Your Weekly Tarotscope for September 22 – 28, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: Ace of Swords The Ace of Swords comes to us this week to make things right again

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords comes to us this week to make things right again. It is time to clean slates, not just make the best of what’s around. We will instinctively know what to do when the moment is right. It is said that timing is everything and in regards to a particular situation we have been dealing with, there is no time like the present. Strike while the iron is hot. Dig deep, dive deep, and pull out all the stops. Give it all you got now, or you may have to live with never knowing what could have been. You can’t go down from here, so have no fear. There’s no day but today.


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Your Card: 8 of Wands


The 8 of Wands is pushing you out of your comfort zone this week, Virgo. You must move forward and you must move now. You have been putting up a fight for a long enough. It’s time to s— or get off the pot. There is no other alternative at this point. Where does your mind go when it wanders? That’s where you need to go. You have a tendency to worry about the future, but how many times do you hear people say, “If you told me 10 years ago I would be — I wouldn’t have believed you!” Life has a way of working itself out. The biggest risk you can take is doing nothing. Don’t get caught up in the things you really have no control over.




Your Card: King of Pentacles


The King of Pentacles has you getting situated this week, Libra. You are Lord — or Lordess — of the castle. It is time for you to have everything the way you want it, how you want it, and when you want it. Try not to get stuck on all the tiny details, you can always sort those out later on. Right now, it is more important to focus on the bigger factors and have those taken care of. I am hearing that you need to provide yourself with a cushion. This could mean you need literal cushions or perhaps that it would be wise for you to be sure you have a little extra in your bank account for unforeseen expenses. Also, protect yourself, or be careful if you are moving furniture.




Your Card: 6 of Swords


You are going through some muddy waters right now, Scorpio. You are moving along but at a snail’s pace. The 6 of Swords signifies that you will get past this, but you need to keep your wits about you. Play things smart. Take what you have at this point and figure out a way to make it work. You should find a way to get the rest or sort out whatever is left that needs settling later. For now, focus on what is in front of you. If you can make do with the resources currently available, the rest will be gravy.




Your Card: Knight of Cups


Sag, you are in a great place right now. But, why are you swimming hard against the current when you have a pair of wings to soar through the air? You are staying in the traditional way of doing things rather than utilizing all the great resources available to you. It is right in front of your face. The luckiest part about this is that your offer does not seem to be a limited time one, so you don’t have to act right away. But, it would be wise to seize this opportunity. Don’t let it slip through your fingers!




Your Card: King of Cups


This week, you are in a world of your own, Cap. It looks as if you are quite detached from all of the free-form chaos that surrounds you. That can be a nice place to be under the right circumstances, and I don’t see this being a negative right now. There is something in regards to your “ship coming in” but you might not want to get too excited about it just yet. Not that you shouldn’t, but rather, you would prefer to be surprised than disappointed by not letting yourself get carried away prematurely. Keep your head on straight and keep your eye on the prize.




Your Card: Ace of Pentacles


The Ace of Pentacles is bringing new money, opportunity, and options to you this week, Aquarius. A good amount of anticipation on your part will be involved. You will have to anticipate future outcomes, to an extent. Things to keep in mind would be any squabbles, difficulties, or conflicts of interest. You can see the positives clearly, so there should not be any issues with that. What will make all the difference are the potential negatives. Are you willing to comprimise? You may not have to if you play all your cards right this week.




Your Card: 9 of Wands


Pisces, things are seeming like they might be more trouble than they’re worth, right now. The grass may look greener on the other side, but it would be wise to consider this long and hard before making any permanent decisions. Doing anything rash out of passion or frustration is not in your best interest at the moment. No situation is ever perfect. Always remember, the grass is greener where you water it, and weeds will always poke through. It takes work and dedication to get to the payoff. If you are really feeling like the juice isn’t worth the squeeze, try first taking a break before making a commitment.




Your Card: The Magician


Things are happening for you now, Aries. And guess what? You are the one making them happen. This is neither coincidence, nor luck — it is all you. Your hard work and determination are paying off and you are conjuring up big things. The Magician is a Major Arcana card, which is an indicator of more major life events rather than the Minor Arcana, which focuses on the details and the day-to-day. You may not be seeing evidence of things coming together quite yet, as the next card is The High Priestess and she likes to keep things secret. But, picture this time as the arrow being pulled back in the bow, getting ready to launch.




Your Card: The Emperor


You want the control now, Taurus. Gone are the days you play nice, coy, and feminine. You are in some serious masculine energy this week. It’s your way or the highway, and to be fair, you have good reason. No amount of coercion will penetrate your hard head because you have long-since made up your mind. In fact, you have strapped up that impenetrable armor from head to toe. You could even go so far as anticipating a situation with various outcomes and pre-planning responses to them so you don’t get thrown off-track. If what you are dealing with holds that much weight in your world, do what you feel you need to and don’t look back. If you do, decisions will be made and justice will be served.




Your Card: 9 of Swords


You don’t let people make you feel this way very often, Gemini. This week, someone in particular is making you feel less-than. They hold a power over you that brings you back to a childlike, almost helpless, state of mind. It isn’t that you don’t feel worthy, more so that you care deeply about pleasing this person. You feel as if you may have disappointed them in some way or like nothing you do is enough to make them happy with you. Understand that, at its essence, this really has nothing to do with you. You are racking your brain and only exhausting yourself. What they really need, you can’t provide. This is an inside job.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 9 of Pentacles


This is an enjoyable time for you as life is beginning to feel a little more at ease than it has been previously, Cancer. But, you’re still taking proper precautions. You have been chipping away at one, or many, situations for a while but now get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Someone may come to you in a vulnerable state. Know that this took a lot of courage and do not expect that they showed up with their guard completely down either. You are looking quite intimidating. Treat the information you receive with kindness and respect. There is every opportunity to come to a warm, safe understanding and a comfortable place. Focus on building trust instead of breaking down walls. That way, they will naturally build around you, instead of between you.




Your Card: 4 of Cups


You’re about to make someone an offer they can’t refuse, Leo. At least, you hope they can’t. I’m hearing that this is after you decline anothers proposal. You do not intend on being rejected next, which is making it difficult to muster up confidence. But if you never ask, Leo, the answer will always be no. Most people see you as the king of the jungle — fierce and self-assured — but only you and a select few know you’re really a sweet, soft pussycat on the inside. Try not to psych yourself out about every potential outcome. Go after your heart’s desire and let the universe take care of the rest. Either way, you will always feel like you’re losing out on something. But, that is just your nature. It doesn’t mean you are actually losing. There is more to this than you can see right now. Open yourself up, trust, and let go of expectations. This can be sweeter than you imagined.

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