I see there is some issue of attachment, or rather, unattachment. This could be something that is temporary or you might just not be super convinced of the idea right now. Take some time to consider the possibilities in front of you. That period of contemplation has the potential to bring you to the right place. Look at this situation as one which opens up the road in front of you, rather than narrows it. Where you want to be is not as far away as it seems.

Your Card: 3 of Cups

You’re shedding that which doesn’t serve you, Taurus. And while that is a great reason to celebrate, there is a difference between having some fun and trying to distract yourself. In your quest for the next Halloween bash, you are inadvertently attempting to avoid something or someone. Just because you don’t acknowledge it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Avoidance is not the same as letting go. I’m hearing you need to establish a definitive ending in your own mind. The door can’t be left open a crack “just in case”. You won’t be able to move up if you never really get out.

Your Card: The Tower

The foundation is there, it’s the way you continued to build that is the problem, Gem. It’s as if you used the more expensive, reputable guys to lay the groundwork, then you got cheap and decided to grab some people off the street to finish up the rest. Of course, the paint is going to start peeling and the beams are going to be shaky. The rest of the job was either rushed through or not done properly. Is any of this resonating, Gem? It’s time to rebuild, but do it the right way. Yeah, no one wants to go back and start all over again. But the most important stuff is already there. Now it’s time to establish something of real quality, that can last.

Your Card: 2 of Pentacles

You’re playing it very safe this week, Cancer, for concern of repeating a rather unpleasant cycle. You aren’t going to be made a fool of again. You are working with a lot right now, and it may be difficult to decide how to best prioritize your dealings. You have what you need to balance it all out, but working with others — even if you don’t initially want to — could surprisingly help lighten your load. You will find in the most unlikely of places, that there is someone very willing, if not desiring, to help make things easier for you. Side note: Do not share what you have to offer until a mutual agreement has been made.

Your Card: 4 of Pentacles

You’re putting yourself right smack in the middle of all the action this week, Leo. And you ain’t moving. Your stubbornness knows no bounds, but it is only because you finally know what you value and you don’t want to risk losing it. Not taking no for an answer may work in some cases, but in others, it could push you further from that which you seek. You can make your intentions known without impeding on others’ free will. Be assertive, but not forceful. You may be pushed away at first, but consider this a test. If you prove yourself, you can work your way back into good graces. It may not be exactly how you pictured it, but it is a step in the right direction.

Your Card: 4 of Cups

You are doing everything you can think of to get someone’s attention this week, Virgo. But, they seem distracted. You might think they prefer other people, places, and things to you and your exclusive company, but it goes deeper than that. It isn’t that they don’t like you dear Virgo, but you may have done something to cause them to put their guard up. You are going to need to try a little harder if you want to get back on their good side. Like Leo, you may think you’ve lost them, but if you pull out all the stops with your sweetness and charm, they won’t be able to resist.

Your Card: The Hermit

It has taken you a long time to get to the place you are now, Libra. Moving forward, you could feel that you need assistance in this endeavor, but so far you haven’t quite found what you are looking for. Everything will be coming together, and quite neatly before you know it. Put yourself out there and don’t shy away so much, otherwise, it will be more difficult for what you seek to find you. Rumi says, “What you seek is seeking you.” And in your case now, this is exactly what is happening!