25 Times Eva Longoria-Baston Said What We All Wanted To

Eva Longoria-Baston’s birthday is on March 15, and we thought, what better time than now to celebrate the Tejana from Corpus Christi, who continuously represents for Latinxs in Hollywood and beyond? Not only does Longoria-Baston serve as a constant reminder of us in the entertainment world, but she also serves as a wonderful example of

Eva Longoria Quote

Photo: Instagram/@makerswomen

Eva Longoria-Baston’s birthday is on March 15, and we thought, what better time than now to celebrate the Tejana from Corpus Christi, who continuously represents for Latinxs in Hollywood and beyond? Not only does Longoria-Baston serve as a constant reminder of us in the entertainment world, but she also serves as a wonderful example of a woman who can balance family, friends, and a successful career, and still have the time and drive to give back to her community, be active in politics, and create the change she wants to see in society.

Another thing we love about Eva is that she speaks her mind, and speaks the truth. She uses her platform to say the things that we want to say in a bigger setting and to a larger audience. In fact, here are 25 instances in which Eva Longoria-Baston spoke mad truth without any apology.


I want to challenge all the women here today to become mentors to young women, and show them the way, and show them your path. Without mentors, the system does not work.” 

During one of her many speaking engagements, Eva Longoria-Baston reminded successful women to pay it forward. Being a mentor means taking everything you’ve learned and sharing that for another person’s success. With more mentors out there, success will be easier for others to obtain.


If it is socially constructed, by definition we can deconstruct it. And we can say ‘No, I’m going to define that for myself.  I’m going to say I’m going to be the businesswoman, I’m going to be the wife, be the mom, be the executive AND I’m going to succeed in my career.’”

Eva shared this gem during an interview with powerwomentv.com and she’s totally right. If something exists as a social construct, such as a wife and mother can’t be a businesswoman and/or executive, and have success, then we have the power to deconstruct them. We have to stop adhering to the falsehoods and limitations placed upon us as women. 


“Change isn’t going to be given to us — we have to make it happen.”


You can count on Eva for some fierce and repostable quotes. One of them that drops a true fact is this: “Change isn’t going to be given to us — we have to make it happen.” When things have gone on the same way for so many years, there isn’t an incentive to change that. It is up to us, as Latinxs, as women, as entrepreneurs, and any other groups we are a part of, to create that change through action.


“I don’t regret anything I ever do or say. I don’t like to live my life being censored. I like to say what I feel, and I think people respect that because you’re honest.”

Remember when we said that Eva Longoria-Baston speaks her mind without apology? It’s because she does, and has even said so. “I don’t regret anything I ever do or say. I don’t like to live my life being censored. I like to say what I feel, and I think people respect that because you’re honest.” This inspires us to be as candid in what we say and do.


Whoever that candidate might be, ‘integrity’ is a word I’ve been repeating to myself. I don’t think we have that, the quality of being honest. The fact that we have to ask for that in a presidential candidate is, frankly, crazy.”


Politically active Longoria-Baston shared this quote as part of an interview with Variety: “Whoever that candidate might be, ‘integrity’ is a word I’ve been repeating to myself. I don’t think we have that, the quality of being honest. The fact that we have to ask for that in a presidential candidate is, frankly, crazy.” She totally spoke words we feel as Latinxs who are totally frustrated with the current president and his policies. 


“I Believe in the Power and Potential of Latinas”


The Eva Longoria Foundation strives to help Latinas be their best, through STEM education, mentorship, parental engagement, college scholarship, and entrepreneurship. As part of her Instagram post on the foundation, she said the words that we too believe every day: “I believe in the power and potential of Latinas.”


“I’m Proud of Gabrielle Union for Standing Up for What’s Right. You lost a good one NBC.”


