Your Weekly Tarotscope for September 23- Sept 29, 2018 Revealed
Theme of the Week: Ace of Pentacles This week may bring about a very special offering

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Theme of the Week: Ace of Pentacles
This week may bring about a very special offering. Recognize it and accept graciously. It should be quite obvious, as whatever is on offer will bring you great happiness. This is a positive omen—one which should be rejoiced. If you’ve been waiting for a sign, this is it in big, blaring lights.

Your Card: 3 of Cups

Sometimes, three really is a crowd. Someone may be cramping your style or putting a damper on things between you and a person you’re trying to impress. This could be a boss, potential partner, or perhaps someone you’re trying to make-up to for a previous transgression. 3 of Cups says you might have a hard time getting rid of the third wheel this week. Prepare to have to work a little bit harder than anticipated to get on that certain-someones good side.

Your Card: 6 of Swords

This week, travel or even a potential move may pop up but you won’t be alone! As lovely as traveling sounds, the real selling point for you is the possibility for improvement in an area of your life that involves a close relationship. You’re willing to wade through rough waters to arrive to smooth sailing. Just ensure that the other party shares your enthusiasm and isn’t simply going along for the ride.

Your Card: 6 of Cups

Something from your past is haunting you, Sag. Although you may be quite fond of certain memories, you may also be plagued with regret that things did not work out in some way. You may feel like you sabotaged something that was in your best interest. But, dear Sag, if it was in your best interest, things would have worked out differently. Regrets are like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere. Cherish the good times and focus on making more of those warm-cookie memories for your future self. Look back and smile, rather than lament.

Your Card: Ace of Cups

Things are about to get really real, Cap. You may not like to show too much emotion on the outside, but you sure can feel it well up on the inside. Someone may rattle you this week in the feelings department. They may share, or over-share, but it could make you realize a thing or two about yourself. Let the ocean of emotion flow, just this once. Like a dove released from its confines—this will be a freeing experience.

Your Card: 5 of Wands

This week you may have to fight for something you want. If you want it bad enough, Aquarius, you can beat the competition. You will move on and up. If you don’t put your all into it, you will reunite with something that’s familiar. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though. The former would give you a bit of a confidence boost. The latter will be more comfortably content. It’s your choice.

Your Card: Ace of Swords

There is power in speaking your truth, though you may not be prepared to state it just yet. We all know you’re thinking it though, Pisces! You may have a significant realization this week. This could be a difficult subject to broach and it will take some time to put all the pieces together. Carefully contemplate how you will approach and deliver your message. Even if it doesn’t seem that sensitive to you, consider those on the receiving end may not respond kindly.

Your Card: The Hanged Man

You think you know it all, Aries! But do you, really? Consider for a moment that you aren’t aware of all sides of a story right now. It may be best to remain a quiet observer and stay out of it—for now. People watching can be fun and, best of all, it won’t be at your expense. Grab some Pop Secret and save yourself the drama!

Your Card: 8 of Cups

You’re moving on to better things, but unlike Scorpio, this is a solo trip. It might be hard to leave things behind, but it is important we do so we don’t remain stagnant in life. They say we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes until we finally learn from them. Learn from your mistakes, dear Taurus, and gather the strength to move onto greener pastures.

Your Card: 5 of Swords

Someone is catering to your whims and you are loving it! But don’t be too quick to assume you’ve got it in the bag, Gem. If you get what you want and get out, you may be shooting yourself in the foot. Reciprocity is key. Appreciate those who make the time and put in the effort for you—no matter how big or small the gesture. Keep building each other up and you’ll see your whole team winning!

Your Card: Judgement

You are being beckoned this week, Cancer. The call is strong and unavoidable. This is divine intervention. Surrender and begin to watch your life unfold in ways you would not have fathomed. You can plan, plan, plan, but you can never really prepare. The angels are playing loud so it’s time to dance snow, hail, sleet- rain or shine. This is a powerful week for you.

Your Card: 8 of Pentacles

You’ve planted the seeds, now you’re ready to put in the work! Diligence, dedication, consistency and persistency are what this week is all about for you, dear Leo. You are being careful to preserve and ensure the longevity of something you’ve set your sights on. The good news is, at this rate, you will be quite pleased with your progress in no time. Go on brush your shoulders off!

Your Card: 2 of Wands

Look, but don’t touch! The only one keeping you standing still is you, Virgo. You can see all the possibilities, yet you’re not quite ready to explore. You’re holding the world in your hands but you like what you know. It feels safe and stable there. But do consider—there is a difference between what is stable and secure, and was is simply familiar.