27 Times Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Has Tweeted the Truth
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t run for office to be meek and silent

Photo: Unsplash/@stereophototyp
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t run for office to be meek and silent. She is part of the wave of Democratic politicians who decided to be the change they wanted to see in America. And change involves speaking the truth so that it shines over injustice, intolerance, and lies. AOC has been more than vocal on calling out the hypocritical practices of the GOP and Trump, highlighting the issues that matter, sharing the facts, and calling us all to make a difference with our voices and our vote. Ocasio-Cortez officially represents New York’s 14th congressional district, but in dealing with issues that affect WOC, POC, and the non-mega-rich, she represents us all.
We wanted to take a moment to share some of the tweets that prove that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez meant business when she became a member of the House of Representatives. The ones that educate you, make you think, speak mad truth, and drop major knowledge. Feel free to retweet these and share the information and facts!
The Radical Extreme-Left Agenda
Reminder of what people are calling the “radical, extreme-left agenda”:
✅ Medicare for All
✅ A Living Wage & Labor Rights
✅ K-16 schooling, aka Public Colleges
✅ 100% Renewable Energy
✅ Fixing the pipes in Flint
✅ Not Hurting Immigrants
✅ Holding Wall Street Accountable— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 18, 2019
When one political party, especially those of an extreme side (like the far-right), want to dismiss another party, they will try to undermine and dismantle their “agenda.” AOC pointed this out brilliantly when she listed these amazing things being fought for that were attributed to the “radical extreme-left agenda.”
People Rediscovering Their Power
In all the darkness, find the helpers.
This week, *~100,000* Puerto Ricans took to unprecedented demonstrations to hold their gov accountable.
They’re doing it in Hawaii, too.
And in NYC, for Eric Garner.It’s not about admins – it’s about people rediscovering their power: https://t.co/i9xYJdZ6kx
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 18, 2019
One of the things that people love about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is that she is one of the everyday people and wants to represent everyday people. She drove this point home in this tweet, where she reminded us that it isn’t about those with governmental power, it’s about the power of the people. She pointed out how protesters are rallying against the Thirty-Meter Telescope, to be built on Hawaii’s sacred Mauna Kea, demanding justice in New York on the 5th anniversary of Eric Garner’s death, and in Puerto Rico demanding the resignation of Governor Ricardo Rosselló.
Silver Lining of Trump’s Tweets
The good news in getting Trump to explicitly vocalize his racism, instead of hiding it behind vague suggestions, is that his words can be used by courts as evidence of his motivation.
AKA his tweets may be used to dismantle his own immigration policies 😇https://t.co/bKrZewfYN7
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 17, 2019
As infuriating and annoying as Donald Trump’s tweets are, AOC reminds us, in a tweet of her own, that there is a silver lining to all his BS. When he posts his racist words, they can be saved and used against him in a court of law, proving the real motivation behind his “immigration policies.”
Rationing Healthcare
GOP often cries that guaranteeing healthcare in the US will force us to “ration” it.
Thing is, we’re rationing care NOW. People wait too long to see a doctor, if they go at all, bc they can’t afford paying cash or bc their insurance is too pricey.
It’s time for #MedicareForAll. https://t.co/auof3CsbY9
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 16, 2019
In another stellar tweet, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spits truth on universal healthcare. Many are scared that if we have it, there will not be enough to go around and that we will thus have to “ration” it. We are rationing it already! Healthcare is overpriced, and upfront fees already keep many from seeing their doctor.
Our Unfair Justice System
This decision is an injustice. It is further proof we have a criminal justice system that grants some families justice, yet denies it to others.
My heart breaks for @RealGwenCarr, Eric’s mother. Let us follow her words & example, and work for a system where #BlackLivesMatter. https://t.co/ONyoDAYWFm
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 16, 2019
In a tweet, AOC further talked on the injustice that the police officers involved in the death of Eric Garner were never charged with any crime. She mentioned that while some families see justice being served, others (usually POC) are denied that American right. We all have to work together to change this.
Stand Up When It Isn’t Easy
My heroes are the ones who stood up when it wasn’t easy.
