Your Monthly Tarotscope for May 2020 Revealed!

Theme of the Month: 7 of Pentacles There is something many of us are waiting for this month

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Month: 7 of Pentacles

There is something many of us are waiting for this month. We are anticipating the direction of a long-term effort that has been made. For some of us, this isn’t as much about timing as it is about the seeds that have been planted. Was this, or is this, worth your efforts? Is it in your best interest to proceed? You may have been hoping, or expecting to have gotten more back by now. Or, at least have a definitive answer of whether the juice is worth the squeeze. It can feel like you’re working twice as hard, only to be thrown breadcrumbs. The positive reinforcement is minimal and making it difficult to stay motivated. While some things are opening up for you, you still somehow feel unsatisfied. I am seeing that this is going to take some more time, hard work, and effort. You aren’t exactly close to the finish line yet, but hard work does pay off. If you are looking for tangible, practical results, this journey is worth the hike. This is not something that will not provide you with emotional stimulation or action-oriented fulfillment.



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Your Card: Death


Taurus, you have experienced failures. This may be in career, relationships, or even in small, day to day tasks. But now is the time to move past them and onto something greater. All of those things are over and done now. It is time to leave with your gains and forget your losses. Something you must leave behind may try to come with you, but it is up to you to recognize what is best for yourself. You can keep yourself stuck in a cycle, or begin anew. Change is underway regardless of how you react to it, or if you’re ready. There may even be things that you don’t want to let go of yet but will be pried from your hands. You are leaving the worst behind you. There is nothing that has a strong enough hold on you to force you into a state of stagnation. Convince yourself that you want to move forward. Want and expect better for yourself. 



Gemini Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 7 of Swords


Are you forgetting something, Gem? It’s as if you decided to go on vacation, packed every possible outfit for every possible situation, and then left your toothbrush at home. You probably could’ve survived without one or two of those outfits, but a toothbrush is a necessity. You’re acting as if you don’t need something in your life when, deep down, you think you really do. You’re trying to show that you can live without it. More importantly, you’re trying to convince yourself that you can. But you can only keep this charade up for so long. You can only distract yourself with so many things. Eventually, this will catch up with you, and nothing is going to be able to take its place in your mind. It’s as if you’ve exhausted all of your options for distraction and now nothing is enough. When you start feeling trapped, this means that you need something to lean on. Distractions are only going to take you so far, so you want to approach this issue in the way of working through it, rather than around it. Little by little, your mind will become relaxed enough to authentically start moving on.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 6 of Pentacles

Tarotscopes HipLatina

You are coming out of your hole and into the light, Cancer! The light may seem a bit dim at first, but you’ll soon be able to replace the bulb with your earnings. All things in due time, yes? This month, it will be extraordinarily important that you invest your self and your time, wisely. What areas of your life do you want to improve upon the most? Whatever your answer, that is where you need to heed the call, nourishing yourself on a profound level in the process. This is leading to a deeper form of abundance, not only in a sense of security or finances but on another level altogether. Where you have previously felt a lack, or been left out in the cold, you will begin to feel included and that you are receiving more freely. But, in order to maintain this new energy, you must remain open to receiving it. 




Your Card: Queen of Pentacles


It looks as if you want to do something, but you just don’t know what to do or perhaps how to do it, Leo. Something is keeping your compulsion to nurture at bay. What I mean by this, is that as much as you will something, if you cannot take action, it only remains a thought or dream. At the same token, there is so much going on around you that perhaps your action is not needed right now. You are actually very well–positioned at the moment. You have what you need. Although you may not be able to use it, you also aren’t being asked to give it up. It would be wise to take this time to decide if this is, in fact, something you truly do need in your life. How much of an impact does it have on you? Is your life much richer with, or without it? It’s time to go inside for your answers, rather than to continue looking for them outside of yourself.




Your Card: Judgement


You are looking for something to save you now, Virgo when in truth the only one who can save you is yourself. I see you looking everywhere for signs and for signals. The reality is that you’re not going to believe it even if you see it. This is your call. I feel like you just don’t want to be the one to have to make a decision in this situation. But, unfortunately, it is going to have to be you. Don’t look at this as something negative, because it is actually largely to your benefit. The ball is in your court. You have the freedom to make the decision and move forward in the best direction you see fit. Go with your first instinct, because that is most likely what is going to be best for you, here. Whether you realize it, or not, this is going to be the catalyst for the next chapter. 




