Your Tarotscope For The Week of October 14- Oct 20, 2018 Revealed

Theme of the Week: 7 of Wands This week, we may find ourselves on the defense for some recent decisions made

October 14-20, 2018 Tarotscopes HipLatina

Photo: 123rf

Theme of the Week: 7 of Wands

This week, we may find ourselves on the defense for some recent decisions made. There are one or, perhaps, a few who may not understand or be fully on board with the direction you’ve chosen. But you know all the things they don’t, and you don’t have to justify yourself to anyone! Sometimes, we really do know what is best for ourselves. Don’t sway or change your decision just to appease someone else—stand your ground and have faith in yourself. If you do, you will come out of this with major ,”I told you so” rights.



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Libra HipLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: Page of Cups

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Some idea or proposal has been enchanting you, dear Libra! This week, you may be caught up in the whimsy thinking about this opportunity and all the potential ways it can benefit you. You will likely be easily distracted by your thoughts and daydreams this week, but there’s nothing wrong with a little fantasizing once in awhile. Just be sure to keep one foot firmly planted in the reality of the here and now!



Scorpio HIpLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: The Emperor

Photo: 123rf

You are large and in charge this week, Scorpio. You know what you want and where you want to be, so anyone blocking your path can just move the hell out of the way! Otherwise, they better be prepared to suffer the consequences. This is a week for decisiveness and a no nonsense attitude. No apologies and no prisoners! Your outlook is, if you happen to hurt anyone’s feelings along the warpath, they either needed the wakeup call or were just THAT wrong, anyway. You will be building up a lot of tension this week, so try to schedule something relaxing like a massage or meditation for the weekend—if not for yourself, then for society’s sake!



Sagittarius HipLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: Queen of Swords

Photo: 123rf

You have something to get off your chest this week, Sag. It is time to own up and be forthright. Speak your truth, no matter how difficult that may be sometimes. Be brave. There is no shame in asking for help or advice from loved ones first, either. If you do, you won’t feel as solitary in your task.



Capricorn HipLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: Queen of Pentacles

Photo: 123rf

Something in your world has been growing and expanding rather quicker than anticipated. This week is no exception, revealing even more growth and expansion! You have stumbled onto something wonderful and it is imperative that you continue to foster this development in order to reach its zenith. This is the journey you never knew you were on. Keep going!



Aquarius HipLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: The Devil

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What are the chains that bind you, Aquarius? There is something you feel tethered to, but you can easily remove those bonds at will. Your being stuck is simply mind over matter. You have the ability to free yourself, if that is what you truly desire. Otherwise, you may want to take a long, hard look at what keeps you jogging in place. Why haven’t you removed your shackles yet? Dig deeper. You’ll realize all you need to know.



HIpLatina Tarotscope Pisces

Your Card: King of Pentacles

Photo: 123rf

This week is business as usual for you, Pisces. In fact, you may even get a little bored and be tempted to go out looking for excitement. Keep that ex’s number off of your recent calls and don’t go “accidentally” bumping into that toxic friend at happy hour. It will be much more trouble than it’s worth in the long run. Instead, take this week to enjoy the down time, relax and engage in some self-care before life begins to rev up again. Your blood pressure will thank you for it!



HIpLatina Tarotscope Aries

Your Card: Knight of Swords

Photo: 123rf

Shoot first, ask questions later. This is your usual motto, dear Aries. But this week, you might want to slow your role a bit. Listen to another point of view before you jump the gun because they might have a perspective you haven’t thought of yet. Between their unique intellect and your follow-through, this could wind up a beautiful collaboration that exceeds expectations.




Your Card: 8 of Cups

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There is something or someone that has held great meaning to you, Taurus. You have found yourself struggling with the idea of letting this go, despite knowing that it may be the best thing for you. This week, you decide to move on—for real this time. Although you walk with shaky feet, rest assured, your next steps are in a positive direction. You’re walking away from what no longer serves you and into the arms of what is in your best interest. This has the potential to unite you with all the things you desire.




Your Card: 3 of Swords

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This may be a difficult week for you, dear Gemini. A major disappointment rears its ugly head and could not only be a let-down, but a heartbreak. There is no shame in letting yourself feel all the feels and process your emotions. If you try to cover them up by suppressing them, the pain of the situation will only last longer and cut deeper. Give yourself time to heal and lean on your nearest and dearest. In a positive twist, this may result in a strengthening of the bond between you and an unlikely friend.




Your Card: 8 of Pentacles

Photo: 123rf

Working double-time, Cancer? Lucky you, you’ve received the 8 of Pents twice in a row! Time to buckle-down and put your head to the grindstone. This week, you have a lot keeping you ocupada. You are known for being tenacious and that is exactly the mindset you will need to keep this week on the journey to success. Time to stock up on the coffee and energy drinks because opportunity is a-knocking and your hard work is about to pay dividends.




Your Card: 6 of Cups

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Nostalgia is at its finest for you this week, dear Leo. You may find yourself thinking about all the ways it used to be and all the ways it should be. But not all that glitters is gold. As humans, we tend to look back through rose-colored glasses. We remember all the wonderful moments and omit all the reasons why the past didn’t make it to our present. Keep this in mind when considering taking three steps back this week, rather than one, giant leap forward.




Your Card: Judgement

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Virgo, this week you are being called to duty. Although it may not be under the most ideal circumstances, consider the fact that you are being chosen because you are the best person for the job. Rise to the occasion, as uncomfortable or difficult as you may find this to be. If this involves speaking or performing in front of an audience, try a quick YouTube meditation directly prior. This will calm your nerves and reassure you in your confidence. The key to this situation is simply to believe in yourself and your abilities. You’re going to knock it out of the park.

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