Rituals & Limpias For Each Zodiac Sign for the Start of 2023
The influence of 2022 was largely dictated by the eclipses of Scorpio and Taurus that occurred that year

Photo: Unsplash/Content Pixie
The influence of 2022 was largely dictated by the eclipses of Scorpio and Taurus that occurred that year. Likely a year of intensity for all, it brought forth revelation and transformation in matters of the mind, body and soul. Maybe you’re asking for some relief in 2023 or maybe you’re ready to welcome change in your life? Whatever your sights might be, we have the much needed ritual or limpia for your 2023 manifestation goals.
What exactly is a ritual and a limpia, and who can perform them? The below spiritual rituals and limpias were curated with your astrological zodiac sign in mind. Therefore, it’s an open practice for anyone of any spiritual belief to respectfully perform. Rituals and limpias are deeply rooted in Latinx spirituality. These esoteric techniques can sometimes be referred to as brujería or curanderismo depending on the tradition and the respective approach. Performing these rituals and limpias doesn’t gain you any sort of shamanic or high priestess titles, but they help you dig deeper into the act of reclaiming the misconceptions surrounding unconventional spirituality and further decolonizing any internal colonized religious understanding of magia. These are sacred acts you self-perform to clear out unwanted energy by activating and releasing intentions through your zodiac sign’s recommended ritual or limpia.
Beginning the new year with a mercury retrograde in the sign of Capricorn is going to present you with the opportunity for a do-over on goals you didn’t achieve in 2022. You might be thinking that starting 2023 with un mercury in reggaeton is a dreadful omen setting the tone for el Año Nuevo yet it isn’t all gloom. Instead, this is a powerful astrological transit that encourages you to revisit the strategy board with inspired action. Soon enough Mercury turns direct on January 18th allowing you to move forward full steam ahead on all those big ideas.
Before you hibernate in your genius, open those roads and reverse unwanted energy with our 2023 Zodiac rituals for your astrology sign. If you’re feeling extra ambitious, read and perform the recommended ritual or limpia for your “big 3”, otherwise referred to as your sun sign, moon sign and rising sign. Don’t forget to share with your amigas!
As the leaders of the Zodiac, we know you’re ready to tackle 2023. This year is going to be major for you since the eclipse axis is occurring in your sign. You read right, there’s an Aries eclipse happening on April 20th. You’ll be manifesting potently. En serio. You don’t want to drag your feet on building that vision board and writing out your goals for the year. You’ll want to focus on longevity as a foundational strategy. Things are going to move fast for you, but they can equally fizzle out fast. Here’s a grounding ritual to help you tap into long-term results. Here’s our vision board ritual for you.
Items needed:
1. Board or Paper
2. Magazines, newspapers, photos, stickers, etc
3. Visual items that represent your aspirations
4. Scissors, glue, tape and writing utensils like markers
Ritual Steps:
1. First set an intention. What is an overall theme you want to set for 2023? Love? Health?
2. Once you settle on that, write out one to six goals you have for the year. This is your manifesto and can be taped to the center of your vision board.
3. Then start getting crafty and build your board out with all items you cut or saved to visually represent the energy you are embodying and aspects of yourself you’ll be ready to step into and manifest. Such as the photos you cut out.
4. Play some music to get the vibe high. Take your time doing this process and really enjoy it. Visualize yourself welcoming these ideas and goals you’re putting on your vision board.
5. Connect in gratitude with your future self and ask for support to ground these intentions and that you stick by them and not give up. This board is a reference for you throughout 2023 so you can go back to those goals when you pause, rest or maybe forget your mission!
What a year! Right, Taurus? You’ve had tons of beautiful moments of transformations and new beginnings in 2022. Maybe money has been a bit unpredictable due to the eclipses that happened twice in your sign last year. Well, this year you’re going to experience one final eclipse in your sign on Oct. 28th. Moments of uncertainty can activate fear and make one question their abilities of abundance. Here’s our money ritual for you to keep opening financial stability and success with this crystal grid exercise.
Items needed:
1. 1 pyrite crystal stone
2. Handful of cinnamon sticks.
3. 1 money drawing candle (buy from spiritual botanica shop)
4. 4 citrine crystal stones
Ritual steps:
1. Write out your intention to welcome financial abundance in your life. This could be by paying off debt. Saving or investing, and to ask for financial support from the Universe.