Your Card: 4 of Cups


You are being quite bull-headed and stubborn right now, Libra. There is something you just do not want to compromise on, no matter what. You are putting your foot down. Usually, you at least consider the idea of compromise, but in this case, that is completely off the table. For some of you, I am hearing that this is actually in spite of someone. For others, you simply can’t agree on something you don’t believe in. Ultimately, you may feel like you have to settle for the lesser of two evils. I am also seeing that some of you may feel a bit bamboozled, and now you’re in a tough spot. It isn’t as bad as it seems. This has to happen in order to lead you to something better. So don’t let this get you down for too long.




Your Card: 8 of Cups


Moving onward and upward, Scorpio! Believe and make it happen. If you can leave the past in the past and focus on a better, brighter future, things have the potential to work out beautifully for you. The key here is: let go. If you’re constantly living in the past or dwelling on something that has already happened (i.e. the things you can’t change) you will never enjoy the present, nor acquire an optimistic outlook for the future. Try to be more future–oriented moving forward. It is the only way that you will move forward. Whatever hurts or disappointments that you have experienced, only take with you the lessons from them, rather than let the stain of resentment set in more permanently. You can build off of enlightenment, but not bitterness. Forge a head bold and brazen.




Your Card: 5 of Swords


You have already won the game of life in your mind, Sag. Yet, somewhere deep down, it doesn’t feel quite as rewarding as you thought it would. Could it be, perhaps, you have been focused on the wrong things all along? Does true fulfillment lie somewhere other than where you have been seeking it? While you may not necessarily be going in the wrong direction, you also need to be going in a deeper one. The things that are being fulfilled now are only on a superficial level. They will only get you so far until you are back at square one, on the search for something you can’t identify. This isn’t about soul-searching, this is about a sense of completion. You can’t move onto the second task if you haven’t finished the first. This isn’t a time to backtrack, but rather to take stock. Realize that your power and energy doesn’t come from others but from yourself. You just need to figure out where it lies in order to tap into it.




Your Card: Page of Wands


You are moving forward with a bit more confidence these days, Cap. You’re getting a little taste of freedom. Rather than feeling like you are responsible for, or being pressured to, move in a certain direction, you are doing so of your own, free will. This has it’s own unique and exciting energy attached to it. One that you may not be completely used to, but will enjoy nonetheless. You are moving into unchartered territory. You don’t know what to expect, but at the same time, that is all a part of the charm and allure of this journey. You are experiencing a time of exploration and adventure, in a sense, and new things are being opened up to you. You are being exposed to more. Take this for what it’s worth. Let it shape you, mold you, and excite you in a way you have likely have never experienced prior. You will later have the option of whether or not you want to venture further down this path and see where it leads. 




Your Card: 6 of Wands


You are finally gaining your footing, Aquarius. When you get a grasp of something, it automatically makes you feel more confident, in return. Self-doubt is starting to dwindle and belief in yourself, as well as an optimistic outlook of where are you are headed is rapidly increasing. You may have been off to a rocky start, but by staying the course and standing your ground, you have been able to show yourself what you’re really capable of. You can live a joyous and fulfilled life. You can achieve all of the things you aspire to and the happiness you believe you are entitled to. These are things you do, indeed, deserve. But now, you’re starting to sincerely believe it. When we treat ourselves right and don’t settle for less, we are enacting a form of self-love. Always getting what you want is not self-love. Getting what you need is. 




Your Card: 10 of Pentacles


Pisces, you are in some serious need of attention. So, you are going exactly to where you know you’ll get it. But that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily filling this need. The attention that you are looking for can only be provided by something, or someone, specific. As long as there is a rift between you and this person or thing, you are never going to feel satiated. Try to go deeper and see where this need really stems from. What kind of attention are you actually looking for? You may be able to work on this in another way, but you’ll never understand your feelings and needs if you don’t take a long, hard look at them for what they really are at the core of things. This may involve a process of elimination and, in general, will be a journey. Don’t let that deter you, because this understanding will be massively beneficial for you throughout the rest of your life.




Your Card: Page of Cups


Aries, I’m seeing you push something away, but it’s not getting any further. It’s almost as if you are faking it, or bluffing. You want to be seen as distant and aloof on the outside, but inside, you are still invested and curious. Are you in, or are you out? I’m hearing the song, “Shook Ones II” by Mobb Deep: “… Ain’t no such thing as halfway crooks…” Some of you may be scared to let go, simultaneously, you could be just as fearful to hold on too tightly, or for too long. When it comes down to it, this is Man vs. Man. You are in a struggle with your own emotions. This is a battle between your heart and your willpower. Which is stronger? Whichever you let win. Take stock of your own value. You are aware of your self-worth. How are you going to honor that by your choices, now? 

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Featured horoscope May 2020 tarot Tarotscope zodiac
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