Digame: Ana Flores Talks Building Community through We All Grow Latina

Digame is a monthly series featuring prominent Latinx leaders, activists, entrepreneurs, and public figures uplifting the community and making a difference


Photo Courtesy of Ana Flores

Digame is a monthly series featuring prominent Latinx leaders, activists, entrepreneurs, and public figures uplifting the community and making a difference.

Ana Flores is the founder and CEO of #WeAllGrow Latina (formerly Latina Bloggers Connect) the first network of Latina influencers founded in 2010 with a mission to elevate the voices and stories of Latinas through the power of community. Their annual #WeAllGrow Summit was named  one of the “19 Conferences Every Creative Should Attend” by Forbes. Born in Houston, Texas, raised in El Salvador and a graduate of the University of Florida, Ana is one of the most prominent Latinas devoted to community building and amplifying the work of Latinas in the U.S.

Which Latina(s) have had the greatest impact on your life and why?

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Honestly, every single Latina that I get to interact with daily as part of #WeAllGrow. I learn so much from each comment, from each panel, each speaker, each AMIGAS member. We’re a community of impactful Latinas and I’m impacted by them every day!

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I’d love to travel at the speed of light across the universe.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

To get out of my own way. Sounds simple but it’s a commitment and real work. To let go of fears, of the voices that don’t belong to me and allow my intuition and inner wisdom to guide me. It also requires trust that you will always be guided towards the highest version of your self and led with love.

What would you title the autobiography of your life?

She did the work

What do you wish more people understood about what you do?

That’s it’s a true labor of love. I could be making a lot more money right now if I decided to go on my own but I’m stubbornly driven by this mission to give Latinas the space and visibility and opportunities we deserve. The work doesn’t only happen forward-facing with the community, it’s also a lot of behind the scenes consulting and working with large brands and corporations convincing them of our value and that it’s a business imperative that they authentically connect with us and invest in Latinas. We’re a small but mighty team with a big vision of a global community of thriving and impactful Latinas.

What motivates you?

Doing work that’s meaningful and will leave legacy. Seeing that commitment blossom through my own daughter and her own belief that she can accomplish her dreams.

What is your greatest professional achievement so far? Personal achievement?

Hitting the 10-year mark with my business and being amongst the 1 percent Latina entrepreneurs in the U.S who hit the 1 million revenue mark. We need to make sure that 1 percent hits 10 percent within the next 5 years!

What is a goal you have that you haven’t accomplished yet and what are you doing to get closer to accomplishing it?

Building my house in the Mexican jungle. I bought the land a few months ago and I am so incredibly proud! Now, manifesting the means to build my dream home which I can already feel will be a community space in itself.

Quick Fire:

Shoutout an Instagram account that could use more love:

Shoutout your favorite Latina owned business and why:
This is not a fair question for me to answer because I know way too many! ;
I’ll shout out @thebloomi since I love the co-founder Rebecca Story and her mission and Latinas need to get more intimate with our bodies and with sex. Also, I proudly invested in their equity crowdfunding campaign.

Name your favorites:

Snack – dark chocolate with caramel anything
Song – “Eres” by Café Tacuba
Artist: Natalia Lafourcade, Zoé, India Arie

In this Article

community development digame Latina business owners latina businesses Latina entrepreneur Latina entrepreneurs
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