13 Reminders Every Boss Lady Needs To Hear

It’s a major thing to decide to follow your dreams and become your own boss

Photo: Unsplash/brookelark

Photo: Unsplash/brookelark

It’s a major thing to decide to follow your dreams and become your own boss. It’s empowering, life-changing—iand scary. There are times when you feel it won’t be possible, that you are not capable, and that it’s easier to just work for someone else. We believe in you—isi se puede! Everyone needs some inspiration and motivation sometimes, and we are here to provide it! Read these little tidbits of advice and empowerment and then get to work! You have an empire to build.


We all start somewhere.

As annoying as it sounds, the whole “Rome wasn’t built in a day” adage is true. All businesses start somewhere—ithere are billion-dollar companies that started out of a garage. Remember that!


Dare to be different.

It will be tempting to copy the style of an already-successful company. While it is completely normal to be inspired by other brands, and even follow certain business practices, what makes you different is what will set your company apart.


Have a plan, and make it happen.

When you have a plan, you know where you’re going. When you know where you’re going, others respect that. Dreams become reality the minute you start planning and breaking down into steps how to actually make it happen.


But recognize that you can’t do everything.

Ok, so you have your plan, your laid-out steps to success. Just remember that you can do anything, but not everything. Pace yourself, ask for help when needed, and don’t overdo things to the point of burnout. Then, you’ll do nothing.


Women support women.


Although we have been programmed to believe otherwise, there is room for more success than just your own. It doesn’t take away from what you have going on to support, encourage, and help your boss friends, as well as other boss ladies. In fact, what you put out comes back to you (hello, karma!) We can all win when we unite to win!


Girl, you are capable!

When we let doubt and negative talk creep in, we can end up being our own biggest enemies. You are capable! If other people can achieve success, why can’t you?!


Believe in yourself.

Ok, you are capable and can run your own business, and lead your own career. Others may echo this sentiment, and you may even have a mentor to help guide the way. But none of that means anything if you don’t deep down believe in yourself. Your energy determines how you view things, what you attract into your life, and the decisions that you make.


One decision can change your life.

Sometimes, we stand in our own way. Just one little shift can let all the awesome things coming to you in. Just like one bad decision can take away all you have. Make sure to be humble and grateful. The right decisions can lead to prosperity, positive change, and success.


You are strong, and you are brave.

Following your dreams and running your own business is hard. So many fail and you really need to do your homework to consistently stay relevant, innovative, and successful. But you can do it. Remember all those times you got yourself out of a bad situation? When you survived, learned, and thrived? That same strength is what is needed to be a boss, and you already have it.


Educate yourself.

You may know a lot, but you don’t know everything. Besides, in this digital age, the info is constantly evolving. Learn as much as you can about business and your niche. Be an expert, the one people think of when they think of your arena of business.


Don’t half-ass your career.

What you put into your business, you will get out of it. So if you decide having a social life is more important, don’t dedicate the time to it you should, and treat it as a hobby, that’s what you’ll have. Don’t half-ass your dream. If you want it to be as amazing as you imagine it could be, you better work.


How to Grow

Want to grow? Follow these steps. Practice self-care, be consistent, but not afraid of changing for the better (there is always time). Say no to what no longer is good for you, and yes to what is.


You Got This

You may feel empowered and ready to take your idea to the top. But everyone likes to hear encouraging words (and they should hear them!), so here they are. You got this. You know you do, so act like it. This is your unique calling and your destiny. Act like you already won, and don’t doubt yourself for a minute.

In this Article

boss lady encouragement inspiration MOTIVATION small business
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