Your Tarotscope For The Week of September 16- Sept 22, 2018 Revealed

Theme of the Week: Knight of Pentacles This week may feel as if it is coming off to a slow start, but there is no reason to rush things

Tarot card readers HipLatina

Photo: 123rf

Theme of the Week: Knight of Pentacles

This week may feel as if it is coming off to a slow start, but there is no reason to rush things. There may be something that needs to be tended to and handled with the utmost care. Because this is something important and very meaningful, you don’t want to dive in headfirst with no direction. Handle with care, respect and unconditional love now. If you do, by as early as this weekend, there will be splendid improvements.



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Virgo HipLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: 9 of Wands

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You have come such a long way in your journey, dear Virgo! Do not let a minor setback derail you now. Even if you don’t feel like you have anyone cheering you on, be your own supporter and keep up those positive affirmations! Everyone else will join the party once they see your tenacity has paid off. For now, don those hater-blockers and stay the course straight to success.




Your Card: The Hanged Man

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A situation may have you feeling a bit powerless at the moment. The Hanged Man advises you to flip your perspective. Take your feelings out of the equation and try to see things from another P.O.V. This will help you see behind the veil and enlighten you with new truth.




Your Card: 8 of Pentacles

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You are focusing so intently and diligently on something that you cannot see beyond it. While hard work and effort does bring about results, it is okay to take a fiver every once in awhile, Scorpio. Your goals will still be there when you get back. Plus, you’ll likely return refreshed and even more productive. Just make sure that fiver doesn’t turn into Ferris Bueller’s Day Off!




Your Card: Knight of Swords

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You’re sick and tired of waiting for something to happen, Sag, so you’re motto this week is, “If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself!” Well- this week- you’re right. If you want to make moves, take the reigns and the action will follow. It may be wise to keep yourself in check in the process, as you could get a little carried away. Although you may not mind stepping on a few toes- just try not to stomp on ’em!




Your Card: 10 of Pentacles

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AH, security, one of Caps oldest and most cherished of comrades. This week is all about that safety, security and groundedness you love and work so hard to achieve. This can be financial, familial, whatever you consider your own, personal baby blanket in life. Expect a lot of these feelings to come up for you and pay attention to what ignites them. You need to focus more of your efforts towards this.




Your Card: 7 of Swords

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They underestimate your sneakiness, Aquarius. There is something you are trying to slide away from in the most graceful and understated way possible. Naturally, also in the way that benefits you most. You put on a good show and most people cannot penetrate you enough to figure out your true intentions, so you will likely be succesful.




Your Card: 3 of Swords

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You give and you give, Pisces, yet it seems as if it always ends the same. You may suffer some type of disappointment or heartache this week, but don’t let yourself slide into a phase of doom and gloom. Rather than self-pity, consider what you can change for the future and how you can manifest more happiness into your life. Maybe it’s time to start cleaning house. Focus on the good things and that is what you’ll attract more of.




Your Card: 8 of Swords

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You may be feeling trapped in a situation, Aries. No matter what you do, you can’t get out and you can’t change it. But, you can’t control everything in life. Sometimes, situations just need to run their natural course. It may get worse before it gets better, but know that it won’t be this way forever. Once in awhile, the best thing to do is nothing.




Your Card: 2 of Pentacles

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Taurus, as the sign of the bull, you are best known for your stubbornness. This week, as much as it may pain you, flexibility may be called for. A slight compromise on your part may make all the difference in the world in a situation that is plaguing you. This could be the key to the balance you’ve been searching for in an area of your life. Relax and let go. There will always be obstacles, the key is learning how to navigate through them successfully.




Your Card: Wheel of Fortune

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Get ready for some major changes, Gem. Your life is beginning to shift and swirl in a new direction. This week will start to bring evidence of transitions to come. Since this is a Major Arcana card, this is not a card that will only effect this week, but one which will effect your life in a more overall and complete way. Life is made up of cycles. One cycle brings you to the next, so on and so forth. There are no accidents. Although not every change is guaranteed to be to your liking, rest assured it is always in your best interest and brings you closer to your destiny.




Your Card: 5 of Swords

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As a Cancer, it is common for you put your own needs aside in order to please or make others feel good. This week, it’s time to extend that same courtesy to yourself and put you first for a change. Don’t say yes if you really want to say no! Don’t worry about who you may upset or what someone might think, sometimes you just have to do what’s right for you. You deserve to have your needs met and live your best life as you see fit. Be true to yourself.



Leo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 6 of Pentacles

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You get what you give. There is a theme of giving and receiving for you this week, dear Leo. Whether this applies financially, emotionally or physically- it’s a two-way street. Many times we believe we are giving or doing for someone else when, in reality, we are the ones reaping the biggest rewards. Think the warmth and fulfillment you feel after volunteering or a teacher who becomes enlightened by her students. Although you may be picking and choosing where and how you give your affections, consider the potential effects of switching gears to unbounded generosity.

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