How I’m Balancing Work With Being an Active School Mom

The struggle is real when you’re trying to make sure your kids are getting their homework done while getting caught up on work emails

working mom

Photo by Natasha Hall on Unsplash

The struggle is real when you’re trying to make sure your kids are getting their homework done while getting caught up on work emails. It can feel like walking on a tightrope, balancing a job and motherhood, but you’re not alone. As of 2020, the United States Census Bureau estimated about 32% of working women are mothers. Although it can be tough switching gears, from career to parenting mode, especially at the start of a new school year, the following tips can help you achieve supermom status without breaking a sweat.  wp_*posts

Plan Ahead

Are you having a hard time remembering your kid’s next recital or which day you have that important conference call with your boss? When there are so many dates to keep in line, it helps to use a calendar to stay on track. You can even consider creating two—one dedicated to work events and the other for your children’s school activities. Planners, agendas, and scheduling apps are awesome tools a busy mamá can depend on to be organized. With these resources, you don’t have to worry about forgetting an upcoming PTA meeting, teacher/parent conference, or business function.     


Carve Out Family Time

While you value your job as a way to support your family, it’s beneficial to dedicate a day when you and your kids can just hang out. Parents and children should spend quality time together to build stronger connections and deeper relationships. Start by asking what sorts of activities they want to do. Designate a night to watch a movie or play a game, have a picnic in the park, or go out for ice cream. During these special moments, let work matters take a back seat, and allow your little one to open up about school, friends, and their interests.      


Share Chores

Just because you’re mom, doesn’t mean you have to carry the weight of household chores alone. Maintaining your home and keeping it clean not only makes it look better, you and your family feel better too. No one wants to deal with allergies when their room gets too dusty, right? Divvy up the workload and give your kids tasks you know they can handle. After dinner, ask them to clear the table or help wash dishes. Encourage them to take pride in their bedroom by keeping it neat and tidy. Getting their help around the house instills in them a sense of responsibility and can be a stress reliever for you.     


Stop the Mom Guilt

Although being a working mom is not as uncommon as it once was, it can be challenging to shake off the stigma that as a mother, you should be at home caring for your children. If you’re plagued with guilt about holding down a job, while also raising kids, you need to shift your mindset. There’s nothing wrong with a mom pursuing a career and life goals. It doesn’t mean you can’t show up for your child’s school open house or get them to dance practice on time. Be proud that your hard work is supporting your family and providing them with the things they need. Plus, you’re setting a positive example, encouraging them to go for their dreams.    


Connect With Other Mothers

Establishing relationships with other moms is a great way to feel supported. You can bond with working mothers at your child’s school or coworkers who are in a similar situation. You can help each other stay on top of your children’s school activities or manage work stresses. Creating this type of community gives you the chance to exchange parenting advice and provides an outlet to vent when times get overwhelming.      


Dedicate Time to Yourself—You Deserve It!

All work and no play can drive any mom insane. While mothers are admired for their selflessness and habit of putting their family first, there comes a time when the focus needs to shift to you. If you want to continue being a rockstar parent and employee, press pause every now and then to take a breath and recharge. Treat yourself to something nice, whatever that looks like for you. Maybe it’s soaking in a warm bath, meditating, journaling, enjoying a spa day, or diving into a good book. Checking in with yourself can provide clarity on how you’re feeling and give you a boost of energy when it’s time to get back to work and be a mom.   =

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