Your Weekly Tarotscope for September 29 – October 5, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: 7 of Cups The 7 of Cups comes this week, warning us to not let ourselves get so caught up in the various possibilities that we become frozen and then risk doing nothing at all

Tarot 7 Cups


Theme of the Week: 7 of Cups

The 7 of Cups comes this week, warning us to not let ourselves get so caught up in the various possibilities that we become frozen and then risk doing nothing at all. Sometimes having a lot of options is great. But other times, it can feel a bit overwhelming. If we run away with our daydreams and overthink, it becomes nearly impossible to make up our minds. Don’t worry so much about the potential of where each path could bring you. This is a time to really follow your heart. Trust in that, and everything will soon sort itself out in the best way possible.


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Your Card: The Tower


Libra, it might feel like you are throwing yourself to the wolves this week. You’re giving up and this feels like a much, much, bigger sacrifice of the self than it actually is. You are being a bit dramatic about things now, but at the same token, you need to get all of this built-up drama out of your system and off your chest, in order to realize just how not-big-of-a-deal things really are. At first, it seems as if this is going to be something HUGE. But you will realize quickly that it really isn’t. Although that should technically be putting you at ease, it probably won’t. You should explore this and dig deep. What you find could really surprise you.




Your Card: Strength


You are holding back on something big, Scorpio. You are one to keep secrets, but this is a doozy. I am hearing that you are covering this up because you know you can, not because you should. But, having the ability to do something, doesn’t necessarily mean that you should do it. Waiting may seem right up your alley at the moment, but it doesn’t look like it’s in your best interest. It is time to seriously consider the big reveal. If you wait too long, someone that means a great deal to you may not be very forgiving when it comes out. This is something you want to make sure you have control over and communicate your way. If someone else decides to spill the beans, this will lead to trouble and have you wishing you had summoned up the courage to do it when you had the chance.



Tarotscope Sagittarius HipLatina

Your Card: 3 of Pentacles


Sag, negotiations are underway. And if they aren’t, they should be. You know your worth, and it is time to get it. Don’t settle for below your value. You bring more to the table than most. Just because it isn’t being brought to attention, doesn’t mean it isn’t being recognized. If people think they can get more for less, more likely than not they will try to roll with that. Bring it up and let them know that you are aware of what you have to offer. If they aren’t willing to compensate you accordingly, tell them to go kick rocks. Either you’ll find something better, or they’ll come crawling back with a greater offer.



Your Card: 7 of Swords


You thought you were on track to something good, Cap. But this week you might have a change of heart. It isn’t that things are necessarily bad, but you can probably do better. Take what you came with, gather what you’ve gained along the way, and peace out. This is pretty much the best you’re gonna get away with. It is going to feel like maybe you have limited yourself, but don’t worry about that. You were on the road to nowhere, whether you could see it yet, or not. End things on a high note and bow out gracefully.



Aquarius Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: Knight of Pentacles


Pause, Aquarius! You are ready to move forward, but something is preventing that this week. Don’t freak out, this isn’t a permanent stop. But, there is an important reason you’re getting stuck now. Due processes must happen in order to ensure the most favorable outcome. No steps may be skipped, nor paperwork rushed through. This will lead to all the stability and comfort you are aiming for. You will just have to go through a much more thorough proceeding than you would have initially preferred. Trust in the process.




Your Card: 3 of Cups


Tensions may have been high recently and things were getting a bit serious. Now, it is time to let loose a little and try to just enjoy where you’re at Pisces. Nothing worth having is ever easy. It is never going to be perfect. The beauty is that when you look back at the difficulties, they are what makes everything so much sweeter and so worth it in the end. Keep this in mind while you try not to sweat the small stuff. There is so much good in front of you, now. Working out the kinks is just a part of the journey and the journey is what it’s all about.




Your Card: 5 of Cups


Something didn’t quite go the way you had planned, Aries. Even though it probably feels like it, not all hope is lost. You are going to stress, but this is actually going to turn out more beneficial for you than you realize. This process will lead you to the answers that are plaguing you while you try to work through the situation. You may see something you didn’t before, or come to a conclusion you never would have, had you not gone through these exact circumstances. Quite soon, you will be feeling more grateful than not for your state of affairs.



Taurus HIpLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: Knight of Swords


You’re coming out with guns blazing this week, Taurus. There is nothing I can say to stop you at this point, so I won’t try. The fact of the matter is that you are about to give someone a BIG piece of your mind. It might not be eloquent and it might not be well thought out, but none of that matters. I see you will have a bit of regret in terms of thinking of those perfect comebacks and rebuttals after-the-fact, but all in all, you will initially feel relief for getting everything off your chest. Keep your mind at bay by distracting yourself with unrelated activities afterward, otherwise, you risk overthinking your actions. Once it’s done, it’s done. There is no going back.



Gemini Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Knight of Cups


Someone loves you, or perhaps you love someone, Gem. The only thing standing in the way is getting the message through. It isn’t like you aren’t trying, but each move is so far from the next — or the last one — that the object of your desire can’t put the pieces of the puzzle together. There just isn’t any cohesion. Sometimes you have to spell it out for people and hope for the best. It can be hard to put ourselves out there, but at least, either way, you will know where you stand and can move on with your life accordingly. Follow your heart and do what you know you need to do.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: King of Pentacles


Home and hearth are where it’s at this week, Cancer. You are establishing yourself now by firmly planting roots in each and every area of your life. Things are not nearly as stable as you prefer at the moment, but you are intent on making the changes necessary to manifesting security, stability, and consistency from this point forward. There is no reason why you can’t attain this. Think about what puts food on your table, ignites love in your heart, and passion in your soul. These are what will create and grow — rapidly — the life you aspire to achieve.




Your Card: 8 of Wands


You just have to keep moving forward, Leo. No matter what, keep pushing through. If you can dream it, you can achieve it! This goes for work, love, and everything. There are parts of you that need to be broken down in order to break through to the other side of a situation. This has already been initiated, but you — yourself — have to complete the process and drive it on home now. I’m hearing that only you and you alone can do this. You know yourself best. It’s time to stop being polite and start getting real! We all have great qualities and not-so-great qualities. Being honest with yourself is the first step in progressing towards the best version of yourself. If you really want to be better, it is within your reach this week.




Your Card: 5 of Pentacles


You’re getting your feet wet this week, Virgo. This is unfamiliar territory. You will feel like you are trying everything, but can’t really get the hang of it. The reality here though, is that everyone has to start somewhere. And isn’t it always so much more rewarding when you have to work hard for something? This will eventually pay off for you, Virgo. You just have to stick with it even when it doesn’t seem like it makes any sense. A helping hand will come along to guide you on your way. You aren’t alone in this. Keep your eyes on the prize.

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