This Is Us: Randall & Beth are #RelationshipGoals in Every Way

If you’re not watching This Is Us I don’t even know what to say to you because it’s literally one of the best things to hit the small screen in years

Photo: NBC/This is Us

Photo: NBC/This is Us

If you’re not watching This Is Us I don’t even know what to say to you because it’s literally one of the best things to hit the small screen in years. It’s a poignant look at a mixed, adopted family that literally anyone can relate to. Even if you’re family isn’t as complicated as theirs (they have a set of twins and a black adopted brother who also happened to be born on the same day) their struggles with identity, addiction, marriage complications and parenting are so real, it’s hard not to get sucked in to the Pearson’s universe.

That being said, for me there has definitely been a breakout pairing on This Is US and that would be Randall (Sterling K. Brown) and Beth (Susan Kelechi Watson). There are tons of adorable couples on the show, but really none of them hit the exact combination of tenderness and realness that these two capture. Not only is the chemistry straight up undeniable, but their relationship shows us that marriages don’t have to be perfect to be, well… kinda perfect. It’s not a fairytale kind of marriage where they never fight and avoid conflict, they love each other too much for that and it’s so healthy and also weirdly absent in most portrayals of marriage (especially black marriage and love) on television. So, let’s raise a glass to Randall and Beth and all pray that one day we will all be in a relationship as fulfilling and honest as theirs!

That time Beth told Randall to stop his run early so he could, “Burn off the last 5 minutes in another way.”

Photo: NBC/This is Us

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Beth and Randall keep in spicy, no matter what other drama is going on in their lives. This is a hallmark of a great relationship. They know how important it is to connect, even when the outside feels like it’s creeping in.


That time when Beth made Randall’s cancer-striken father pot brownies.

Photo: NBC/This is Us

Beth is awesome, this can not be denied. But when she offered to get her daughters to sleep early for the express purpose of making a batch of “special brownies” for Randall’s father, William (who was in a lot of pain from his terminal cancer) my heart grew three sizes. Of course Beth is cool enough to get high AF and still hold down that beautiful household of hers.


That time they all got together to throw William a “FUNeral.”

Photo: NBC/This is Us

Some families would be in a disarray if a formerly drug-addicted grandpa who has terminal cancer came into their lives. But not the Pearson’s. Nope, Beth and Randall take William in like they’ve known him all their lives and by the time he passes and they plan his “FUNeral” together, it’s clear that he has left a lasting impression on everyone. He became one of Beth’s best friends, helped Randall realize who he truly is, and showed the girls a sense of mischief and joy that he carried with him his whole life. The way they came together as a family in celebration, instead of in despair, showed just how much love and admiration they had for the man.


The time they thought they might be pregnant again.

Photo: NBC/This is Us

Beth was NOT having it, she just got her life back completely and wanted to keep it. Randall on the other hand was totally into the idea of having another kid. Their perspectives were completely different. But they listened and supported each other either way.


That time Beth convinced Randall to adopt an older child.

Photo: NBC/This is Us

Once they hashed out their difference of opinion on having another baby, they landed on adoption being the best choice for their family. Randall felt like he could bring his life full circle and that this was a special calling for him, and Beth wasn’t going to deny him that. BUT, once again proving that Beth always knows best, she sat him down for a tender heart-to-heart and explained to him why they should adopt an older child who basically no one else would be willing to take on (in honor of William) and Randall soon realized she was right.


That time they went to therapy together.

Photo: NBC/This is Us

Randall and Beth go to therapy together to hash our Beth’s reservations about an upcoming road trip Randall has planned with his biological father, William. William is VERY ill and Randall has been suffering from anxiety tied to his work situation and his father’s cancer, so it’s understandable that Beth is a little nervous. The best part comes though when the therapist tell the couple how adorable they are, and (in unison) they reply, “We know.” I mean, duh!




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Black Love marriage relationships This is Us
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