July’s Full Moon Will Push You Towards Change

The full moon on July 27th rests in Aquarius, so if you need a cosmic sign for change, this Buck Moon is it

Photo: Unsplash/@gkumar2175

Photo: Unsplash/@gkumar2175

The full moon on July 27th rests in Aquarius, so if you need a cosmic sign for change, this Buck Moon is it. Aquarius is also the sign of collaborations and togetherness, meaning this moon is perfect for getting together with strangers who share the same passions and creative intentions.

We also happen to be getting the longest total lunar eclipse of the century but if you live in the United States, you won’t get to see it as well as our very far neighbors in Australia will. You will get to see the moon looking hella grande. Because as Vice reported, “the eclipsed Moon will be low on the horizon, creating a moon illusion, an optical trick that makes the moon look massive.”

So there’s that.

Since this month’s full moon energy is jam-packed with energy to help you ease into change, this is the perfect time to take spiritual gangster Luz Warrior a.k.a. Linda Garcia’s advice on empowering yourself to create a tailor made full moon ritual because only you know what you need in each moon. However, she does share one of her go-to rituals.

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“One of my favorite rituals for myself is to revisit my intentions that were set on the new moon, read them if they need to be tweaked and then sit outside and meditate under the full moon,” Luz Warrior says. “I break down my meditation in two parts, the first half where I quiet the mind and the second half where I use my third eye to envision my intentions fully manifested.”

For those that have a hard time meditating in silence or are new to the practice, Luz Warrior has guided meditations on her podcast, Let There Be Luz, some specifically designed for the full moon. Side note: her debut episode focuses on the intuitive power during menstruation and received such an overwhelming response that she began to hold healing energy workshops.

If you’ve already moved on from creating your own ritual, you can take your practice up a notch and follow in Luz Warrior’s steps and work with the moon to help you live in harmony throughout the cycle of the month.

“I let her guide and tell me when it’s time to share my energy and when it is time to conserve it. My personal and business calendar is constantly revolving around the moon. It has really helped me become so much more effective with my intention setting and executing,” she says.

When it comes to the moon, only you know what ritual is best. There are no hard set rules. According to Luz, the moon projects what we must work on in order to heal, what business is not intended for us, and what we are ignoring that still needs healing.

It’s important to develop your intuitive voice when executing your moon ritual and that may look different every time and from everyone else’s moon ritual. Afterall, comparison is the thief of joy.

She strongly believes in the cycles of the moon and developing the understanding on how it affects our body, but urges women to focus on it if it resonates with them.

“The full moon can be a very powerful tool to living in flow and as a result manifesting the life that we are intended for. It guides and removes resistance,” says Luz Warrior.

Luckily, for you all, a full moon’s juju vibe sticks around for a couple of days so you can indulge in this month’s Buck Moon’s good juju.

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