2. Set this paper with your intention underneath your money drawing candle. Speak your intention outloud into your candle. Then light the candle. Place in a safe place like an altar or somewhere where no one will disrupt.
3. Cleanse all your crystals with palo santo or sage. Give thanks to the consciousness of the crystals for their frequency and support. You can hold them in your hands, close your eyes, place them in front of your heart and ask them to activate your intentions.
4. Place pyrite crystal in front of the candle. Then place citrine crystals around your candle and pyrite making a formation of a square. A citrine in all four corners around the center, which is your candle and pyrite. Keep them close not too far out.
5. Take six dried cinnamon sticks. These can be bought from the grocery store. Make a formation of your cinnamon sticks around the outer layer of the citrine crystals. You should now have a center (candle and pyrite), layer one of your four citrines making four corner points around the center, and your cinnamon sticks as a second layer surround everything sticking out in each empty space in between the citrine crystals. There’s no wrong way to set this grid. Follow your intuition.
6. Visit this grid daily or weekly to set your money and abundance activation before you start your day or week. Make sure you only keep your candle lit when you’re awake and nearby. Do not leave fire unattended. You can pray in front of this grid when needed. Keep this up year-round.
You ended 2022 with a full moon in your sign early December, which was a positive note to end the year on. As you roll out 2023, this year could feel a lot easier now that Mars is exiting your sign after going direct from retrograde in Gemini on Jan. 12th. Mars enters Cancer and leaves your Zodiac sign on March 25th! What a relief, because you’ve been called to slow down and revisit looming cycles. As a fast moving sign, you’d rather progress than pause. Now it’s time to get back into your normal chatty groove. Here’s a ritual to unblock your throat chakra from Mars retrograde as you speak your goals into fruition in 2023.
Items needed:
1. 1 sodalite crystal
2. 1 blue standard glass candle
Ritual steps:
1. Write out an intention on paper of how you will support your voice and speak your truth from a balanced, healthy and authentic place. What do you need support with and how do you want your story to be told? This can be 5-12 sentences. Recite out loud once done writing.
2. Cleanse your sodalite crystal with sacred sage or palo santo. Set an intention with the crystal to work alongside its energies and give gratitude for its support.
3. Recite your intention once more while holding the sodalite against your throat, gently.
4. Visualize the crystal making a shield around your throat chakra to protect your ability to speak and share your truth. You can do this whenever you feel called to before beginning your day throughout 2023.
5. Light your candle. Store in a safe place like your altar. Keep lit only when you are nearby and extinguish before bed or when you are not nearby to attend to it. Light your candle every full moon no matter the Zodiac sign. Keep light for five days straight then extinguish until the next full moon this year.
Water sign mijas, are you excited for the new energy of 2023? This year is going to move fast thanks to the Aries eclipse on April 20th. As a fellow cardinal sign, you’re not opposed to movement since you’re ambitious just like your fellow Aries and Libra amigas. You can expect 2023 to help you release burdens and end old relationships that need to be closed out. Here’s a baño to help you cleanse your aura before you head into a year-long process of renewal. You can do this aura cleansing baño as a limpia when needed in 2023.
Items needed:
1. 1 medium size cooking pot.
2. 12 dozen white roses. Cut off stems. Toss stems and keep bulbs.
3. 1 bottle of Agua de Florida (Florida Water can be purchased at spiritual shop)
4. 1 cup of coconut milk and 1 cup of coconut water
5. 3 bundles of fresh rosemary
6. Perform after 7 p.m.
Ritual Steps:
1. Call in any higher power to join you to oversee your ritual for protection and to remove negativity.
2. Wash rosemary, roses. Place into your pot of water (not boiling). You will not boil.
3. Intentionally add your seven splashes of Agua de Florida into your pot with the already placed rosemary and roses. Then add coconut milk and coconut water. Mix with setting your intention to release low vibrational emotions and to cut ties with anything negative in your life.
4. Run a warm bath of water. Not too hot. Add your baño mix. Enter the bath clean (shower prior to this). Sit and meditate and visualize your aura being cleared with the support of this bath. Enjoy the bath for 15-30 mins. Cry, laugh and pray.
5. Once done, conclude in gratitude. Remove flowers and large objects from the tub before draining. Don’t shower again. Just pat yourself dry. Allow residue of the bath to stay on you. Unless clumpy, massage it out.
