30 Brujas That You Need to Follow on Instagram
Through the ages, brujas have gotten a bad rap — to say the least

Photo: Instagram/@ethereal.1
Through the ages, brujas have gotten a bad rap — to say the least. Luckily many of the myths and terrible stereotypes are starting to die off with the accessibility of social media. And while there might never be total mainstream acceptance — people are finally able to see that being bad and bruja isn’t necessarily what they thought it was.
Far from the images of white women dancing naked in the woods and getting burned at the stake by people in tacky outfits, today’s IG brujas are fly chingonas breaking stereotypes, as well as boundaries. These women are more than just a lot of hocus-pocus. They have Ph.D’s, they do dietary work, they align chakras, they inspire us with their energetic readings and their musings about life, health, and healing. But more importantly, they teach us to embrace, heal or even radically change things about ourselves through their work.
A lot of us think of food as healing, as medicine, but how many of us think of food as brujeria? Food bruja Chef Denise Vallejo has spent more than 20 years studying astrology, curanderismo, alchemy, and shamanism and now she’s making it edible. Her vegan menu is aimed at decolonizing, liberating and healing intergenerational trauma. She also uses her intuitive abilities to create her dishes. Something she calls “Astro Gastronomy” where she creates a menu inspired by the Zodiac sign of the season.
Jessyka Winston @HausOfHoodoo
This New Orleans brujia is known for her shop Haus of Hoodoo. Winston is a rootworker, a Hoodoo Practitioner, and a Vodoun Priestess. She spends a lot of time on IG talking about and demystifying the bruja life. She’ll teach you about the differences between Hoodoo, Voodoo, and Vodoun, as well as the trials and tribulations of living the spiritual life. There are also plenty of life lessons sprinkled in. She is most known for her candles that are always sold out, due to popular demand.
In the movies witches can pretty much conjur up any kind of spell, but in the real world most have a specialty. There are however, gifted brujas that work with different elements and trades. @luna_lunera333 is a bruja of all trades. She does tarot readings, astrology, plant medicine, and makes her own natural body products. She sells her wares exclusively on Instagram. Whether you want moisturized firm skin, a dressed candle, or you’re looking for a tarot reading you’ve come to the right place.
Valeria Ruelas @TheMexicanWitch
Valeria the Mexican Witch is an eclectic magick practitioner, meaning she hasn’t subscribed to just one mode of divination. She is known for her Walk-and-Talks as she makes her way all over the city of New Orleans as well as her energetic readings. She’s also an outspoken queer brujix and advocates for the LGBT+ community within and outside of the brujix community. You’ll get lots of inspiration and probably feel personally attacked by her accuracy at times. She is also a devotee of La Santisima Muerte and spends a lot of time debunking the spooky myths we’ve heard about her.
Something not typically associated with stereotypical images of brujeria are the use and ritual cultivation of certain plants. However, it is a huge part of many practices since plants and natural elements are always used in one way or another. La Loba Loca is a Los Angeles based queer Andian herbalist, speaker, and educator. This plant-based Brujx will inspire you to get out and grow something. They’ll also get you thinking differently about gender, the food you eat and destroying the patriarchy. Loba does consultations, teaches classes, and sells feminist merch.
While many brujas choose to find their own way in their mysticism others gravitate toward religions like Vodun, Candomble, and Santeria. While those are technically applied religions rather than “witchcraft,” calling themselves brujas has become sort of an inside joke based on what non-practitioners and non-believers call them. Ṣangó priestess Aurelis Troncoso’s insta feed is comprised almost entirely of tarot readings. She offers a combination of practical advice, rituals, and life lessons.
Chiquita Brujita is a Brooklyn-based, third-generation Nuyorican Bruja fortune teller, dancer and event producer. Her shop Brooklyn Brujeria sells those “altar essentials for today’s modern bruja.” You may have seen her beautiful candles that have been featured in Buzzfeed, Mitu, and here on HipLatina. She also founded Brooklyn Brujeria: The 2015 Festival, as a way to resist colonial patriarchy and uplift women of color through performance art. Her insta is a mix of art, inspiration, spiritual advice and dance.
Brujeria gets a bad rap sometimes. Some think it’s about changing fate, some think it’s used to to “bad things,” but when it comes down to it brujeria is really about healing. It is also more often than not a family tradition passed down for generations. Dr. Rocío Rosales Meza is an intuitive healer, energy worker, Reiki master, and coach. She also happens to have a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. Coming from a long line of healers from both sides of her family, her mission is to facilitate healing from all forms of ancestral and colonial trauma for BIPOC.
Taylor Cordova @TheFowerChildBruja
This bruja will have you smudging up a storm. Her shop The Flower Child Bruja features all the usual suspects like palo santo and sage, but you’ll also be able to shop beautiful garden smudging combinations you’ve probably never seen before. Taylor Cordova is an Earth magick practitioner born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. She specializes in her earth wands, ritual tools, and wearable art. Her IG is a combination of flower and plant porn, bits of wisdom and some fire selfies.
