Your Weekly Tarotscope for April 21 – April 27, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: Death A major transitionary phase is being ushered in this week

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: Death


A major transitionary phase is being ushered in this week. You’ve been holding on to something for too long. Whether that be a lifestyle, mindset, relationship, unrequited love, or your favorite pair of jeans (it’s probably bigger than the jeans) — get ready for a shift. The recent full moon on the 19th is likely having quite an influence at this time, but the good news is any awkward vibes or tension will start to filter out and fall by the wayside. Try to adapt and adjust in this period, rather than throwing your hands up in the air and doing something impulsive, perhaps, irresponsible. Acting wild or acting out will not make your life any easier. Remember, death takes no prisoners. We are all equal in its eyes.


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Your Card: Wheel of Fortune


Taurus, if you take a moment to stop what you are doing, you might just realize that you are about to complete a full 360 degrees. In what part of your life does it feel like you’re just chasing your own tail? Now is the time to start making those 180 changes. Look at the different elements that make up your life and take note of what is working and what never has been. You don’t need to do a major overhaul of your life all at once, but maybe start with whatever bothers you most. What effects you on a daily basis? Start there, and once you’ve made real, lasting changes, then you can work on other areas. By this time next year, you’re gonna be one unstoppable bad B.




Your Card: Ace of Cups


There are some new feelings coming up for you. It looks like a “straw that broke the camels back” type of a situation. You might have felt prepared to put yourself out there, but then this happened. This feels very sad to me and like it is the cause your efforts to get closer to something or someone hitting a roadblock. You thought things were going to be one way, but the reality we face is rarely the same as our dreams. This doesn’t mean you will forever be estranged but soon, if not now, you will come to to a crossroads. You’re going to have to be honest with yourself about how much you’re really willing to compromise or give up for this. Consider self-worth to be one of these compromises.




Your Card: Justice


If you believe in the Law of Karma, or that we all get what we deserve, you may feel you’re being proven right this week, Cancer. For better AND for worse, things are working themselves out. The scales of justice are tipping themselves back into balance once more. Decisions will be made and justice will be served. Don’t get scared and go hiding behind the couch trying to duck the po-po, as this doesn’t necessarily mean anything negative for you. It very well could be that someone who did you wrong in the past is now getting their comeuppance. While it could be tempting to revel in this just a little bit, in wishing harm on others you are only attracting it to yourself. Let the universe do its thing and simply revel in the fact that you’ll be getting your “for better” soon.



Leo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 5 of Cups


You’re feeling like you have really made a mess of things this time, Leo. Not all is lost in this matter, but either you can’t, or you won’t, see that. Take yourself out of the situation for a minute and try to take another look from a different perspective. You could be stressing yourself out over spilled milk. If it is truly bad, the only thing left to do is to take the tender route back into good graces. One of your best personality traits is your charm, Leo, and you can be as sweet as candy when you want to be. If this means that much to you, once you’re done sulking and stressing, a thoughtful gesture could go a long way.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: The Fool


You are excited about a new venture and what the future brings now, Virgo. You are rarely careless and fancy-free, but this week something has got you feeling brand new and full of life. The road ahead is open and wrought with possibility and excitement. You only see novel opportunity, there is no room for disappointment or negativity in your path. You have every reason to take a leap of faith now. Somehow, you will acquire all you need along your journey. Once you step out, the road will roll out behind you and everything will simply fall into place.




Your Card: 9 of Pentacles


This week might be uneventful for you Libra, but sometimes, no news is good news. You have everything you could possibly need at this moment, so just try to enjoy the luxury of being without longing. The feeling of wanting something is very different than the feeling of needing something. A want is an option, a need is a necessity. Or, at least it could come off this way. Realize the security you’ve made for yourself is unshakable and perfect in its own way for you now. There is nothing more required, only luxury desired.




Your Card: The Hermit


Your more introverted nature comes out this week, Scorpio. You are cognizant enough to know you have all the answers you seek within yourself. Therefore, it looks to be like a week of spending time with your favorite person — you! Being alone with your thoughts can feel debilitating to some people, but for you, it can recharge your creativity and fuel inspiration. You don’t need any outside sources to ignite the knowledge buried within. Just be sure not to let yourself get too wrapped up in your deep thoughts and dragged down into a depressive state. Know when to leave the house.



Tarotscope Sagittarius HipLatina

Your Card: 10 of Swords


This week it’s like you’ve been beaten down so hard in a situation there is absolutely nothing left for you to do but submit. You might also consider the possibility that you are just being super dramatic, Sag. Are things really that bad? Put it into some perspective now. Just because you’re feeling overwhelmed or hurt, doesn’t mean your life is over or that there is nothing you can do. After darkness always comes the dawn. So, if nothing else, let that be a beacon of hope for you. Stay in your feelings for now, if you must. But don’t draw it out or hurt yourself in the process just to prove a point.



Capricorn HIpLatina TarotScope

Your Card: Knight of Swords


You’re getting a little ahead of yourself this week, Cap. On the outside, you look 110% ready. On the inside, you might be freaking out a little. Use your discretion. Leaping before you look can be a terrible idea in some instances, but when it comes to something like letting fear hold you back from bettering yourself, it can be a positive, even necessary. Will rushing into this be in your best interest? Take a moment to answer that. Not knowing what you are doing wouldn’t necessarily be a reason not to pursue right now. Someone once told me, “If you never ask, the answer will always be no.” You never know if you don’t try.




Your Card: 5 of Wands


You are in a constant state of conflict, Aquarius. Why do you do this to yourself? Everything is going great, but then you second guess things. You are creating issues where there were none until you spoke them into existence. You can be perfectly happy if you just stop making problems for yourself. Not everything that is going well must have a caveat. Do your best to believe in where you are in your life at this time, and that it is the best possible place for you. Even when things don’t look to be going your way, consider that they may lead to something much better than anticipated.




Your Card: 10 of Pentacles


You are in framily mode this week. Friends and family are what it is all about. Let’s not forget the pets. Safety, security, and being surrounded by all the grounded feelings is what you are after. If you sense a threat nearing, it is likely nothing to worry about. There is a tribe of you, and only one of them. Maybe just keep an extra eye on your stuff if they’re staying at yours or a loved ones’ home. You have a right to be suspicious, but just because someone is new also doesn’t mean they are trying to take something from you. They may very well be someone who can add to your life in positive ways, so don’t write them off unless they give you a reason to.



Aries HipLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: Knight of Wands


I am seeing a bit of frenetic energy happening this week. There is a lot of vigor and bouncing around, not necessarily without purpose, but still with a degree of liberation. There is definitely not much stability or longevity here in anything particular. You will be riding in and out, moved only by the promise of further excitement and enjoyment. With each hot pursuit, you will gain something for yourself. Likely a good amount of new knowledge, and perhaps some new growth. This should be a very rejuvenating week for you, Aries. By this, I don’t anticipate so much in the physical, but rather on another level of being.

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