Lioness babes, this year your family sector, friendship circles and spirituality will be significant themes for you to explore. Be open to making new friendships as you’ll have plenty of opportunities to network in 2023. Family will definitely be consuming as it was in 2022 due to the Scorpio eclipses highlighting your fourth house in astrology. Balancing your social life with personal obligations is key. You must make time for yourself and room to play. Here’s an inner child ritual to help you unlock your youthful and fun side of self.
Items needed:
1. 1 photo of yourself between the ages of infant to twelve years-old. Place this on an altar or safe space and connect with her (your inner child photo) throughout the year to remind how she is loved and important.
2. 1 pen and pad of paper.
3. Quiet space and alone time.
4. Your favorite incense to light in the process.
5. 1 bouquet of sunflowers as an offering to your inner child.
6. A playlist of all your favorite songs from elementary to middle school to play.
Ritual Steps:
1. Play your playlist and light your incense as a way to start this process. Have your childhood photo near you for inspiration.
2. Write all the ways you love your inner child. Why? Her amazing qualities and strengths.
3. Write all the ways you will no longer betray her. How will you show up to keep her alive within you? Make this a promise.
4. Call in your inner child to provide you with inspiration for what she needs from you. Write out channeled messages you receive (thoughts/ideas).
5. Lastly, list at least two to five inner child exercises you’ll do to have fun and make time for your needs. Recall hobbies or passions you enjoyed as your younger self such as drawing, painting, signing, doing puzzles, etc. Make a promise to do these once monthly to embody your inner child healing and playful spirit.
In 2023 you were focused on wrapping up significant endings and tending to your family. This year you’ll be called to retreat a bit. You might need to focus on your mental health in 2023 and you could feel inspired to completely revamp your personal look. Not only will you want to explore a new personal appearance, but you’re also interested in changing the narrative of what others think and expect of you in 2023. You’re no longer people pleasing and placing emphasis on the needs of others over your own. We love this new attitude. Here’s a meditation ritual to help you keep your boundaries strong this year.
Items needed:
1. Safe space of solitude and quiet time.
2. Allot for a time of 10 minutes minimum.
3. 1 black obsidian crystal to have beside you.
Ritual Steps:
1. Call in your higher power for support and protection to oversee the process.
2. Cleanse your crystal with sage or palo santo and give thanks to the spirit of black obsidian.
3. Work your black obsidian over your aura sweeping from top to bottom while visualizing yourself cutting ties, chords and energy with any energy vampires in your life. Start from front of body, sides of body to back of body. Be sure to do soles of feet.
4. Once completed, visualize your aura being sealed and wrapped by obsidian. Seal your aura entirely in obsidian with the intention to stand in your power the rest of that day.
Libra, as the sign that’s ruled by the planet Venus, you need balance and harmony as an integral part of your life. The eclipse axis this year is happening in Aries and Libra. Yes, in your sign! This is a pretty big deal. Get ready for all the big blessings to come your way. The eclipse will position you for recognition and reward in 2023. Here’s a sweetness attraction ritual to help raise your vibration and attract only high vibrational experiences that compliment your Venusian energy.
Items needed:
1. 3 tablespoons of honey (any kind).
2. half cup of coconut milk
3. 4 tablespoons of sugar.
4. 1 tablespoon of sea salt.
5. Mix all ingredients well in one container.
6. Perform in the morning.
Ritual Steps:
1. Set an intention to receive abundant and positive opportunities of your highest good and of the highest good of all involved. This is a “sweetness scrub” that you wish to activate your aura with loving energy and success.
2. Shower beforehand to clean your body from dirt.
3. Then in shower grab your sweetness attraction scrub. Scrub it all over your body. Especially over your seven chakras from crown chakra down to your root chakra. LAther into your body.
4. Once lathered on your entire body, visualize your desires for 2023. Ask the spirit of the sweetness scrub to help you open this gateway to your ambitions. Do this for 5 to 10 mins.
You’ve had your hands full all of 2022, Scorpio. As a fixed sign, last year forced you into being adaptable, resourceful and encouraged you to evolve as a person. In 2022, there were two eclipses happening in your sign. This year, you have one final eclipse in Scorpio to go before you get a huge break. We know you’re exhausted and doing the work to stay accountable. The marathon is almost over.This year you’ll be in the energy of the nine of wands tarot card. Pushing through perseverance. You might have little patience for mishaps or ignorance. We don’t blame you. Here’s a breathwork limpia to help you reset your mindset when you’re triggered with things not going your way. Wishing you all the best, Scorp.