Tonya Gonzales co-founder @BrownGirlsWhoBruja
This advocate for healing everyday brujeria is the co-founder of Brown Girls Who Bruja, an online community of women who she empowers to find their bruja within. Tonya Gonzales uses her intuitive insight to guide, love & heal her followers. She holds workshops, writes, sells workbooks, and does all kinds of community work for women of color. She also talks extensively about self-love, self-care, and accountable healing on IGTV. Her personal IG is full of advice and musings on how we can evolve. The main takeaways being that our journey is up to us and how we choose to show up in the world.
Miana Melendez co-founder @BrownGirlsWhoBruja
This business-minded bruja looks at what we put into our bodies as a reflection of what we put out. Have you ever heard of eating for your chakras? Neither have we! But it’s definitely something to consider. If you follow Miana Melendez she’ll have you eating a chakras balanced diet and looking into getting spiritual branding for your business. Melendez uses her intuitive gifts to help women find heart-centered messaging to share their stories. You can also find various resources through her IG page like connections to the @Browngirlswhobruja community and her chakra eating guide.
Natalie Reyes is a former Manhattan executive pastry chef turned shop owner who approaches her spiritual product line the same way she does a dessert menu. She uses her knowledge of several esoteric traditions to combine fresh and seasonal herbs, flowers, colors, scents to paint a picture of the natural energy currents. She is a student of Espiritism, an intuitive medium, and a Tarot reader. Her shop has it all, bath bombs, super cute soaps that look like crystals, scented body butters, sugar scrubs, as well as ritual candles and cleansing sprays.
Griselda and Miguelina Rodriguez @BrujasOfBrooklyn
These Ph.D. bruja profesoras are twin sisters that are all about spreading knowledge and healing. Together, Griselda and Miguelina Rodriguez created Brujas of Brooklyn. Through their work, they are helping women heal by creating spaces for safe and exploratory inner work. They hold Yoni workshops and retreats for women to rebirth themselves by releasing old generational patterns. They do cord-cutting, kundalini yoga, and womb healing. Their IG is a combination of all of the healing things, as well as info about their upcoming events.
Patricia Federico @mitierrahealingarts
Brujeria is a family tradition. It’s more often than not passed down from generation to generation. Patricia Federico is an empath, an intuitive as well as a stress management consultant and alternative healer who is an expert in holistic pain relief. She comes from a family tradition of sobadoras from who she learned everything she knows about healing, relaxation, and massage therapies.
Panquetzani Ticitl @Indigemama
Panquetzani is an LA-based educator who practices traditional Mesoamerican medicine and it’s fascinating. This womb healing bruja is a doula, womb counselor, and a wellness coach. You’ll find a wide variety of topics on her page but mostly it revolves around natural wellness and healing methods. You’ll be able to learn more about womb massage, traditional postpartum care, herbalism, folk healing, and ancestral traditions. You’ll also be able to take her webinars via her educational account @indigescuela.
Through the ages brujas have found many ways to apply their gifts that fall outside of what would be considered “traditional.” Many modern witches have made businesses out of consulting for not only spiritual problems and concerns but business ones as well. Bruja Botanica is a psychic medium who offers spell services and witchy supplies but she is also a life coach. On top of psychic reading and spellwork she does intuitive business and love coaching. Her IG is a combination of bruja memes and inspo.
Briana Blanco @BadAndBrujita
One of the most empowering things to see is how women can fully support themselves with the work that they do. Mexicana Briana Blanco, who goes by @Badandbrujita on IG, is all about teaching women how to manifest their own wealth, love, and happiness through their own spirituality. She does tarot readings, creates handmade soaps and makes brujita-inspired merch. Her IG is full of wisdom, ritual advice, and testimonials. Her blog is full of witchy tips on practical magic and how to manifest your way to the life you’re meant to live.
Batul True Heart is a queer, two-spirit, indigenous and mixed (Yaqui/Panamanian/Spanish) Curanderismo practitioner. Batul is also a traditional herbalist, speaker, writer and above all things an educator who teaches courses on traditional herbalism and agua florida making. IG is where you can view beautiful flower layouts from the agua florida classes and also the dates for Batul’s workshops and speaking engagements.
Nicole B @Blood.Moon.Bruja
Contrary to what we see on TV and in the movies, not all brujas are the same. Every bruja has their own specialties, rituals, energies, and entities that they work with. Nicole B, known on IG as @blood.moon.bruja, works with sigils as a means to help her customers manifest their best lives. Her Instagram is a fascinating display of symbols, rituals and funny musings about the bruja life. She’s also about spreading the love via shouting out her fellow witchy women with the hashtags #SupportWitches #SupportBrujas #seasonofthewitch.
Ayodele Fuega @BossyBruja
Most people are familiar with tarot and incense, as pretty typical tools of divination and clearing, but did you know about oils? Ayodele Fuega is the self-proclaimed “Beyoncé of oils” or “Our Lady of the oils” and as you can probably guess, she specializes in conjuring oils. This entrepreneurial oil bruja’s got it going on! Her blog is full of prayers you can link and listen to on Spotify. She also does guided meditations, coaching, and a podcast. Her Insta is a mix of gorgeous oils, thoughts, and testimonials.
