Is J.Lo In the Middle Of A.Rod and Ex-Wife’s Child Support Court Proceedings?

Co-parenting is probably harder than marriage

Photo: Instagram/arod

Photo: Instagram/arod

Co-parenting is probably harder than marriage. If the two parties involved can get along, at least for the sake of the children, then the relationship can at least be stable and productive. If the two cannot get along, well the dynamic is uncertain and scary. For former MLB player Alex Rodriguez and his ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis, it seemed, at least according to her that they did in fact get along, but something shifted she says.

While she’s not naming names, Scurtis is basically saying that the shift occurred around the time Rodriguez began dating Jennifer Lopez and it only seems to be getting worse. In an interview with the New York Post, Scurtis says she would never disrespect Lopez or anyone “Alex is dating. It’s ridiculous. I try very hard to stay uninvolved. The subject [of Lopez] is sensitive and better left not commented on in any way.”

The interview comes after several stories have been released that discusses Lopez’s involvement with their child support court proceedings. According to the Post, during a September mediation meeting between Rodriguez and Scurtis, Lopez also was present and at one point asked him to leave the room.

“She’s driving the bus,” a source told the Post about Lopez’s meddling in Rodriguez affairs.

Appearances are definitely deceiving, especially if you look at Lopez’s Instagram.

It looks as if the two families are completely cool and blended, which may in fact be the case. However, when it comes to money we’re certain all is a bit rocky at the very least.

“All I can tell you, there’s been a shift, and I’m not sure what to attribute it to,” Scurtis said to the Post. “Alex has dated some wonderful women since our divorce, many of whom have had positive relationships with our children. Alex and I have worked well trying to create a stable environment for our daughters and there has never been an issue. Until now.”

Do you think a new love should interfere in issues involving an ex marital partner? Let us know in the comment section below!

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