North West Proves You Are Never Too Young for Self-Reflection and Meditation
Kim Kardashian West’s daughter, North, naturally picks up characteristics by hanging out with her famous family

Photo: Instagram/kimkardashian
Kim Kardashian West’s daughter, North, naturally picks up characteristics by hanging out with her famous family. She has incredible fashion sense, she’s a jet-setter, and she’s also all about pampering. Who wouldn’t be especially when you’re living in such luxe conditions?
North, who’ll be turning four next month, is under a lot of pressure even on toddler standards. Her mother captured the moment, which has since gone viral, that she gave North a time out. But this was not a regular time out, i.e. when you go to your room or stand in the corner. No, little Northie used her time out wisely and did some much-needed self-reflection.
Kim captioned this amazing picture by telling us exactly what went down: “That time North gets a time out & is a little too quiet… I go in her room to check on her & she’s in the bathroom, made her own spa & tells me she’s chilling out.”
North looks completely serene laying on a towel with huge pillow, next to her bunny, and has her eyes covered with an over-sized paper towel. It’s as if this little tyke said to herself “if I’m going to get a time-out, I might as well relax and take a nap.” Good for her!
If you’re thinking North is too young for the spa treatment or self-reflection, think again.
“Today’s kids are more stressed than ever, taking on challenging academic subjects, sports, friends, social media, bullying—you name it, your kid is dealing with it,” Little Pampered Princess Salon & Spa notes on its site. “So offer her a chance to pause for a moment and indulge in something completely luxurious, whether that’s a facial, a manicure, or a full-out princess party.”
ABC News reports that a University of California, Los Angeles study found “second- and third-graders who practiced ‘mindful’ meditation techniques for 30 minutes twice a week for eight weeks had improved behavior and scored higher on tests requiring memory, attention and focus than the non-meditators.”
All of this goes to show that it’s extremely important for kids to use alone time wisely.
We’re sure Saint is thinking right about now: “when is it my turn to be treated for a facial?”
Any day now, Saint, any day now.