Sunny Hostin Calls Trump an “Illegitimate President” For Downplaying Deaths in Puerto Rico

Sunny Hostin took President Trump to TASK on The View today for trying to downplay the deaths in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and claiming that the Democrats were manufacturing numbers of fatalities on the island nation in order to make him “look bad

Photo: Wikimedia/ LBJ Library from Austin

Photo: Wikimedia/ LBJ Library from Austin

Sunny Hostin took President Trump to TASK on The View today for trying to downplay the deaths in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and claiming that the Democrats were manufacturing numbers of fatalities on the island nation in order to make him “look bad.” The president’s tweets come directly on the heels of news breaking that millions of bottles of water were undistributed on an airbase in Ceiba, Puerto Rico while citizens were literally dying from diseases they contracted after drinking dirty water out of desperation.

“I think if you haven’t lost someone in Puerto Rico, if you’re just an American citizen, if you’re just a human and have any empathy for anyone else, you should feel that this is grotesque,” Hostin said. “A true leader would offer his condolences to the people of Puerto Rico, a true leader would offer his condolences to United States citizens and vow to never let something like that happen again.”

“I think these statements make him illegitimate as a president of the United States,” she continued. “He’s an illegitimate president handling this situation in this way. If you are a United States citizen, you should be disgusted by this.”

Hostin, who is Puerto Rican, squared off against conservative co-host Abby Huntsman, who somehow tried to defend Trump’s disgusting comments by asking, “Do you think President Trump is in the oval office saying, ‘How can we make it worse for Puerto Ricans? How can we make it so more people die?’ You think that was actually happening in the White House?”

It doesn’t matter if that was an actual discussion in the White House. The fact of the matter is that Trump made it very clear where his priorities were at the time of the hurricane and it was not the millions of U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico suffering without power, running water or food. “At the time that this was happening, he was more concerned with NFL athletes protesting and kneeling then he was concerned about what’s going on in the United States,” Hostin shot back at Huntsman.

Hostin, who is quickly becoming our new hero, also defended the island of Puerto Rico, quickly explaining that the Jones act had allowed the United States to “rape and pillage” the small island nation and then claim that their infrastructure was “lacking” and that’s why the devastation from the hurricane was so terrible.

Watch Sunny Hostin school the entire cast of The View on the Jones Act and how she really feels about the President’s reaction to Hurricane Maria below:

In this Article

Hurricane Maria President Trump puerto rico Sunny Hostin The View
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