It’s “Thanks, Birth Control” Day and Latinas Are Sharing Their Stories

I first went on birth control when I was 16 years old

It’s “Thanks, Birth Control” Day and Latinas are Sharing Their Stories HipLatina

Photo: Youtube/PlannedParenthood

I first went on birth control when I was 16 years old. It wasn’t because I was sexually active (I wasn’t for several more years) but because I was experiencing heavy and irregular periods, and my doctor thought this would be the best way to stabilize my menstrual cycle. I stayed on the birth control pill for years and through several relationships, eventually also trying the ring, an intra-uterine device (IUD) and am now happily on NEXTPLANON (an etonogestrel implant that goes into your arm). Having access to birth control has been an important part of my life, sexual health and reproductive freedom. And it’s precisely stories like these that are being celebrated today on “Thanks, Birth Control” Day.

Planned Parenthood has launched “Thanks, Birth Control” Day through The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. The campaign encourages people to share facts about birth control and to be loud and proud about why we are so grateful for it. And with Trump and his supporters attacking birth control and woman’s reproductive rights, now is an exceedingly important time to talk about the importance of birth control with the hashtag #ThxBirthControl.

In honor of today, Latinas everywhere are sharing their stories. Listen to the stories of Yulinda Garza from El Centro, California, Silvia Avila from Phoenix, Arizona and Nuvia Enriquez, from Phoenix, Arizona as they share about their experiences with birth control:

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Women are also taking to Twitter to share their stories and thanking birth control for existing. I mean, if it wasn’t for birth control, we wouldn’t have half the options we currently have about our own reproductive health, amirite? Here’s a selection of tweets that we can all totally relate to:

I feel you, girl. SERIOUSLY.

Our bodies, our choice!

Yes, choice is VERY important.

Well said!

All about that safe sex!

In this Article

birth control planned parenthood safe sex
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