HipLatina Horoscopes: Everything You Need to Know for the Week of October 20
While every new moon is a chance to turn things around, this week’s forecast might be a bit challenging to some of your latest ambitions

Photo: Unsplash/@good_citizen
While every new moon is a chance to turn things around, this week’s forecast might be a bit challenging to some of your latest ambitions. The new moon in Libra, spreading an even, positive vibe throughout the atmosphere, and making it a great time to enjoy the best things life has to offer. However, Uranus’s disruptive position to the moon could very well make this the week of breakups, heartaches and missed opportunities. Peep your chart below to get the full skinny!
Venus is square Pluto, making this an intense week for your relationships. Anything that feels like a tight squeeze, manipulation or jealousy should step into the light and make itself known now. Try not to let this influence or that of Uranus push you into a corner; speak your truth with patience now and let transformation happen. Fix what’s fixable and release the garbage. New relationships and infatuations are also possible at this time, so if you swipe someone who seems too good to be true this week, try to take things a little slower than usual.
Your ruling planet square Pluto is making quite the fuss this week; it’s almost as if she wants all her darlings to know that you just can’t do as you please all the time. Be careful not to press someone too hard this week to meet your own personal needs. They are people too, you know. And manipulation is not a kind, karmic investment. Instead, try setting the intention to be the most patient person in the world, both with others and yourself. If you can keep a calm head, you might be able to leverage the new moon in Libra to manifest great opportunities for yourself at this time.
You’re loving influence is going to be the center of attention this week, as your ruling planet trines Neptune and sparks your creativity. Be sure to get yourself in a group setting and speak up loud and clear — especially around the workplace where others might not have a clue what to say or how to plan, this week you’re bound to be the one who has the best answer. If you can, try to push this influence even further and begin to ask yourself what you truly want. Fortune favors the bold at this time — and the details of the future are going to come in super clear for you this week.
While the beginning of the week can feel a little intense, it’s not without good reason. This week you can expect swift changes around you that will not only disrupt the way you’ve been thinking, but also the way you understand what’s possible. Keep an eye out for a new mentor this week; someone who can help you connect the dots you’re looking for. A little bit of study in your own self interests this week could take you further along in your plans.
Big conversations should consume your week, as your ruling planet conjuncts Mercury and Jupiter. It’s time to put yourself out there a little bit — but only a little bit. Too much energy or enthusiasm might leave you subject to a little bit of scrutiny. Instead reach for confidence this week, with just a splash of empathy and a pinch of kindness. This way, when opportunity comes knocking this week — thanks to Jupiter and Uranus — you’re more prepared to take the offer that’s on the table.
Here’s something I know you’ll like to hear: you’re very likely to have the Midas touch this week. Almost everything you touch turns to gold, as your ruling planet is trine with the mystical planet of Neptune. Expect any big changes that Uranus brings to actually work in your favor — this is a great time to try out a new venture or try to bring new ideas to the workplace. What you say now, is likely to keep you in good standing amongst your peers for a long period of time.
With the moon finally in your house, this is the kind of week most could only dream of. Expect magic to come at every possible angle this week, in new and unexpected ways. Pluto may have some things to say about how you decide to enjoy yourself, but I’m not sure you’ll let anyone dull your shine this week — nor should you. With the stars crowding around you and swooning in your favor, this is the perfect time to just focus on your needs. Whether it’s the spa, a painting class, or a new fancy watch — whatever brings you joy should be your only focus.
Venus is not going to be much of an ally this week. Instead of shooting arrows across the room to bring loved ones closer, you might want to keep an eye out for flying knives instead. This week, your relationships are going to challenge both your patience and willpower, making some of you want to run for the hills. Try to remember that everyone has their bad days, and the planets are really pushing some of our insecurities and weaknesses out right now. Forgive and ask for forgiveness this week.
We can count on some good times and solid successes this week thanks to your ruling planet being opposite the sun. This is like a huge momentum button, where you should not only feel a new sense of freedom to explore the ideas that interest you — but you’ll start to see other’s support them too! So put yourself out there; whether it’s a YouTube channel or a new venture at work. It’s time for you to hear the feedback that you’re talented and highly valued amongst your peers!
Now that Saturn is no longer in that crappy retrograde it was in all summer, there’s a lot more room for you to shine and get things done lately. This week, we can count on the energy of Saturn being trine Uranus to give us a few extra changes to make some positive changes in our life. This is the perfect time to apply for jobs and call in a few favors to help you push things ahead. The universe is aligned around you right now, and the answer to any question is more likely to be a giant YES.
There’s always a ying and a yang balance with you, and this week the work is no less easier with that alignment. With Uranus and Saturn both feeding off the new moon’s energy this week, and Jupiter opposite Uranus, one can suspect more about you learning your cosmic lesson this week, so you can move on to bigger and better things. Where it makes any sense, apologize this week. It might take you two seconds to send out the words, but it could open some serious doors of opportunity by the end of the week.
This can be one of the luckiest weeks you’ve had in a long time. You can thank Mercury for the additional gift of gab you may be feeling right now. Where others are fighting with each other this week, you’re going to find that communication and manifesting wishes is easier than changing the television channel. And honestly — you’re right. It much easier to get what you want then you’ve been thinking. So make sure you journal this week and add in a practice of gratitude while you’re at it. It’ll change your outlook on life and your personal purpose… forever.