Kids are dying in cages on our border. Families are being put in “freezers” & “dog pounds.”
Years from now, people will look for the journalists, officials, & everyday people who stood up for what was right in real-time.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 19, 2019
It’s easy to praise those who are brave enough to stand up for what’s right in the face of opposition. But it’s harder to be that person, today, in real-time. AOC reminds us that we have a choice in what side of history we will be on when people look back at the atrocities that are happening right now. We have to band together and peacefully fight for justice.
Trump is Racist
You’re right, Mr. President – you don’t have a racist bone in your body.
You have a racist mind in your head, and a racist heart in your chest.
That’s why you violate the rights of children and tell the Congresswoman who represents your home borough, to “go back to my country.” https://t.co/adlCUO7r0v
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 16, 2019
Who’s there to speak the truth, when Donald Trump is blatantly lying and trying to cover up his crimes? Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that’s who! She directly called out Trump on Twitter for being a true racist, against immigrants and for telling her and other Congresswomen of color to go back to their country despite all being American.
Immigrants are Makers, Not Takers
One narrative in this country that we need to turn on its head is the lie that immigrants are “takers,” or represent a weight on society.
It’s wrong. Immigrants are *makers.* They create+offer opportunity. They aren’t a weight to carry; in fact, they are our nation’s shoulders.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 28, 2019
AOC took a moment to help destroy a myth many racist people have against immigrants, especially Latinx ones. The notion that we take jobs and thus should be feared and kept out of the country. We contribute a lot to the United States, it’s culture and it’s success. We create opportunities, not steal them away. She put it brilliantly when she also added, “they aren’t a weight to carry; in fact, they are our nation’s shoulders.”
In 2019, People Are Being Held in Concentration Camps
DHS ripped 1000s of children from their parents & put them in cages w inhumane conditions.
They call their cells “dog pounds” & “freezers.”
I will never apologize for calling these camps what they are.
If that makes you uncomfortable, fight the camps – not the nomenclature. https://t.co/eJpJWeYiot
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 19, 2019
In times like these, you have to speak the truth, whether or not others can handle it. It’s the only way to relay what’s going on, the severity of it, and incite real change. AOC wasn’t (and isn’t) going to apologize for calling ICE detention centers what they really are — concentration camps. Facts!
Pay the Women’s Soccer Team Double
At this point we shouldn’t even be asking for #EqualPay for the #USWMNT – we should demand they be paid at least twice as much 😉 https://t.co/VXITg24UB3
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 7, 2019
The United States women’s national soccer team, the most successful of any international women’s soccer team, has just won its fourth FIFA World Cup title. This has inspired many to demand that they get equal pay to their male counterparts. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez goes a step beyond that, stating on Twitter that they deserve to get paid double!
Pay Living Wages to Workers
If a person is working 40h/week & is paid so little that they need gov help to make ends meet, it’s not the person that’s a weight on our system – it’s the company.
People need to be paid a living wage. We stand up to co’s that rely on food stamps to make up for their low wages.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 18, 2019
Many argue that government assistance (like food stamps) are given to lazy, unemployed people who lack direction. While there are those who take advantage of the system, there are several others who work full time and are still unable to make ends meet, mainly because they aren’t getting paid enough. AOC brings light to the topic by dropping the fact that 1 in 10 Amazon employees in Ohio are on food stamps.
You Have to Be Hope
Your daily reminder✨ pic.twitter.com/8g5jepaiDE
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 29, 2019
Hope is essential to life. We need it, but we don’t have to wait around for it — we can create it, for ourselves and others. In an inspiring tweet, with cool accompanying artwork by @SOGAYJEN, AOC reminds us that sometimes we have to be the hope in the world.
The Goal is To Critique Women Into Submission
The reason women are critiqued for being too loud or too meek, too big or too small, too smart to be attractive or too attractive to be smart, is to belittle women out of standing up publicly.
The goal is to ‘critique’ into submission. & That applies to anyone challenging power. https://t.co/Ocxtjjdh1e
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 28, 2019
Have you noticed that women can’t seem to win when it comes to success and challenging the status quo? They’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t. They are criticized for being at one extreme or the other or being too in the middle. AOC breaks down that the criticism is meant to belittle women, shut them up, and extinguish their fire.
