Your Weekly Tarotscope for August 25 – August 31, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: 5 of Cups The 5 of Cups has us feeling a little let down this week

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: 5 of Cups

The 5 of Cups has us feeling a little let down this week. Some of you will feel a bit more sense of loss than others. There will be those who are released and those doing the releasing. If you are being let go in any capacity, it is important to not wallow in self-pity and yearning for too long. You will see, feel, and understand the purpose of this quite soon. If you are the one who is undoing, you already feel the pros of this outweigh the cons. You may not be 100 percent convinced yet, but again, all will reveal itself in due time. Something sweet is on the horizon.


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Your Card: 8 of Wands


The 8 of Wands forces you forward this week, whether you like it or not, Virgo. There is no fighting it anymore. In this instance, there is only one choice and that choice is progress. Although your defenses are not completely down yet, you are being pushed into a situation where there is no other option. This is a situation you care about immensely and it has been a long time coming. First, will come the commitment, then will come the strong, undeniable realization of your desire for it. Trust the direction the universe is carrying you in.




Your Card: 7 of Wands


The 7 of Wands speaks of you pushing away lots of new ideas, creations, and possibilities, Libra. What are you afraid of? You thought you had gotten past this hump, but it is now apparent that these issues remain unresolved. If you are 100 percent sure you are not open to this, and will never be open to this, do your best to stand your ground and really drive home your stance. If others get wind of any semblance of weakness or possibility, they will take that opening as fast as they see it. Until you have made a definitive decision, you will keep having to deal with this issue.




Your Card: 3 of Swords


The 3 of Swords has you a bit in the gutter this week, Scorpio. This is the very situation you have been trying to avoid. Pretending a problem doesn’t exist doesn’t actually make it not exist. This is going to be a rough week for you, but it will only be as hard as you make it. The more you stay in your head and out of your heart because you are trying to protect it, the more problems you’ll face. You must learn how to deal with your emotions head-on, rather than analyzing them to death. You are making up scenarios that may not even exist and only hurting your own feelings in the process. Don’t be your own worst enemy.




Your Card: The Magician


The Magician wants you to see that everything is within your grasp, Sag. The whole world can be yours, but you must make the first move in order to achieve it. You must gather the tools, read the books, and put in the effort. Things will not improve for you by osmosis. Your intentions are in the right place, now it is time to turn intentions to action. The key now is taking what others have done and putting your own twist on it. At this time, in the beginning, stages, it is best you keep your goals and achievements to yourself. People don’t need to know the process, only see the results. Leave some mystery.




Your Card: 3 of Pentacles


The 3 of Pentacles has you in the midst of some interesting plans and meetings, Cap. There may have already been a little back and forth. Some changes and adjustments are likely still to come, but that flexibility may very well be beneficial to you. Someone could decide to try and back out last minute if you cling too tightly. Play it cool on the outside, Cap. Do what you can to maintain the upper hand without giving yourself away. Eventually, your efforts will be rewarded. For now, it is all about how you play the game.




Your Card: 2 of Swords


The 2 of Swords says you do not want to accept reality, Aquarius. Your mindset right now is if you push it away, pretend it isn’t there, and give it no attention, it doesn’t have any power over you. But isn’t going through all of this trouble just confirming how much of a chokehold you are actually in? This is a recipe for disaster, Aquarius. Pushing this away because you don’t think you can handle it, is not going to make things any easier on you when the time comes that you have no choice but to deal. Take the blindfold off and let it hit you so you can deal with it little by little rather than taking the blow all at once.




Your Card: Death


Death becomes you this week, Pisces. And by that, I mean this newness in your life. Something has changed and it is as if everyone can see it. You are wearing your inside, out. Your heart seems to be written on your sleeve. You might be attempting to keep it low-key, but there are some things you just can’t help. There is no shame in feeling happy, or sad, for that matter. We all go through ups and downs in life. Do not dim your light in order for others to feel more comfortable. It is okay to wear your emotions proudly, just don’t let them interfere with unrelated and important matters.




Your Card: 6 of Wands


The 6 of Wands is preaching hard this week, Aries. You have got a lot to say and you are determined to be heard. This isn’t so much about your personal life, or trivial matters, although they could surely be the catalyst. This is about being a sounding board for the greater good. Speaking up for those who don’t have a voice. You are vying for the unnoticed and the ones who are too afraid to be noticed. You aren’t fearful and that is a good thing because you will need that self-assuredness when you have to deal with the people who aren’t so receptive to what you have to say. Stay in that mindset and stand your ground. You are doing good.




Your Card: 10 of Swords


The 10 of Swords is ending this, once and for all, Taurus. This has been over for a while. You’ve tried your best, but now its officially, official. Don’t drive yourself crazy with the “what-if’s” and the “why’s.” It just wasn’t meant to go further. You will rise again, but next time you’ll have experience. So accept this for what it was and do not delude yourself. Otherwise, you will have learned nothing and gained nothing. The universe puts situations in your path for you to take from it an experience that will shift and shape you. Take that only and leave the rest to rest. This need not go further.



Gemini Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Page of Swords


The Page of Swords is encouraging you to play this week, Gem. Things have gotten so intense and serious. You need to get back to your childlike-self. Throw caution to the wind and just have some silly fun. You will have your defenses up since you are still a bit fragile, although, you don’t want to look it. The important thing for you this week is that you allow yourself to return to a state of immaturity. Youth is associated with freedom. If you have the opportunity to take advantage of a lack of obligation or responsibility, now is the time. You’ll have the chance to sort the serious stuff out soon enough.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 4 of Wands


The 4 of Wands is ushering in a peak week for you, Cancer. After much contemplation, the next step has been taken and it is everything you could have hoped for. Although there will always be challenges to overcome, you should be proud that you have gotten this far and excited for what is to come. You are on the precipice of a future encompassed by so much warmth, happiness, passion, and a sense of security. While you’re celebrating, though, others will be having their own tea parties, with the guest of honor being their opinions on the matter. Let them talk. As long as genuine love is present, everything is going to be amazing.




Your Card: 3 of Wands


The 3 of Wands has you taking the next step towards your future, Leo. You have to let go of one thing in order to hold on and move forward with another. This may be causing moments of anxiety or apprehension, but very soon you will see  and feel — exactly why you’ve made the right choice. This is a happy time. Stay focused on the positives and be optimistic. Although it may be difficult to see the forest through the trees, keep moving forward. You must trust — and expect — that reassurance is coming. It is set to arrive sooner than you think.

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