Tatianna Morales @TatiannaTarot
If you’re looking for some bruja inspiration then this is probably an account you’ll want to follow if you’re not following already. The name says it all, Tatianna Morales, aka Tatianna Tarot knows her way around a deck of cards. She’s also an akashic diviner and teacher who shares everything you never knew you needed on IG. She explains the meaning of cards, different tarot spreads and does several kinds of horoscope readings for specific signs. You can check her out for inspiring, gut kickingly accurate readings and musings.
Bri Luna @TheHoodWitch
Brujas are often told that they need to look and sound a certain way. For many, it’s coded language for “you can’t be hood and spiritual.” Instead of listening to the haters The Hood Witch has leaned into the neighborhood botanicas that she grew up around. If you’re looking for “everyday magic for the modern mystic” then your search is over with Bri Luna aka @TheHoodWitch. Her Instagram is beautifully curated and if you’ve been a little off she’s always quick with the explanations for why certain planetary alignments get us feeling some type of way. She offers great witch tips and horoscopes that will help you navigate through the murkiness of retrogrades and life’s madness. She’s also got a shop that has everything from smudge wands and crystals to pendulums and tarot decks.
Agnes Ito @Indijam
Sometimes you just need an aesthetically pleasing feed to lay your eyes on for a few. If you’re looking for witchy pretty images and messages this account will delight you. Her friends call her Ags but on IG she’s known to her followers as Indijam. This Japanese-Peruana-Pinay’s page is a beautiful mix of art, photography, aspirational affirmation, self-reflection, and advice. Her uplifting feed is a bright light when you’re feeling down in the dumps.
Berenice Dimas @BrujaTip
So many of us are looking for notes from the universe as a way to ground ourselves and discover our true potential. Bruja Tip is a great platform for those seemingly small but transformative bits of astral advice that might make you go “hmmm” or have what Oprah refers to as an “ah-ha moment.” Bernice Dimas is an herbalist healer that uses IG to give her followers little cosmic notes or “bruja tips.” You can also check out her Espejos Apothecary shop where she sells “herbal medicine for the cuerpo & corazon” made from plants that she cultivates herself.
A bruja is a healer and something a lot of people don’t recognize is that there are many medicinal sacred rituals. @Bruja_warrior offers traditional postpartum doula services as well as healing ceremonies. She’s also a Yoga Teacher, Colon Hydrotherapist, a Holistic Health Coach, and a Kambo Practitioner. Her Insta is a good combination of nature photos, selfies, and bits of wisdom.
Luz @Luz_astral
Luz Astral is a Puertorriquena who uses her Instagram account to educate and inspire. Her followers will find her astro bruja advice and horoscopes helpful and accurate — she’ll help you plan for the new moon and other celestial events. Her posts consist mostly of the work that she does, as well as photos of herself and her family. She also posts tarot spreads, advice on limpiezas, workshops, dates for astro beauty and the dates for her Orlando and NYC Cura y Sana healing circles.
This multi-talented mujer proves that you might not be able to do it all, but you can get damn near close. Daniela Riojas is a Texas healer that practices the sacred medicine of Kambo, Rapè, and Ayahuasca. She does womb healing, yoga and has her hand in several aspects of the healing arts. She’s a singer formerly known as Femina-X, as well as an installation and performance artist. Her IG is a beautiful combination of photos of her travels, ceremonies, and her artwork. She offers gentle reminders on healing and connecting back with yourself.
This radical Barrio Logan brujixs collective is made up of three brujixs, Irene, Angelana, and Hana. Together they hold courses, workshops, and discussions around healing. And each person brings their own element to the collective. Irene works with the healing and transformative powers of the arts and at-risk youth and special needs people. Angelana is a holistic health practitioner who offers sliding scale massage and cupping, limpias, ritual baths, energy work, and custom blend teas. Hana is a healer and medicine maker specializing in physical and emotional pain, stress, and anxiety.
In 2020 being a bruja also means you’re an entrepreneur. While many post fun memes and photos of their rituals on the gram, sometimes the good stuff is in their shops. The_witching_hour13 runs The Raven & La Bruja shop with her partner. They sell products such as handmade spell candles, conjuring oils, spiritual baths, homemade florida water. Let’s just say the reviews are good and if you’re looking for a good candle you’ve found it.
Emila Ortiz @ethereal.1
Emilia Ortiz (a.k.a. ethereal.1) is a Brooklyn based bruja and cannabis advocate known for her unapologetic approach to healing and mental health. She gives followers and clients alike, access to things they might not have otherwise been able to access, like mental health understanding and resources from a spiritual perspective. She also provides info on how to find a spiritual guide/ healer and show to also look within and find the guidance and healer within. She gives you the real, real on everything from relationships and self-love to bisexuality and being a plant mom.