Items needed:
1. A quiet space and isolation is needed.
2. Florida Water (bottle of Agua de Florida)
Ritual Steps:
1. Connect with your guides or higher power for protection.
2. Rub Florida Water onto palms of both hands. Clasp hands over face. Inhale three deep breaths to take in Florida Water scent.
3. Set an intention to release what is not in your control. Practice mindfulness and welcome flow. Tell your ego it is safe and doesn’t need to resist.
4. You will do eight sets of box breaths. Box breathing is the act of breathing in rotations of four counts. Example: in hale for four counts, hold for four counts, and exhale for four counts. That entire one set is one rep. You’ll do that for eight total counts without your hands clasped over your face. Purpose with these breaths is to connect with your body and release trauma, anxiety or stuck emotions blocking you from ease.
5. Once done with breathing, conclude in gratitude. Keep your eyes closed to reflect for however long needed. Do this often throughout 2023 when you feel called to. It’s a way to powerfully use your breath to do an energy limpia from your emotional body.
This year is highlighting love, children and romance for you since the eclipse axis is happening in your fifth and 11th houses. Your reputation will receive positive renewal in 2023 and many will be seeking you out for your wisdom and resources. Last year was a year for you to settle down, build foundation and excel in your career. Now you can rest in your laurels and welcome wealth. Wealth in health, home and happiness. ¡te lo mereces! Here’s a blockbuster ritual to keep away unwanted mal de ojo because you’re going to be glowing, sis.
Items needed:
1. Copal and charcoal (3 Kings brand is preferred) and a cauldron or burner to burn in.
2. Dried lavender, dried bay leaf and dried fennel.
3. A black candle or a blockbuster candle from a botanica (spiritual shop).
4. Lighter.
Ritual steps:
1. Light white blockbuster candle. Ask the ancestors to oversee your candle and work on your behalf to keep jealousy and ill intent at bay.
2. Pray over your candle with an intention stating what your purpose of use is (e.g.asking the divine for assistance in guidance and protection).
3. Place your dried herbs in a nice tray or bowl. These are an offering to your ancestors. You will not burn or use them. Replenish as needed throughout the year. Toss when you feel they are old.
4. Next, safely light one charcoal tablet. Place inside your cauldron or container. Add copal on top of charcoal once it starts sparking. Be careful not to burn yourself. It will begin smoking. Use the smoke to perform a self limpia over you with the smoke and use the smoke to clear your home. Make sure windows are open. Do this process every new moon and every eclipse in 2023. This will keep your home safe and your aura protected from evil eye.
5. Once done, extinguish the candle and safely toss charcoal residue after it has cooled. Charcoal can take a while to finish smoking.
6. Conclude in gratitude to the ancestors.
As a cardinal sign, you look forward to starting projects and committing to them. In 2023, you’ll have plenty of chances of exploring new ideas and tackling new areas of life. This year your health, romantic relationships and personal identity are top of mind. You’ll find remedy and support in the spiritual subjects most especially this year. Explore your spiritual practice and take part in spiritual communities. You’ll find inspiration through the metaphysical spaces. Take your health seriously this year and be open to new love. Here’s a ritual to help you attract healthy soulmate love as you set the tone for 2023.
Items needed:
1. 1 pink or red candle. If you can find a chuparosa candle, that’s preferred.
2. 1 bouquet of flowers of your choice.
3. 1 rose quartz.
Ritual Steps:
1. Designate an area where you can perform this ritual where no one will touch or interfere.
2. Pray over your candle to help you further open self-love, compassion and romantic opportunities. Give thanks to the spirit of the hummingbird for its animal medicine in this process.
3. Light your candle facing the northern direction of your home.
4. Place your flowers of your choice as an offering to the planet Venus. Venus is the ruler of love, romance and self-love. Toss flowers once wilted.
5. Cleanse your rose quartz crystal stone with sacred smoke of sage or palo santo.
6. Give gratitude to your crystal and you will wear this crystal on new moon cycles. Keep it on you at all times. Make sure you cleanse it next day every time you wear it.