You Can’t Accept That We Will Call Your Bluff
But you know what’s the rub of it all, Mr. President?
On top of not accepting an America that elected us, you cannot accept that we don’t fear you,either.
You can’t accept that we will call your bluff & offer a positive vision for this country. And that’s what makes you seethe.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 14, 2019
Men who are racist, misogynist, and narcissistic, such as Trump can’t accept that America elected WOC Democratic leaders. Capable women in power, those who won’t cower to him, do his bidding or accept what he’s offering the country. Those who fight back and have an army of equally capable and fearless women behind them. Ocasio-Cortez took a moment on Twitter to proudly state that these women in office “will call your bluff and offer a positive vision for this country.”
Religious Hypocrisy, Anyone?
Usury – aka high interest – happens to be explicitly denounced in the Bible (& in many other religions).
Looking forward to having the religious right uphold their principles + sign onto my bill. 😇
Unless of course they’re only invoking religion to punish women + queer people. https://t.co/h7FxTaMxKb
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 17, 2019
Those in power will twist what’s in the Bible (and even what’s not in it) to push their conservative agendas. AOC tweeted that if you are adhering to religious principles, you should also stand for being against usury — illegally lending money at incredibly high-interest rates — which is denounced in the Bible. Touché!
If Male Politicians Could Get Pregnant…
If male politicians could get pregnant, there would be as many Planned Parenthood clinics as there are Post Offices. 💌📬 https://t.co/2YUR8Htpqm
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 16, 2019
The legendary Barbra Streisand and legend in the making Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez teamed up for this one-two punch aimed towards male GOP politicians. Babs mentioned that if male politicians could get pregnant, abortion would be available throughout the U.S. To which AOC replied that if this were the case, there would be just as many Planned Parenthood clinics as post offices. But since that’s not the case, and it’s a woman’s issue, we don’t matter, right?!
Everyday People Need to Use Our Power
It ALL started with everyday people.
You would really be surprised how much work here gets started because a journalist picked up on a story, or advocates organized people to command notice of an issue.
It’s inspiring how much power everyday people have. We just need to use it.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 24, 2019
PrEP, a.k.a. pre-exposure prophylaxis (known as Truvada) costs a staggering $2000 a month. A generic version is set to be available earlier than expected, in September of 2020. It was all thanks to the fight from everyday people, according to AOC. This tweet reminds us that standing up for what’s right really can create change. Your voice matters — use it!
Controlling a Woman’s Body = Upholding Patriarchy
Ultimately, this is about women’s power.
When women are in control of their sexuality, it threatens a core element underpinning right-wing ideology: patriarchy.
It’s a brutal form of oppression to seize control of the 1 essential thing a person should command: their own body.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 16, 2019
In politics, things are veiled beneath other things. Issues really end up being about something else altogether. And thankfully, people like AOC cut through the BS to have the courage to speak the truth. When women are stripped of their rights to birth control, sex education, and access to abortions, they (and their bodies) are being controlled by the patriarchy, and their lives are also being dictated by the religious beliefs of religious fundamentalists.
No Middle Ground for Our Climate Crisis
This is why a “middle ground” approach to our climate crisis is unacceptable.
This isn’t like other issues where you can pretend you’re a sober adult by cutting the difference between left and right.
You’re either fighting for our future or you’re not.https://t.co/YLOVzNe2Z9
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 13, 2019
There are certain topics that we as people can’t take the middle ground on. Like climate change. It’s pretty black and white — we all have to agree to take action right now to protect our environment before things get worse. AOC pointed out the fact that this is everyone’s issue, not just one side of the political spectrum or the another’s.
A Good Nation = These Basic Standards of Dignity
Ultimately, living in a moral society, a good nation, means establishing some basic standards of dignity:
– healthcare as a right
– a living wage
– public education that prepares for civil society + economy (which now shld incl college)
– all people having power in the economy— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 11, 2019
This compound tweet makes two good points. One is that if someone is a multi-billionaire, then they should be taxed! The other point is that we talk about being the greatest nation in the world, but we lack these basic standards of dignity AOC points out. As a country, we have a lot of work to do.
