Your Weekly Tarotscope for March 17 – Mar 23, 2019 Revealed
Theme of the Week: 8 of Swords This week will be all-consuming

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Theme of the Week: 8 of Swords

This week will be all-consuming. We will be wrapped up in and focused on a matter that has a strong footprint on our psyche. All your time and energy will be devoted to this, mostly because it will be a top priority in your mind. If you’ve been putting it off, understand that there is no more running or hiding. It is time to come face-to-face and tackle things head-on. You may experience feelings of helplessness, but in fact, we are never really helpless. Use your agile mind to strategize a way to navigate through the muddiness and discomfort. The outcome depends on whether you choose to stay bound to the way things are or figure out a way to cut yourself free and create your own happy ending.

Your Card: 2 of Swords

Emotions go on the back burner as you decide where to go and what is best for you, Aquarius. There isn’t as much information missing from this equation as you might think or hope. Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss. But that is not the situation now. You must commit 100% to whatever way you decide. Be confident in your decision no matter how difficult it may be. Yes, this could mean a period of separation, hurt, or difficulty. But beyond that will come a period of reprieve. You will receive reassurance that you made the best possible choice for yourself and your future.

Your Card: Queen of Pentacles

You have so much going for you Aries, yet you still yearn for more. What is it you really want? There is a difference between a goal and a longing for what you can’t have. Does something seem appealing only because you believe it to be just out of your reach? Take time out for gratitude this week. Realize all of the beauty and luck that surrounds you. Embrace all those people and things that make your life wonderful. Begin a journey of nurturing what you already have and you will be pleasantly surprised at just how great it flourishes.

Your Card: 7 of Wands

You’re trying to stay optimistic, Taurus, but reality keeps bringing you down to earth. It feels like one thing after the next. You can’t force happiness. Let yourself feel. It’s okay to be sad and go through the motions. You need to process and stop putting up such a hard front. This doesn’t mean you need to expose yourself to the public. But let yourself cry it out, have some cake, or whatever it is you need to do to deal with your emotions — in private. If you don’t acknowledge them, they will fester into something you have no control over and come out at inopportune times.

Your Card: 8 of Pentacles

You are in development now, Gemini. You are finally focused and motivated! Yippee! This is a rarity for you. Keep chipping away, because no matter if this particular project works out or not, the discipline itself will bring you to new heights. The skills you learn during this process are invaluable to you in more ways than one, so pay attention and do not take this for granted.

Your Card: 2 of Cups

You’ve been waiting for this, Cancer. It is finally making its way towards you and with it comes understanding and healing. This is a gentle and reassuring time. There is an undertone of things unsaid yet innately understood. Everything that was up in the air, swirling between you and this, is down making its way down and entering as a healing and soothing force. There are high spirits ahead.

Your Card: The Tower

Your world is flipping upside down and inside out. Transformation is taking place in the best possible way now, Leo. Many times in life, things must break down and crumble to ashes in order for it to be restored. The foundation must be exposed to exploit its weakness so that you can repair it. So that now you can build higher and stronger. Le all that no longer serves a purpose, fall away. Begin fresh and new with only what is worth saving,

Your Card: 6 of Wands

There may have been hesitance or push-back before, but you’ve finally achieved a position of influence and people are on the bandwagon. You have proven yourself worthy and formidable. All of your hard work and effort is finally getting its due recognition and you are getting high on this feeling of esteem. Some may think you just lucked out, but you know it took much more than luck to get where you are today. Lions don’t concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.

Your Card: Queen of Cups

You’re taking a long, hard look at yourself. Just be careful not to judge, or be too critical of yourself, Libra. Nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws and we all make mistakes. Speak to yourself with loving words, especially when you want to change something or improve yourself in some way. This could mean the difference between self-development and insecurity.

Your Card: 4 of Pentacles

Your possessiveness is taking over, Scorpio. You are firmly planted and want full control. The irony is that the more you try to reign this control, the closer you are to losing what you grip so tightly. Realize that clinging to something doesn’t guarantee you won’t lose it. You know how many times we put things we don’t want to misplace in a “safe place” and then forget where we put it, thus causing us to lose said special item? This is just like that. Taking too many precautions may result in the opposite of your aim now. Try to loosen your grip a bit.

Your Card: 4 of Wands

You’re in the midst of a personal win right now and you would love nothing more than to celebrate with the people you love. For some reason, though, you get the feeling no one else is quite as amped up as you. It isn’t that others aren’t happy or are disinterested, they just have their own things going on now. Try not to take this personal, because it really isn’t — don’t worry! That one special friend will come through, so you can successfully frolic in celebratory bliss.

Your Card: King of Swords

You are thinking about taking something to the next level, Cap. You have been analyzing and dissecting exactly how things will play out and how they could play out, depending on the variables. But you are spending all your time thinking and not doing. Is all this thinking really just procrastination? You can never truly predict the outcome. You can only make an educated guess with the information you have. So if you finally come to the conclusion that this is worth your time, take a bold step forward.

Your Card: 7 of Swords

Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. While your intentions may be pure in diffusing a difficult situation, others could misconstrue this for a guilty conscience. Try to smooth things over as best you can, but not at the expense of getting caught in the crossfire. Know when helping is helping, and when it’s simply time for you to bow out gracefully.