Relatable Feelings Every Mom Has During Back to School Season
Summer is almost over

Photo: Unsplash
Summer is almost over. For many kids, this means the end of pool swims, carnival rides, traveling, unlimited family visits, and freedom. For parents, it’s more bittersweet. Sure, the kids are finally out of the house but this season also marks the beginning of a whole stressful list of to-do’s to prepare for the coming school year: last-minute trips to the store for school supplies, carpool preparations, grocery shopping for daily lunches, and so much more. With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to affect millions of people all over the world, you may even be worried about how to help protect yourself, your family, and your children from illnesses both in the classroom and at home. Thankfully, you’re not alone.
While we can’t protect our kids from everything, we can definitely try to limit the impact on their learning and our day-to-day life. Keep reading to learn more about how to understand everything you’ll be feeling this fall, along with tips about how parents and caregivers can still have peace of mind during this time of year.
Excitement for the New School Year
All summer long, the kids have been around the house – lounging on the sofa, watching TV, playing in the backyard, eating every snack under the sun from the kitchen. While it’s great to have them home, there comes a time when you are looking forward to a clean, quiet house for the first time in months. Not to mention a normal routine and a reliable schedule with recurring appointments, meetings, and practices. And that’s normal! While your kids might not be feeling the same (after all, school is not always as fun as the summertime), don’t feel guilty! You deserve a clear head and alone time just like everyone else.
Dread Towards the New School Year
On the flip side, there also can be dread attached to the upcoming school year, but probably for a different reason from your kids’. If they’re going to a new school, you’re wondering if they’ll be able to fit in and make new friends. And no matter what age your kids are, there will always be worry about the year’s curriculum and homework – will they understand the material? If they don’t, will the teacher make sure they won’t fall behind? Will they need my help? Will I even be able to help them or will I feel like I need to go back to school myself?
There are a lot of what-ifs and unknowns about the future of your children’s education, but the great thing is that you’re not alone and you have the power to take control of the chaos. You might not be prepared for every situation but it’s all about taking one step at a time. In those moments of true dread, take a deep breath and remember that every day will present its own unique challenges and adventures, and you are capable of conquering all of them.
Anxiety and Stress About Shopping
With all the shopping to do and preparations to complete, the back-to-school season can present a lot of anxiety and stress for parents and guardians, not to mention a sizable financial burden. As children grow up, so do their school supply lists! From notebooks to binders, calculators to textbooks, snacks to meal prep items, back-to-school shopping can be a headache, especially when everyone else is doing it too. Stores might be busy or out of stock of certain items even online, lists get long, and your child will likely want a new version of everything they already own. But, don’t fret! Save yourself the stress during back-to-school shopping by reusing last year’s supplies if possible, looking for discounts and sales, shopping well before the semester begins and ordering in bulk. You’ll thank yourself later!
Worry about Illnesses and Germs
With the return to school and everyday interactions with other kids, there are also common illnesses to worry about including the common cold and the flu. But with all these other feelings you’re experiencing as a parent or caregiver, there’s no reason to worry about germs, too! Bring your kids in on the fun of cleaning with easy tasks such as tidying, organizing and dusting. Then you can handle the disinfection to help prevent the spread of germs, as there’s nothing more frustrating than having to move toys, supplies and clothes around the house while trying to clean and disinfect. You deserve to start fresh and, despite all the bittersweet of the season, treasure this time with your family and children before the new school year begins!
Back to school is go time for parents, but it is also go time for germs. This is why I use Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes to clean and disinfect* throughout my home, and provide me with the peace of mind that I am doing what I can to help keep my family healthy and happy throughout the school year.
*Kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on hard, nonporous surfaces when used as directed.