What You Need to Know About Understanding Your Natal Chart
We all know our astrological sign

Photo: Unsplash/@jsr1
We all know our astrological sign. We’re either a Leo, Taurus, Libra, Pisces, etc. We even indulge in listening to horoscopes as a “fun” way of relating to our astrological sign. Truth is, your astrological sign is just one piece of the puzzle and that there’s so much more that factors into our personality.
When we’re born the imprint that the universe leaves on us comes in the form of our natal chart. Our natal charts factor in the day, time, and location of our birth. Reading a natal chart can be daunting if you’ve never seen one before and don’t understand the placements. So let’s demystify what a natal chart is so that you can better understand how to read yours and create some clarity around how to harness your own chart during eclipses and retrogrades.
A natal chart lets us know where all of the planets are placed at the exact time of our birth. Each planet, including the sun and moon, are placed in one of the 12 zodiacs. Mainstream astrology teaches us about our sun sign which is often what people refer to when they say what their sign is. Sometimes you’ll meet someone who knows what their rising and moon sign is which is just as vital to helping shape our emotional and outward expression to the world.
SUN: The bright star upon which all the planets revolve around is the first sign we get familiar with. It’s the source of our energy and when you think about the role the sun plays in the solar system, it makes sense. Our sun sign is the essence of our inner self and how we shine.
The Sun rules Leo.
MERCURY: The smallest planet which takes the least amount of time to orbit the sun is in charge of communication and travel. Mercury gets the most attention because of the often dreaded Mercury retrograde cycles, which typically happen three times a year.
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
VENUS: This planet is often associated with love so when you look at your natal chart, think of your venus placement as how you show affection and express love.
Venus rules Libra.
MOON: Although not a planet, the earth’s moon is profoundly influential on our emotional selves. The moon represents our moods and how we feel.
The Moon rules Cancer.
MARS: This planet represents assertion and how we fight. It is often associated with war since this planet is all about authority, confidence, and taking action.
Mars rules Aries and Scorpio.
JUPITER: This planet represents how we learn and embodies our intellect. Where we get our wisdom from and how we form ideas is all thanks to the influence of this planet.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces.
SATURN: This big planet is all about structure and order. Saturn challenges you to make sure your life path is on track. Whatever fears you have, Saturn will make you confront them.
Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius.
URANUS: Thank this planet for being the sparkly unicorn that you are because Uranus is all about individuality and change. How you’re different in the world is attributed to Uranus.
Uranus rules Aquarius.
NEPTUNE: Spirituality, fantasy, and mysticism are all attributed to this planet. Neptune is dreamy and intuitive so it will bring out those attributes in you.
Neptune rules Pisces.
PLUTO: This planet is all about transformation. How you go through the milestones of life from life all the way through death is Pluto’s influencing purpose.
Pluto rules Scorpio.
In case you’re a Taurus and wondering what happened to your ruling planet, the Earth rules Taurus.
These are the basics for getting to understand your natal chart. You can discover your natal chart here. Be sure to include your time of birth and location to get the most accurate reading. Once you know what signs each planet is in, you can start to unravel all the magic that makes YOU awesome so that you can leverage that insight for success in both your personal and professional life.