What to Expect from March’s Full Moon: The Full Worm Moon in Virgo

It’s been two full months in 2018 and give yourself a pat on the back

Photo: Unsplash/@gkumar2175

Photo: Unsplash/@gkumar2175

It’s been two full months in 2018 and give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve made it this far! How has your year been going? Are you aligned with your annual forecast?

If you find yourself overwhelmed by all the emotional energy of Pisces, then this full moon in Virgo will help ground you.

Virgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac, ruled by Mercury the planet of communication. With the full moon on March 2nd representing release, this is a great time to have a genuine conversation with yourself to discuss what do you need to release. Don’t forget to check where Virgo is in your personal natal chart.

The theme that is overwhelming during this full moon during a Pisces season is emotional surrender. If you’ve been overly emotional, could you be holding on to things which no longer serve your greater good?

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Pisces energy is intuitive, mystical, and empathic. With the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune all in Pisces during this full moon, it’s a great time to surrender to what is unfolding in your life, career, and business. We have an overwhelming energetic vibration in the depths of emotional Pisces with a full moon awakening in the grounded energy of Virgo. This juxtaposition can be an opportunity for synergy if you go with the flow.

Mercury, Virgo’s ruling planet, represents communication so now is a time to be extra mindful of what you say. Emotional outbursts serve no one and while it may feel cathartic to release those emotions, Virgo is the voice of reason reminding you to be practical about how you approach those emotions.

In your business, now would be a good time to record your demo video.

In your life, now would be a good time to watch an inspirational film.

In your career, now would be a good time to work on a project that involves the things you are passionate about.  

Hanging out with Mercury in Pisces are Venus and Neptune. How can you harness fantasy to get what you want?

In your life, now would be a good time to assess why you feel the way you do with a coach or therapist.

In your business, now would be a good time to volunteer your time with a cause you’re passionate about.

In your career, now would be a good time to work on your professional development with books or video training courses.

As with all full moons, this is a time of completion. Think back to 6 months prior, when the new moon was in Virgo and reflect on where you were. What was happening in your life, business, and career? The moon will be full which is her way of giving us closure. The act of surrendering isn’t just about giving up. It’s about giving in and allowing yourself to be open enough to get closure.

If you have card decks and/or crystals, now would be a good time to leave them to get cleansed by the moon energy. If you happen to be in a place where you can look at the moon, spend some time bonding with the moon. She’s there for us to experience and there’s no time like the present to do just that.

In this Article

full moon new age rejuvenate Self Care
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