Rituals & Limpias For Each Astrology Sign to Bring in 2020!

It feels as if 2019 came and went in a heartbeat

Photo: Unsplash/@jsr1

Photo: Unsplash/@jsr1

It feels as if 2019 came and went in a heartbeat. It was likely a year filled with so many revelations and spiritual awakenings for you. Ready to get a head start for 2020? You’ll want to sift through and take a look at my personally curated limpias and rituals for every zodiac sign. You can perform these for your Sun sign, moon sign, rising sign or Venus sign. These rituals and limpias will assist you with freeing up lingering negative energy or help you with manifesting more abundance in 2020. These are the rituals and limpias you need in order to live your best life!



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As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries tend to be trailblazers. Your natural competitive inclination makes you prone to inhibiting a “winners’ mindset.” You won’t let anything talk you out of what you want because you have enough courage to lend to all your brothers and sisters of the zodiac. Motto: “If I want it? I got it!”

The year 2019 might’ve been a year full of opportunities of learning how to display controlled emotional temperament. Fire signs can be emotionally charged 50 percent of the time and 2019 threw curveballs to assist you with keeping your cool. Grace and poise, how well did you integrate such themes into your journey this year? As you head into 2020, a ritual with the element of water can benefit you with flushing out those high temps. Working with an element completely opposite of your elemental sign of fire might feel foreign, but needed. Here’s a simple water cleanse ritual I recommend you do with the final new moon of 2019 on December 26th.

Items needed:

  1. Glass or Container filled with water.
  2. Ability to visualize

Ritual Steps:

  1. Fill glass or container with purified water.
  2. Find a place of solitude and remove all distractions such as cell phones.
  3. Create an intention of what you learned in 2019 that you know you can start instilling more grace, poise or patience.
  4. Visualize that intention being removed of you and your aura and into the glass. Visualize the element of water cleansing and purifying you.
  5. Connect in gratitude with the element of water for its assistance.
  6. After taking your time to connect and visualize, release this intention (water) back into Earth.



As some of the most loyal individuals of the twelve signs, it’s no wonder why everyone wants a dependable Taurus in their life. What’s not to love about you? You’re pretty consistent with keeping calm and carrying on. Unless it comes to food. We all know a hungry Taurus is a recipe for regret – I say that lovingly!

This year was a more fortunate year for you. Uranus making its way into Taurus and ushering a new era was favorable and comfortable as it now resides in your home. Consider yourself blessed because a lot of signs are struggling with this new Uranian energy. The year 2019 likely was filled with many accomplishments and you probably upped your net worth in some way. Even if it was a slight increase in pay or a major bonus, every bit does count. As you make way for 2020, here’s a limpia you can DIY to end 2019 on a prosperous note.

Items needed:

  1. Dried lavender flower bundle (several bundles) *must be dried*
  2. Personal reciting prayer to connect with Source (Universe) or whichever higher power you connect with in love and light.

Ritual steps:

  1. Find a place of solitude and remove all distractions such as cellphones.
  2. Have a bowl of water nearby in case fire needs to be put out.
  3. Recite a personal prayer to connect you with Source (Universe) or whichever higher power you resonate with.
  4. Open windows or doors so that dense energy can move out of your vicinity.
  5. Light dried lavender flower bundle(s) like you would sage or palo santo and move the extinguished plant around you and your space (i.e. room, office, entire home) as you allow the sacred smoke of the plant to cleanse away 2019 energetic residue.
  6. Connect in gratitude with the essence of the lavender spirit for its sacrifice
  7. Visualize the energy around you being transmuted by the sacred smoke and stabilized into neutral energy of Source.
  8. Close with prayer or affirmation of love.
  9. Extinguish the plant once it is put out safely.



You’re an intellectual being full of inquisitive knowledge and curiosity thanks to your ruling planet of Mercury. Running circles all day long in your mind can be your strength or your downfall. As a Gemini, your habitual tendency of being prone to indecisive probably led you down some interesting lessons this year. You’re no stranger to reflection work because you do that every Mercury retrograde, naturally. 2019 likely filled you up with deep revelations of find your voice and owning your truth. You might have struggled with grounding yourself this year with the heavy lunar cycles. End the year with some grounding technique in order to walk into 2020 level-headed with confidence.

Here’s an easy ritual to help you firmly plant your feet with some Earth energy. Inhaling these Earthy smells are an easy way to ground after spending so much time in your upper chakras.

Items needed:

  1. Fennel seeds, a fireproof bowl (small cauldron works), charcoal for incense, cedar oil
  2. Personal reciting prayer to connect with Source (Universe) or whichever higher power you connect with in love and light.

