Trump Inc. Fires Undocumented Employees Who Worked at Country Club For Decades

Late last year, undocumented employees at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N

Photo: Unsplash/@srz

Photo: Unsplash/@srz

Late last year, undocumented employees at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J, came forward to disclose their status in an attempt to show the hypocrisy from President Donald Trump.

During his presidential campaign and after his victory, Trump had said that he didn’t have any undocumented employees at his companies, but dozens of employees spoke out to say that he lied. Not only did he lie but he also knew all along that he had undocumented people in his payroll and that their status didn’t matter to him or any other Trump employee. Now the Trump corporation is cracking down by firing these people, many of them that have worked for Trump for decades.

The Washington Post reported over the weekend that the Trump Organization fired as many as 12 people at the Trump National Golf Club Westchester, in New York.

“We are making a broad effort to identify any employee who has given false and fraudulent documents to unlawfully gain employment,” Eric Trump said to the Associated Press. “Where identified, any individual will be terminated immediately.”

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Many of the now-fired employees are saying that the Trump Organization knew that they had fraudulent documents and never cared until now.

“I started to cry,” Gabriel Sedano, told The Post. Sedano, originally from Mexico, had worked at that club since 2005. “I told them they needed to consider us. I had worked almost 15 years for them in this club, and I’d given the best of myself to this job.”

Attorney Anibal Romero is representing the fired workers and is demanding a full investigation over the firings.

“This is bogus. People have been there for 12, 13, 14 years,” Romero told the AP, adding that one of the fired employees “had the keys to Eric Trump’s bedroom.”

“There was a don’t ask, don’t tell attitude at the club,” Romero said to the publication.

Now some are wondering if the firing in Westchester is the first of many to come at other Trump clubs in the country. The Trump Organization reportedly has 17 golf courses in the U.S.

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