Ana Navarro Unabashedly Praises CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s Tight Shirt While Talking Climate Change

Right in the middle of talking about climate change, the amazing Ana Navarro said live on TV that she was grateful that CNN’s Chris Cuomo wore a tight t-shirt during his Hurricane Irma coverage

Photo: Unsplash/@nasa

Photo: Unsplash/@nasa

Right in the middle of talking about climate change, the amazing Ana Navarro said live on TV that she was grateful that CNN’s Chris Cuomo wore a tight t-shirt during his Hurricane Irma coverage. And yes, it was hilarious and so very true.

For the past several days, like most of America, we’ve all been hooked on hurricane coverage. CNN’s lead anchor, Chris Cuomo, was right there on the front line of this major disaster. And every day, he was also wearing a tight t-shirt — it was sort of hard to miss.

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Of course, talking about an attractive man while there’s a huge hurricane on our hands is probably not the best distraction. However, after back-to-back hurricanes, a little viewing pleasure goes a long way. So it was hilarious to hear that Navarro felt the same way we all did.

This morning, the political pundit was making her usual rounds on CNN. This time she wasn’t screaming at anyone, but she was talking about a very important topic: climate change.

Out of left field, Navarro somehow went from talking about the dangers of coal to Cuomo’s shirt!

For a second, I was like “what did she just say…” Yes, Navarro IS JUST LIKE US!!!

People on Twitter loved this moment too!

The haters are already having a field day on this one, talking about “what if someone praised a woman for wearing a tight t-shirt.” This kind of double standard doesn’t have any weight to it, considering that Navarro has never apologized for who she is or her views. This witty and educated woman can applaud Cuomo’s fashionable sense during tough times like this because that’s one of the ways we can keep going.

Humor and lighthearted comments, especially during chaos allows us to maintain some sanity. Navarro, who lives in Florida, experienced Irma firsthand, so I believe she’s entitled to making some joke at the expense of a tight shirt. No one is getting hurt. We’ve been through hell — not just with these hurricanes but this whole damn year — so if Navarro can give props to Cuomo, we welcome that. Especially now.

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