Ritual steps:

  1. Find a place of solitude and remove all distractions such as cellphones.
  2. Have a bowl of water nearby in case fire needs to be put out.
  3. Recite a personal prayer to connect you with Source (Universe) or whichever higher power you resonate with.
  4. Open windows or doors so that dense energy can move out of your vicinity.
  5. Light charcoal piece first like you would sage or palo santo and place the fennel on smoking charcoal and pour a small amount of cedar oil on the fennel to increase the burn.
  6. Move or fan the smoke around you and your space (i.e. room, office, entire home) as you allow the sacred smoke of the fennel to cleanse away 2019 energetic residue.
  7. Connect in gratitude with the essence of the fennel spirit for its sacrifice
  8. Visualize the energy around you being transmuted by the sacred smoke and stabilized into neutral energy of Source.
  9. Close with prayer or affirmation of love.
  10. Extinguish the items in trash or back into mother Earth once cooled down.



With the moon as your ruling planet, you tend to be some of the most intuitive of the signs. You’re loved by those around you for being so attentive and nurturing. In turn, that intuition leads to empathetic ability, which then can oftentimes result as pouring from an empty cup. Self-care has been a big theme for you this year. Understanding how to tune into your emotional needs was a big task for you to undergo. The year 2020 will lead you into energetic waters as you step into a new era. Here’s a ritual to ease you into some chill vibes to close out 2019 because you’ll want to feel rejuvenated for all that’s to come next year! Use this spiritual bath (baño) as a means of banishing dense energy to help you relax and charge up.

Items needed:

  1. Bathtub (warm water)
  2. Sea salt for purification or Epsom salt.
  3. Dried handful of chamomile (you can add crystals to amplify the vibe in the room).
  4. If you decide to use crystals be mindful of which crystals mix well with water.
  5. Candles optional.

Spiritual Bath Steps:

  1. Run warm water and fill the tub to your liking.
  2. Add sea salt and chamomile in the warm water to allow its properties to expel.
  3. Place crystals around tub or inside if they do not have a negative reaction to water.
  4. Light candles to add a relaxing vibe.
  5. Soak in the warm bath and envision the sea salt and chamomile working their magic to release dense energy from your aura.
  6. Enjoy for as long as you need and close out with a gratitude prayer to the spirit of chamomile for its assistance.



Shining bright like the Sun, you’re the most charismatic of the group of zodiac signs. You live your life in such a passionate manner that makes the rest of us sit back and admire. However, 2019 might’ve been a reality check of the ego for you. Ruled by the Sun, you’re prone to being center stage or the life of the party. Yet, this year you were tested by reeling in your prideful ways. A year full of highs and lows meant to help you become both humble and proud of who you are. Here’s a spiritual bath (baño) to help with soothing the fire within you.

Items needed:

  1. Bathtub
  2. Dried lavender or lavender essential oil.
  3. Florida water

Spiritual Bath Steps:

  1. Run warm water and fill the tub to your liking.
  2. Add a handful of dried lavender plant or essential oil to warm water and allow to soak.
  3. Add a tablespoon of Florida water to bath or as much as you feel guided to pour.
  4. Soak in the warm bath and envision connecting with the spirit of the lavender to assist you with cooling down the overuse of fire element within you and ask for guidance for a balanced temperament.
  5. The Florida water will assist you with the purification process in the water as it translates to your aura.
  6. Enjoy for as long as you need and close out with a gratitude prayer to the spirit of lavender for its assistance.



Virgos are known for displaying meticulous detail to their approach to life, and for their impeccable work ethic. Your grounded nature allows you the practicality to get things done, which is a characteristic that other signs lack. The year 2019 might have thrown you out of your element at times making you feel frazzled because you perceived your life to be falling apart at times. You might have spent a lot of time analyzing in your mind this year thanks to the intense cosmic shifts. However, 2020 will have you feeling more stable as we shift into a four universal year in numerology. Enjoy the below energetic cleanse ritual to assist you to free up dense energy in your aura to allow new opportunities into your life. 

Items needed:

  1. Fresh rosemary bundles (use a bundle for every room that has a bed) and one for your altar.
  2. Florida water

Ritual Steps:

  1. Bundle your fresh rosemary
  2. Spray or sprinkle Florida water onto rosemary bundle(s).
  3. Pray over your bundles and connect with the higher power you believe and ask for the assistance of welcoming in fresh energy for 2020.
  4. Place a bundle under every bed in your place and one on your altar.
  5. Keep this rosemary and do not remove the bundles until they have dried out.
  6. Once the bundles have dried out (2 weeks or so) throw them away in a dumpster or trash at least 2 miles from your home.
  7. The rosemary will remove unwanted dense energy and allow for a clear head for Virgo’s analytical mind.