Credit Card Interest Rates Are Predatory
There is no reason a person should pay more than 15% interest in the United States.
It’s common sense – in fact, we had these Usury laws until the 70s.
(Max interest rates are record-high for ppl with excellent credit, too.)
It’s a debt trap for working people + it has to end. https://t.co/tYf4J892KQ
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 9, 2019
Credit cards provide us with emergency funds, but more often than not at a high cost. Interest rates can be as high as 36% (and have been even higher than that in the past — one was 79.9%!), which is outrageous. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, along with Bernie Sanders, is working on capping credit card interest rates at 15% and talked about it in a May tweet.
The President Doesn’t Exist Above Congress
That’s too bad.
The President does not exist above Congress, he governs alongside us. That’s what co-equal means.
If he prefers to rule by fiat, he’s welcome to resign and return to the Trump Org tax-fraud fiefdom in the private sector whenever he pleases.
Checks & balances ✅ https://t.co/u8XNYSlVwb
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 8, 2019
When Trump used his executive privilege over the Mueller report, AOC had time in her busy day to check him. She reminded him, and everyone else who didn’t get the memo that the President is not above Congress, they are equals and govern side by side.
How Our Prison System Works
– Slavery ➡️ Jim Crow + Redlining ➡️ War on Drugs ➡️ Mass Incarceration– Black Americans & PoC are far more likely to be convicted + sentenced longer than White Americans for similar crimes.
– Our system routinely criminalizes poverty + exonerates wealth
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 25, 2019
Our prison system is majorly flawed and failing POC every day. It is a modern-day way to keep Black people and POC from succeeding, as AOC pointed out in this tweet. The tweet also talks about how how those who commit certain crimes are routinely stripped of their right to vote.
Trump’s Response to Hurricane Maria
I chose to use the word ‘incompetent’ when it comes to Trump’s response to Hurricane María & the 3,000 Americans who died on his watch, but that’s only because I had 280 characters.
There are plenty of other words too:
– Negligent
– Inept
– Inhumane
– PredatoryTake your pick.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 28, 2019
While checking Kellyanne Conway for trying to create drama, AOC also used more words to describe what a loser Trump has been in his response (really a lack of one) to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. We couldn’t agree more with her assessment.
People Are Dying Because of Big Pharma Greed
"We the public, we the people, developed this drug, we paid for this drug. There's no reason this should be $2,000 a month. People are dying because of it.” – AOChttps://t.co/I4kuObbLqM
— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@RepAOC) May 17, 2019
We previously mentioned the PrEP drug; it helps high-risk people in the prevention of HIV. But we had to shout out this tweet from AOC that puts it out there that this drug costs an alarming $2000 a month in the U.S. Not being able to afford this drug is putting people at a greater risk of getting the virus — people are dying because of pharma greed. This is another example of how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is using her platform to educate the masses, call out injustice, and fight to correct it.
What the U.S. Does to Puerto Rico
Right, bc sucking Puerto Ricans – full US citizens – dry while closing public schools, building fossil fuel pipelines against their will, & not allowing them to vote so Vulture Funds can levg the island’s illegal debt for Wall St profit is… old fashioned American capitalism? 🤔 https://t.co/Qbc8FkuMR5
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 18, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pointed out the ways that the government plays to its advantage the fact that Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory and not a full-fledged state in this tweet directed towards Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
All Americans Deserve Federal Representation in Government
It is a complete injustice that to this day, some American citizens do not have federal representation in government.
It’s time for that to change. I am happy to sign on to #HR51 in support of DC statehood. https://t.co/jC3wX1RFro
— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@RepAOC) January 13, 2019
AOC is for Washington D.C. becoming a state and mentioned so in this tweet from January of this year. But she also made a point that inspires us (and hopefully others) to continue to elect more and more people of different backgrounds, locations, socioeconomic statuses, etc. into government office. All American citizens should have federal representation in our government!