5 Places You’ll Want to Eat At in Quito, Ecuador

Quito is a magical city

Photo: Unsplash/@fin777

Photo: Unsplash/@fin777

Quito is a magical city. It not only provides a rich history, and culture with varied adventures, but the amazing food scene will please your stomach too. It’s an excellent place for any foodie (regardless of budget) to fulfill their deepest culinary desires. I encourage you not to leave Quito without visiting the following five eats.

“Cedrón restaurant” at Casa Gangotena

Located in the heart of Quito and inside Casa Gangotena, Cedrón restaurant offers a fine dining experience serving not only traditional Ecuadorian dishes, but also gourmet treats that will make your mouth water. The ambiance is relaxed, while still being distinguished, and offers breathtaking views of Plaza San Francisco and of Cuenca Street.

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For appetizers, you must try their trio of breads, and their empanadas, which come with a variety of homemade sauces and spreads. The highlight for me were the llama spring rolls. I would never have imagined myself eating llama, but these were outstanding.


El Cráter restaurant

Have you ever eaten in the middle of an active volcano? Well, this is your chance! This restaurant, adjacent to the hotel El Crater, is situated exactly on the rim of the volcano Pululahua.

Their potato soup with roasted corn and avocado was delicious (locro soup), as were their fritattas (sliced fried pork dish with sweet plantain and corn arepa). They also have fresh guanabana (soursop) juice, mixed with pomegranate and other fresh ingredients.


Mercado Central

When traveling, you will find that local markets sometimes have the best (and most affordable) food options. In addition to being able to buy individual items; like fruits, vegetables, and flowers; Quito’s Mercado Central offers prepared meals such as corvina (sea bass) with potatoes, ceviche, or llapingachos (fried potato pancakes served with a fried egg and salad).



Zazu is considered one of the top restaurants in Quito. They serve contemporary Ecuadorian cuisine; some of their offerings include guinea pig, filet mignon, aji de hongos (spicy creamed mushrooms).


URKO Cocina Local

Modern Ecuadorian cuisine is the fare at URKO Cocina Local. Items that have appeared on their menu include pierna cochinillo glaseada (glazed suckling pig leg), pesca fresca (fresh fish), and tarta liquida de limon (liquid lemon tart).

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