Balance is your safe haven. Needing order, structure, and diplomacy is ideal for any Libra to thrive. The year 2019 wasn’t so rough and tough on you. However, on your partnerships and relationships, that was another story. You likely spent a lot of time sifting through ways you can improve your friendships or romantic connection, and this year caused some shakeups in that sector. These experiences might have caused you to feel out of alignment and you definitely needed to keep yourself grounded al throughout 2019. Didn’t have time to ground yourself as much as possible? Not sure how to ground yourself? No worries, here’s a simple grounding and cleansing technique that pairs well with the air element that you are. Spending so much time in the clouds requires bringing you back into focus and you’ll do just that with this end of year limpia.

Items needed:

  1. Sage (please make sure it is ethically sourced)
  2. Black tourmaline crystal stone
  3. A bowl of purified water with salt soaking inside

Ritual Steps:

  1. Set your full water bowl with salt soaking inside in the middle of the room you wish to cleanse
  2. Light your sage and state a protection intention
  3. Work the smoke of your sage starting in the north corner of the room, working your way to the east corner, south corner and concluding in the west corner.
  4. Direct the energy you’re clearing with your sage towards the bowl of saltwater
  5. The bowl of saltwater will soak up all the energy you’re needing to release from anger to confusion that you might have experienced this year
  6. Once done using sage within all parameters of the room please place it safely where it can extinguish itself until the smoke goes out
  7. Center yourself in the middle of the room standing or seated with your black tourmaline (make sure you sage the black tourmaline as well)
  8. Black tourmaline will help ground you and provide you with protection
  9. Connect the roots of your feet or root chakra with mother Earth asking her in gratitude for continued support in grounding you as an air sign.
  10. Take about 5 mins or longer (whatever you prefer) to meditate and connect with black tourmaline to ground you. If possible, keep it with you until you feel you no longer energetically need its support (weeks to months long).



With Pluto as your planetary ruler transiting in Capricorn this year you were focused. You might have dedicated a lot of time in areas that make you feel in a position of power: work, personal ambitions, relationships, etc. If you applied yourself and worked hard this year then you experienced the positive karma dished out by Capricorn byways of a promotion or pay raise. You were on the go, but also very much in your emotions this year. Mercury spending his retrograde in Scorpio towards the end of the year really allowed you to reflect. You might have made some harsh realizations that triggered you emotionally. The year 2019 was rough for many of us so be sure to cut yourself some slack. Below is a limpia to help you revive the energy of your sacred space, altar, office, and home.

Items needed:

  1. Basil (fresh not dried)
  2. Lemon
  3. Spray bottle and purified water

Limpia Steps:

  1. Pray over the basil, lemon, and water you’ll be utilizing by stating an intention of protection and gratitude.
  2. Place purified water in a pot to boil.
  3. Once boiling place fresh basil to boil.
  4. Squeeze two fresh lemons into boiling water.
  5. Allow water to cool down and place it in your spray bottle.
  6. This will be your purification spray that you can use to spray rooms, spray to clean or wipe down altars or desks, and you can use it to mop your floors.
  7. This is an easy go-to limpia you can do any time of year.



It was all fun in the Sun considering Jupiter was in your native sign of Sagittarius nearly all of 2019. However, Mercury definitely tested your ways of communication. The final Mercury retrograde in Scorpio might have created some detriments in your friendships or relationships. You learned how to express yourself, but you also learned how not to lash out. This could have manifested in some cold hard truths coming up for release and even could have ended some connections in your personal or business life. You’ll want to release any personal, professional or romantic blockages that were created in 2019 before you go full throttle in 2020. This is a fire limpia that you can utilize to clear any blockages of your path.

Items needed:

  1. Road opener oil from your botanica or spiritual shop.
  2. Copal and charcoal (3 Kings brand is preferred) and a cauldron or pot (soup pot) to burn-in.
  3. Fennel seeds

Limpia Steps:

  1. Always have a bucket of water nearby to safely extinguish in case of emergency.
  2. Pray over your fennel seeds and connect with your higher calling for love, guidance, and protection in this ritual as you want to release any blockages in your path from any miscommunication you experienced in 2019.
  3. Light charcoal block until it sparks and place inside your cauldron or pot.
  4. Place copal carefully onto the charcoal and the fennel seeds on top while charcoal is lit and heated. Pour some road opener oil onto it and allow it to smoke.
  5. Perform a self limpia. Use the smoke of these sacred herbs and tools to wash over your head. Scoop the smoke over your head and over every chakra point down to the soles of your feet.
  6. Work the cauldron in a circular manner over your arms and legs until it goes out.
  7. Remaining smoke you can use to cleanse the room you’re in.
  8. Close in gratitude to the spirits of copal, and fennel and to your guides.