When Gabrielle Union complained about the sexist and racist work environment on America’s Got Talent, she was let go from the show. This was absolutely wrong, and we are definitely on Gabby’s side. Eva, a friend of Gabrielle’s, didn’t hesitate to speak up about this injustice, on Instagram, saying, “Are y’all paying attention to this? It’s crazy how this scenario is still happening in workplaces across all industries. I’m proud of @gabunion for standing up for what’s right. You lost a good one @NBC #AGT #IStandWithGabrielUnion #TimesUp”


“Education is the Single Most Powerful Tool to Help People Pull Themselves Out of Poverty and Change Their Life Trajectory.”

Photo: The Shriver Report

Eva Longoria-Baston has talked about how important and mandatory education was in her family. She has gone on to speak up about how crucial it is for everyone to  get an education, as it can allow people to get themselves out of poverty and completely change their life path.


“The Eva Longoria Who Worked at Wendy’s Flipping Burgers — She Needed a Tax Break. But the Eva Longoria Who Works on Movie Sets Does Not.”

Photo: Pinterest

Eva Longoria-Baston is open and honest about her life, especially when it is to the benefit of others. When speaking about taxes, she talked about working at Wendy’s and how at that time she needed a tax break. Obviously she is now rich, and didn’t hesitate to mention that today, she wouldn’t need a tax break. Speaking out about issues and using her personal experiences to make a point just adds to Eva’s realness and transparency.




Eva doesn’t hesitate to highlight ways in which we can show support and give thanks to those who truly deserve it. Even on Thanksgiving. In this Instagram post, she reminds us to give thanks to the farmworkers “who work hard each in picking the food we eat each and every day.” Longoria-Baston also asks us to “please contribute to the ongoing work of Farmworker Justice.


“Latinas are Phenomenal, and We Deserve Equal Pay!”


It is an outrage that in this day and age, Latinas make less than white men for the same exact job. Eva Longoria-Baston spoke up for us all with this Instagram post highlighting the injustice on Latina Equal Pay Day:

“Today is #LatinaEqualPay Day, when Latinas “catch up” to what white, non-Hispanic men were paid in 2018. The gap is widest for Latina workers, who on average earn only 54 cents for every $1 a man is paid. Meaning, they must work nearly two years to earn what white men earn in one year. I cannot stress how unacceptable this is, we need to act now. Latinas are phenomenal, and we deserve equal pay! @phenomenal tee benefits @mujerxsrising, which protects the rights of migrant women.”


“It’s Not Easy, but It’s Worth It.”


Balancing the responsibilities of life takes hard work. If you’re a woman who wants to have both a family and a successful career, you will find yourself going to great lengths to make sure it all happens, with ups and downs to be had along the way. Eva Longoria-Baston spoke with Build Like a Woman on “building your legacy while learning to navigate through life’s ups and downs,” and stated a big truth: “it’s not easy, but it’s worth it.”


Shouting Out Chicano Participation During WWII


Hispanics have fought in every American war since the Civil War, but that is something we are not taught in school. When Eva Longoria-Baston took to Instagram to thank servicemen for their selfless duty and sacrifice, she made it a point to also give credit and thanks to Mexican-American Company E of the 141st U.S. Army Infantry, 2nd Battalion, 36th Division, who fought during World War II, and several of its soldiers.


“700,000+ DACA Recipients contribute to our communities daily. Let’s keep DACA recipients home.”


On November 12, Eva took to her Instagram to let her followers know that the Supreme Court was going to hear arguments on the termination of DACA. She reminded everyone that the 700,000+ DACA recipients don’t take away from our communities, but rather contribute to them and that they should stay home here in the U.S. 


“The Erasure of Latinos [in Hollywood] is Creating the Problems We’re Having in Society.”


During an interview with Jay Shetty, Eva spoke on the lack of representation of Latinxs in Hollywood. When you look at how we are shown in the little representation we do have, and you can see why that causes problems for us in real life, in society. Longoria-Baston made sure to boldly point this out.


Women, and especially women of color, face obstacles to running for office that men just don’t. We have to be willing to tackle #genderbias and unconscious bias in our elections so that we elect the right person for the job – and ensure that the diversity of our representatives reflects the diversity of our communities.”