7. Keep offering flowers to planet Venus on a monthly basis to keep your petition going.
8. Write a list of the soulmate you want to be and the soulmate qualities that you consider healthy in another individual. Keep this list as an intention on the altar near your flowers. This is your manifestation of a soulmate. Close in gratitude. Light your candle for six days straight until finished.
wp_*posts Aquarius
As a fixed-sign you have been having quite the year back-to-back. The eclipse in Scorpio and Taurus in 2022, and again in 2023 will have a tremendous effect on you since you’re part of the fixed-sign family of this Zodiac duo. It’s a year of magia for you, Aqua. Your magic will get stronger and your abilities more potent. Your psychic senses will be heightened, you’ll have a deeper connection to the dead along with your ancestors. Equally, it’s a year to focus on not attaining debt, watching your shared finances in business and in love. Romance and money will be solid this year. With so much success coming your way, you’ll want to keep yourself protected and connected to the spirit realm. You are a walking manifesting machine. Here is a talisman satchel ritual to keep on you all of 2023 to keep you connected to the “other side” and divinely protected.
Items needed:
1. A small baggie or pouch. Pocket size is best.
2. You’ll want to represent all four elements of air, earth, fire and water. Therefore, you’ll need a crystal for each element. Get a carnelian crystal for fire, blue calcite for water, amethyst for air and tiger’s eye for earth.
3. Four bay leaves (dried).
Ritual steps:
1. Ask your protector spirit guide to place their energy into your satchel/pouch, crystals and bay leaves to be your talisman protector. This can be an archangel or ancestor. Give thanks to them. Ask them (it) to protect you when you leave your home daily in 2023.
2. Cleanse your crystals with sacred smoke of sage or palo santo. Give gratitude to the crystals for their frequency and support.
3. Connect with the plant spirit of the bay leaf. Give thanks for its participation in this ritual. Write on each bay leaf a direction. First bay leaf write North, next East, next South and last West. This is to call in all four directions to help you navigate life’s beauty and battles. To have their blessing and protection when you leave your home.
4. Once done, place the satchel in a purse or bag that you use daily to travel. Cleanse this satchel on full moons.
As the watery empaths of the Zodiac, you’re intuitive and sensitive. Naturally witchy or psychic, you need a lot of time to filter out other’s projections. You had to do that often in 2022 due to the harsh eclipse. In 2023, you can expect a change in job and increase in money, hooray! You’ll also be focused on journaling, meditating and self-expression as you explore new aspects of your personality. You’ll be very confident this year and folks will take notice. Here is a solar plexus chakra limpia to help you stay empowered and courageous. You have a lot of prosperity to welcome in 2023. Don’t play it small and time to shine, Pisces!
Items needed:
1. 1 cold raw egg (any size).
2. 1 clear glass that is clean. Fill cup with water more than halfway, but not completely full.
Ritual Steps:
1. Fill the glass cup more than halfway with clean water.
2. Pray over your egg and cup of water and ask your higher power to help release energy chords or energy attachments from anyone trying to take your power away. Ask the egg to release unwanted energies and to share with you messages of your highest good.
3. Set a glass of water aside. Begin working the hard uncracked egg over your stomach only. Gently rub it on your skin and navel. In a clockwise circular motion. Don’t crack the egg. Do this for 10 circular motions over the belly button. Visualize gunk being released and old wounds. Any disputes or attacks to your ego, confidence or personality through negative exchanges from others. Ask huevo (egg) to release unwanted energies as you do this.Just your stomach. Nowhere else.
4. Once you feel you’re done, crack the egg over the glass over water and allow yolk to fall into the glass.
5. Let the egg yolk fall and settle into the glass for at least 5-10 minutes. Don’t move it at all and don’t let anyone touch it. Throw the egg shells from the egg that performed limpia in your trash right away.
6. After 5-10 mins read the yolk in the glass. Observe the bubbles, the strings and see if you intuitively “read” or channel messages or symbols. Sometimes you can see figures and eyes in the yolk. If you don’t want to do any of this you can just flush the entire water and yolk from within the cup down your toilet and trust that everything was released.
7. You can draw oracle cards to help you clarify what the egg pulled for you. Then toss the egg in the toilet and flush immediately. Never throw egg down your sink or trash. Wash the cup immediately and keep separately. Never drink out of this cup again.
8. Next, place both hands over your belly button. Visualize white light energy from the Universe shielding your belly button. This is your solar plexus chakra. Helping this area stay strong and protected. Do this anytime you feel you had a negative encounter with a situation or someone who tried to overpower you, belittle you or harm you. This helps regain your energy life force and keep your confidence strong..
9. Clean up and conclude in gratitude.