Your Weekly Tarotscope for March 3 – Mar 9, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: The Devil There are some attachments we just can’t seem to let go of

Tarotscopes HipLatina

Photo: 123rd

Theme of the Week: The Devil

Photo: 123rd

There are some attachments we just can’t seem to let go of. They may not even be our attachments, but others attached to us. Whether an old relationship someone can’t get over, a neighbor who just won’t take a hint, or something else that you just can’t seem to shake — this plays a big part in your week. Detaching may be a fragile process, but it is a necessary one. It is important to be able to identify what plays an unhealthy role in our lives and let it go accordingly. This doesn’t mean you never cared about it. Sacrificing yourself to make someone else more comfortable, or yourself momentarily gratified, does no one any good. It will only build up resentment, or worse. Have the strength to say no, and release yourself from the chains for good.


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Your Card: 9 of Pentacles

Photo: 123rd

You are so happy and content in your bubble this week, Pisces. You have everything you need, and almost everything you want. But, you know what is soon coming — a little birdie may have told you. Enjoy this time in your element. It is scarce that you get to stroll around with naught a worry in sight. This is your season. While others may be having their difficulties with an influx of complicated and intense feelings — let yourself thrive in the house of understanding.



HIpLatina Tarotscope Aries

Your Card: 9 of Cups

Photo: 123rd

You have a lot to show for yourself now, Aries. You deserve to be proud of your accomplishments, both present, and future. You are headed to a place of immense personal fulfillment, now. While you feel like everything is going your way, just wait for what is to come. Right now, you are in the place where you’re out having a great time, so you want to record it on your phone and post it to social media so you can share it with the world. But soon, you will be so immersed in what you’re doing, you won’t even think about taking the phone out.




Your Card: 4 of Swords

Photo: 123rd

Relax, Taurus. Now is a time to woo-sah and take a moment to collect yourself from all the recent heartache, disappointment, separation, betrayal, and the like. It’s a time for respite. Get yourself cool, calm, and collected in whatever way you know how. Some people find solace in prayer, some find it in yoga class, and some find it at brunch with their bestie. Whatever works for you, now is the time to clear your mind of all turbulence and let only the positive seep through.




Your Card: Judgement

Photo: 123rd

Has your day finally come? It may feel that way this week, Gemini. Something that seems written in the stars and made for you, will cross your path, and you are all in without a second thought. Go with your gut instinct now, because it is said that lightning never strikes twice. If this does not turn out to be the answer to your prayers, it will likely be the key to unlocking the next chapter of your story.




Your Card: King of Pentacles

Photo: 123rd

This week is all about establishing yourself, Cancer. You’re ready to have it all together. Career goals. Relationship goals. It is all about security and stability on all fronts. You’re tying up any loose ends. And you’d say, “Take no prisoners!” But, of course, you aren’t heartless! You’ll nurture what you can, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of your end game, now. You’re not playing games with your life anymore. It’s time to get down to business, and your mindset is — it’s now or never.




Your Card: Queen of Cups

Photo: 123rd

There is something you care for very deeply, Leo. You hold it in your heart as this fragile, delicate creature. Yet, that is all you do. Holding space for someone or something is beautiful, but without real action or commitment, what good does it do? If you want to continue to simply hold space and love from afar, that is your prerogative. But, if this is something you want to turn into something tangible and real, you’ve got to do more than sit, long, and lament. It’s time to do something about it, or live the rest of your life wondering.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups HipLatina Tarotscope
Photo: 123rd

Someone has some wonderful news for you this week, Virgo! It may be something you’ve had your eye on for awhile, but weren’t totally sure about. Congratulations, because you’re about to get validated. It will be fairly straightforward and could be exceptionally meaningful to you, considering the circumstances. It has been a long road for you. Congrats!




Your Card: Death

Photo: 123rd

Someone could be asking for your help this week, but you’re in no mood. This is very un-Libra-like of you, but a recent experience may be prompting some change. This looks only temporary, but you want to take out your dismay on someone and if you can do it without truly causing any conflict, then all the better for you! At least it will be quick.



Scorpio Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Queen of Wands

Photo: 123rd

You’re actually in a decent mood this week, Scorpio. Someone could be trying to force you into a more positive outlook, but the irony is that the longer you fake it, the more it seems to be rubbing off on you. You know the saying: Sometimes you gotta fake it till you make it! Who knew it could actually work?! Keep up the good attitude and encounter your life improve in spades.




Your Card: 8 of Wands

Photo: 123rd

All bets are off. You’re all in. You know what you want and you’re going to make all the effort to get it this week. All of your energy is being directed towards one thing, now. You are focused and determined. Just remember to take into account the unexpected. Try not to shoot first and ask questions later. It could throw a wrench in your plans.



Capricorn HIpLatina TarotScope

Your Card: Wheel of Fortune

You’ve been working hard for an upcoming change or opportunity. Cap, you are due for an upswing. The tides are changing to your benefit thanks to your unrelenting efforts. Keep doing your diligence and it will continue to pay off. All of your tireless efforts are being noticed, whether you realize it yet or not. The Wheel is spinning in your favor.



Aquarius Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 10 of Pentacles

Home is the center of your world, Aquarius. This is where you feel safe, where you feel love, where everything you work so hard for resides. You can handle drama or disruption at work and out in the world, but home is the one place you desire things to be copacetic. Something may be attempting to disrupt that harmony now, and you could feel like it is your job to put everything back into place. Understand that it is, indeed, not your job. But, if you feel that strongly inclined, do what you feel you need to do. If you do decide to intervene, be careful not to use this as a bargaining chip for the future.

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