Things don’t start to change if we fail to recognize them and talk about them in the first place. In a helpful Instagram post, Eva talks about gender bias and unconscious bias in political elections, something that has held women back from important positions for decades.


“We Can’t Continue to Let Children Die Under This Administration.”


So many innocent people are suffering due to this current administration’s cruel practices. Guatemalan immigrant Isabel Bueso is being threatened with deportation even though leaving the country could kill her, due to her medical condition. Eva Longoria-Baston used her platform to reach thousands, perhaps even millions, to help Isabel stay in the country.

“You guys! YOU HAVE TO READ THIS! Please help #SaveIsabel and tweet at @realdonaldtrump to change the policy that lacks humanity and compassion! We can’t continue to let children die under this administration. HELP, REPOST, Make noise!”


“Say It. Do It. Give Yourself Permission, Because That’s the First Step.”

Photo: Jay Shetty

We often fight ourselves first, and the most, when getting important plans off the ground. Eva Longoria-Baston reminds us to give ourselves permission to dream big. It’s only then that you can take yourself seriously enough to make the plan (made up of steps) to make it happen.


“No We’re All of These Things.”

Photo: Quozio

Women are multifaceted. We aren’t just one thing, but rather a beautiful mix of so many things. And we don’t have to subscribe to one side. Eva brings the point home in this quote which gives us permission to just be ourselves:

“People judge women and put them in a box. Like, ‘you can be the smart one; she’s the fun one; she’s the hard worker; she’s the career one.’ It’s like, ‘No we’re all of these things.’ You can be the mom and the career woman, smart and pretty, ambitious and soft.” Amen to that.


“I Think Everybody Should Be Civically Engaged in a Level That Will Affect Policy.”

Photo: Your Tango

Oftentimes, people claim that they are “not political” and don’t like to discuss politics. But especially in this day and age, and in a democracy, everyone must do their part to be involved in what is happening in our cities, states, and in our country. Longoria-Baston reminded us all of this duty in this quote on government.


“My Family Never Crossed a Border, the Border Crossed Us.”

Photo: Huffington Post

We all want to check Trump on the harmful lies he tells (and we do). But Eva Longoria-Baston was able to do so on a large scale when she spoke about how her family is American and not made up of the dangerous criminals Trump speaks about. It was a moment for her to not only stand up for her family and herself, but also for the many Mexican and Latinx immigrants who are also honorable people.


“Beauty Lies Mainly, Above All, in Personality.”

Photo: David’s Bridal

Eva Longoria-Baston is part of Hollywood, which places so much focus on oftentimes artificial, skin-deep beauty. But Tinseltown hasn’t changed the girl from Corpus Christi, as she knows that true beauty, important beauty comes from within.


“I’m Not Alone! I’m With Myself. And Myself is Fabulous.”

Photo: Femestella

Today, Eva is happily married to hubby Jose Baston, but it turns out she was happy even when she was single. In a quote that hopefully empowers all single women to not feel like they’re lacking anything, Eva lets the media know that even though at the time she was single, she wasn’t alone:

“I’m not alone! I’m with myself. And myself is fabulous.”


“Newsflash: Having 1 or 2 Film Productions Focusing on the Latinx Community Isn’t Enough. We Demand More.”


We are happy that there are more film productions that not only include, but focus on the Latinx community. But we don’t think it’s nearly enough, and neither does Eva Longoria-Baston. She called out the discrepancy in this post, stating that, “we demand more.”


“I Learned Very Young That Jealousy is a Waste of Energy, and the More You Think About Jealousy or Act Upon it, The More You Create It.”

Photo: www.quotes-4-u.com

Oftentimes, especially when we are young, we can find ourselves competing with other girls and comparing ourselves to them. We may be jealous, and find that others are jealous of us, and neither leads to anything positive. Eva spoke on this in a quote that hopefully will inspire women everywhere to let the jealousy go:

“I learned very young that jealousy is a waste of energy, and the more you think about jealousy or act upon it, the more you create it.”

In this Article

Chicana Eva Longoria Latino pop culture latinos in hollywood Mexican-American Tejana
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