It’s been a busy year for you! You thrive in an environment that is constantly propelling you towards growth or success. The fact that you’re naturally a driven and ambitious individual, means that 2019 could have produced many accomplishments for you. Although, Saturn’s retrograde this year forced you to pause for several months and this is something you might have struggled with. You were presented with the opportunity to take inventory and see what’s working in your life and what needed some tweaking. Saturn is your ruling planet, after all, so you know he doesn’t dish out rewards if you take the shortcut. You made sure to go by the motto: “nice and steady wins the race” during this retrograde period, which could have made you anxious from time to time. Any left-over anxiety lingering from Saturn and Mercury’s retrograde will affect your tenacious attitude in 2020. Here’s a simple ritual to get you back into your disciplined nature.

Items needed:

  1. Dark brown candle to represent Saturn
  2. Patchouli oil
  3. Smokey quartz stone
  4. Paper and pen to write your intention

Ritual Steps:

  1. Connect with your guides or higher power for love and protection.
  2. Cleanse your smokey quartz stone
  3. Recite or meditate your intention over your candle. Cut your wick before lighting. Pour patchouli oil into a candle for added grounding and spiritual protection properties.
  4. Write your intention for new goals you want to manifest in 2020 that you’re proposing to the planet Saturn for added discipline and assistance from a place of gratitude.
  5. Light the candle and place the crystal onto your paper of intention. Connect or meditate with the crystal and intention for 5 – 10 mins or more to see what messages you receive from Saturn.
  6. Keep this candle lit for the next 8 days or until candle finishes. Allow your intention to manifest in 2020.



The innovators of the zodiac squad. Ready to usher in the Age of the Aquarius? The year 2020 will be a phenomenal year for your sign as you’ll feel at ease in this new energy the collective is transitioning into. The year 2019 was a year full of shadow work for you. Working through and shattering old thought patterns was a big theme for Aquarius in 2019. You likely decided you wanted to change careers or move more into a space of intentional work this year. Centering yourself was likely a task that was left in the dust and you probably didn’t pay much attention to. Before you stroll into 2020, you’ll want to ground yourself so you don’t bring in the clutter of the mind you have been dealing with all year. This simple and effective spiritual bath (baño) will help you come back to center and focus the mind. As an air sign, and as an Aquarius especially, you tend to have 20 ideas running at once in that head of yours. Time to reel it, space cowgirl!

Items needed:

  1. A bundle of Eucalyptus (fresh is preferred but you can use essential oil).
  2. Epsom salt
  3. A white candle

Spiritual bath steps:

  1. Light white candle.
  2. Pray over your Eucalyptus and white candle with an intention stating what your purpose of use is (e.g. connecting with your higher self, asking the divine for assistance in centering and protection).
  3. Place a white candle in the bathroom with you.
  4. Run hot bath and pour Epsom salt (2 tablespoons) and bundle the Eucalyptus over showerhead so the steam allows the properties to come out. If using an essential oil, drop the oil into a bath and soak in the bath for however long you need to cleanse. Pour the bath water over your head (crown chakra) to touch all areas of your body.
  5. Once done, extinguish the candle and state your gratitude to the spirit of the Eucalyptus.
  6. Keep the Eucalyptus attached to your shower head until it no longer releases every time you shower with hot water. Toss the bundle at least 2 miles away from your home.



Our beloved sensitive buddies of the zodiac!  Known for your ability to tap into other realms, you spend a lot of time sorting through what’s real and what isn’t, thanks to your Neptune ruling planet. Fortunately, 2019 wasn’t all that bad until you got midway through when Neptune went retrograde and forced you to deal with all the things you have been dreading to acknowledge.

Here’s a simple water cleanse ritual, which is your natural habitat, that I recommend you do with the final new moon of 2019 on December 26th.

Items needed:

1. Glass or Container filled with water.

2. Ability to visualize

Ritual Steps:

1. Fill glass or container with purified water.

2. Find a place of solitude and remove all distractions such as cell phones.

3. Create an intention of what you learned in 2019 that you know you can start instilling more grace, poise or patience.

4. Visualize that intention being removed of you and your aura and into the glass. Visualize the element of water cleansing and purifying you.

5. Connect in gratitude with the element of water for its assistance.

6. After taking your time to connect and visualize, release this intention (water) back into Earth.

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