Lola’s POV on Surviving Maria and Irma The Hurricane Sisters of Puerto Rico

Hello to all my Sunday readers!  No, this is not a formal blog post but I wanted to make sure to deliver

Lola Montilla Victoria Montilla HipLatina Hurricane Irma

Photo: Courtesy of Lola Montilla

Hello to all my Sunday readers! 

No, this is not a formal blog post but I wanted to make sure to deliver. 

Lola Irma HipLatina
EVERYTHING can be tackled with the right attitude. (Photo: Courtesy of Lola Montilla)

I thought I had seen the worst in Puerto Rico with Irma but nothing that I have lived through had prepared me for what María has been. 4 days later, I haven’t had communication with any of my friends, my boyfriend, and I’ve only talked to my brother in Boston one time. A whole 53″ x 53″ piece of my ceiling flew off of my house and it got flooded. Then again, I also know people who lost their home entirely. Others have lost it ALL.

Lola HIpLatina 2017 Irma
Coming Home to Find Outdoors Indoors HIpLatina Photo: Courtesy of Lola Montilla

We are still living at my grandparents’ home. My dogs are scared to death, then again so am I. Puerto Rico is going through a terrible time right now and I’m sure the rest of the island would agree. The images of the devastation are slowly coming in and they are heartbreaking.  

First Walk Outside.HipLatina 2017
First Walk Outside. Finding Hurdles in both literal and figurative sense. Photo: Courtesy of Lola Montilla

Where is my paradise? Two days ago, I got the chance to leave the house with my camera to take pictures of the destruction around me  (I’ll make sure to show these to you as soon as I get the chance). The streets are unrecognizable.  Trees, power lines, traffic lights block the highways.  But then, I remember I have weathered storms before.

I remember being on the hospital bed 2 days after surgery not wanting to stand up or walk, but I was forced to because if not I wouldn’t gain back my strength. I feel the same way about Puerto Rico right now. We need to stand up and be strong for our island.  We can’t let sadness paralyze us.  I have faith in the community of PR when I see neighbors helping others, and people moving trees out of the streets to be able to drive, and people helping others with medical aid. We will stand back up again. We will walk again.

Recovery Mode ON! Lola Montilla HipLatina
Lola Montilla Recovery Mode ON! Photo: Courtesy of Lola Montilla

We will be stronger. What we need from you guys now, is love, support, and prayers for Puerto Rico. Be ready for our comeback world. You just wait and see what we’re made of.

Until next time. 


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Hurricane Maria Irma lola puerto rico
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