Your Weekly Tarotscope for September 15 – September 21, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: Knight of Wands The Knight of Wands comes to tell us there are still a few obstacles left to overcome

Knight of Wands

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands comes to tell us there are still a few obstacles left to overcome. Leading with your passions and energy, it is a time not to be careless but to act with conviction. Do not let sleeping dogs lie now. This isn’t to say you have to expend all of your energy, every single day. But when the opportunity shows itself, use it or lose it. This seizing of the day will result in a very happy, more stable outcome for you. Whatever situation is at the forefront of your life now, is about to receive a spark of reassurance. Though, this may not necessarily be in the way you expect.


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Your Card: 6 of Wands


Virgo, you really need to work on your confidence this week. Something comes up that becomes the catalyst, bringing this issue front and center. Despite the discomfort or conflict you may feel at first, this is in fact a good thing for you. It needs to be acknowledged so you can sit with your newly-inspired thoughts and revelations. There are no limits to how great you can be and the places you can take yourself, but none of that can manifest if you don’t first muster up the self-assurance. It is time you believe in yourself. Everyone else does.




Your Card: 3 of Wands


You are about to take a big leap — not step — forward, Libra. It looks as if it will be smooth sailing for you. This is a very happy and exciting time coming up. There will always be conflicts and a degree of difficulty that comes with any new journey one sets out on, but the important thing to keep in mind is that overall you are happy, healthy, and evolving. Evolution is the focus right now. Although you can never predict the ending to a story, as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Life is a journey, not a destination.”



Scorpio Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Queen of Swords


Be careful with your words this week, Scorpio. Someone might offend you and your natural inclination will be to not only defend yourself but cut them down to size. In all likelihood, they did not mean to be as cunning as you assumed. Unfortunately for them, they happened to touch on an especially senstive subject for you. You will experience a quick case of word vomit, but you’ll soon realize they didn’t mean any actual harm and cut them some slack. It’s all up to you but also keep in mind Chaos Theory.




Your Card: Judgement


Your perceived coldness may be mistaken for disapproval, this week, Sag. You are usually full of life, energy, and excitement, so any sudden change in demeanor could really throw people off, especially those who do not know you well. This could spiral quickly and have a larger effect than anticipated, so you will want to nip this in the bud and clear the air if you sense any awkwardness afoot. Don’t worry so much about being misunderstood, once you clear the air and explain your funky mood, all will be right with the world again. Inadvertantly, this could provide the extra support you need to refresh your outlook and mood altogether.




Your Card: Knight of Pentacles


You want someone to be your ride or die, or at least come with you once in a while, Cap. But things seem to be cooling off right now and you find it’s just you and your iPhone in hand. These days, we all have moments where all our friends are on their phones. It isn’t that you are feeling necessarily sad about this, it’s more just kind of a bummer at the moment. You can hold space for this to grow and stabilize, but it likely doesn’t look to flourish into something quite as consistent as you would like.



Aquarius Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 8 of Wands


You have been fighting the inevitable, perhaps keeping yourself in denial, but now you are moving forward. Ready or not, this is not only what you’re doing, but what you need to do right now, Aquarius. Go with it. Change is good and you will understand the reason for everything, soon enough. Keep yourself on a steady course moving ahead. You will have moments of doubt and, perhaps exhaustion but rest easy knowing you will get through these trying times. Everything happening has its place and is contributing. It’s not taking away from your journey.




Your Card: 8 of Pentacles


Work is weighing you down this week, Pisces. This could be your place of work or general work to be done like housework or outside responsibilities — you get the idea. You are toiling away, and it seems like it is neverending. The best advice I have for you now is to focus on the endgame. There is a bigger reason you are doing all of this, and you will reap what you sow once things are in order and what needs to be done, gets done. Not only will you have what you’ve worked so hard for, but because you have put so much time and effort, you will revel in a sense of pride and accomplishment. The juice is worth the squeeze — just keep swimming!




Your Card: Page of Pentacles


There are many things to consider before moving ahead with a plan this week, Aries. This could have you feeling stuck and perhaps even a bit powerless. But this is something special that really needs a lot of nurturing before it can come to fruition. The more time and effort you spend on the details and assuring that everything is in its proper place, the more fruitful and stable it will become. This is not something you want to rush through, or to advance prematurely. The best thing you can possibly do now is to take your time. Laying groundwork is still progression.



Taurus HIpLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: 9 of Cups


The 9 of Cups says you may have decided to leave one course of action in order to pursue something that seems better in your eyes, Taurus. While you are on track to fulfilling this, be sure to keep your wits about you. Stay grounded, keep your head on straight, and mind any red flags. They will be blaring and practically calling out your name. Ignoring these will only get you a false sense of fulfillment and bring you right back to where you started. Though your intention is to stake your claim and have it all, beware of too much pride and ego.




Your Card: King of Pentacles


The King of Pentacles is helping you develop into your ultimate business-minded self. It’s all about the benjamins, baby! You have been nurturing some project or side hustle for a while now, and it is time to start making your dreams into a tangible, long-lasting, reality. You cannot expect this to just happen by will of the universe, though Gemini. You have to put in the work. If you aren’t scheduling time for your passion every day, consider this a sign. Get yourself on track by getting organized. Don’t try — but DO — something every day that contributes to your life goals.




Your Card: The Hierophant


You are caught between two places now, Cancer and this week holds the key to the future. There is a distant connection that is getting a lot of attention and growing stronger by the day. This is a bond that doesn’t look set to break any time soon, yet there may be something keeping you just out of reach. Some major attention will be drawn to the situation this week. I am seeing a lot of passion, purity, and understanding involved on both sides. All thoughts leading to action will be sparked by what you or others involved believe the most logical course of action is. This is about being traditional. The other party may want to get up on their soapbox and preach their point of view now. This could push you away, but it is actually intended to recruit you into their way of thinking.



Leo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Queen of Wands


A person or project you have a strong bond with comes to the forefront this week. I’m hearing this more likely has to do with a person, but it could very well be a creative task or goal you have been working on. You have not revealed everything in regards to this, simply because you do not want others to know all of your deepest thoughts and feelings. Perhaps, you are scared to reveal them. But if you want to keep this in your life, all must be revealed. It is time to trust, be genuine and transparent. That doesn’t mean be stupid, Leo. Just don’t hinder what you are truly passionate about because of a tiny, looming fear. You will never know if you never try. Commit to what you love deeply. The kind of safety and security this provides could open the door to wanting more.

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