Your Tarotscope For The Week of August 5 – August 11, 2018 Revealed

A lot has gone down this summer

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A lot has gone down this summer. We had two eclipses, mercury went into retrograde on July 26 and we’re still feeling it, and the full moon on July 27 was the longest eclipse of the century—pretty intense to say the least. But from the looks of it, August is going to be another heightened month with one more eclipse coming up on August 11th—the last one of the season. You’re probably very familiar with horoscopes, which are guided by astrology in accordance with the stars and planetary alignment. Certain placements mean certain things and an astrologer would understand the definition of each placement in order to give you your horoscope/guidance. But tarotscopes take the traditional categories from a horoscope, such as your birthday or sun sign. However, instead of reading planetary movement, your message is received through the tarot reading. 

This week’s theme of the week is 3 of pentacles. It’s all about giving and taking—team work! You can’t do it alone, as much as we all want to be independent and strong, sometimes there is strength in numbers. No matter what is happening in your life, take time to recognize the people who add to your life—not subtract. Focus on those who are truly there for you and have been there through thick and thin. They will be the ones you need to surround yourself with. Let all others fall by the wayside—they will anyway—but it may be harder later. It takes a village to create something extraordinary, so never be embarrassed that you can’t do it alone. This week is about crew love!

Read on to get the most of this week!


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Your card: Ace of Swords

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Forge ahead with fortitude, Leo. To move forward and succeed you will need to do so with valor, honor and integrity. There may be someone who tries to throw you off track, but you know who you are and what you want. Do not let yourself be distracted by those who try to bring you down.




Your card: Page of Pentacles

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Something has caught your eye and you can’t seem to stop staring! But is that all you’re going to do, Virgo? You may be satisfied keeping a safe distance, but consider that there could be positive repercussions to getting a little closer. Appraise your dealings carefully, but don’t let negative self-talk hold you back if you really want to take a giant leap forward!




Your card: Queen of Cups

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You are a lover, Libra, and you have so much love to give! This week, no matter what trials and tribulations come your way, no matter what may conflict your mind, you are determined to work it out. Your heart is full. Have no fear! Trust in where it will lead and you can’t make a wrong turn.




Your card: The Sun

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Beautiful, warm and happy things are going your way, dear Scorpio! You tend to be more comfortable with the darker side of life, so although this may put you on edge just try to accept your hug from the universe and revel in it! Don’t squander this period waiting for the ball to drop. It’s your time for a good time!




Your card:4 of Swords

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Something recently has taken the wind out of your sails, Sag. It’s time for you to rest up and recharge! There is no shame in throwing your phone on silent and binge-watching that Netflix series you’ve been eyeing, or sitting on your patio with some tea and a good book. Everyone needs to take time out for themselves, and this time for you just may be the key to a long-awaited revelation.




Your card: The Empress

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New life ahoy! Capricorn, consider this week is the first week of the rest of your life. New projects will begin, ideas will be nurtured and this will bring you one step closer (if not more) to your purpose. Congrats! Just be sure to stay the course and do not deviate! Diligence is essential. You are now in the process of manifesting the abundance you seek.




Your card: 10 of Cups

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Reunited and it feels so good! This week is all about family, friends and the ones you love. You will reach a new appreciation for them, and them for you, as you broach certain topics or activities you dare not have in the past. We are all human, and you will begin to look at one another through more human eyes. Enjoy this time together.



Your card: The Hermit

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This week, Pisces, you may be a little in your feelings. You feel as if you know best, but others just won’t listen! Do not take this personally. No matter how pure your intentions may be, understand that sometimes people need to make their own mistakes. The Hermit says, although you want to help, the best thing you can do is take a step back. If they fall, be there to help pick up the pieces. Your compassion is one of your biggest gifts and you know you’re the best person for the job!




Your card: 2 of Wands

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You have the world in your hands, so what is stopping you from taking the next step? What are you afraid of? You are trying to prepare yourself for every possible outcome to every possible scenario, but no matter how much you prepare, you are never ready! Sometimes you just have to jump in with two feet, Aries, and see what happens! Don’t contemplate your life away.



Your card: 9 of Wands

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There is a sign you’re waiting for in order to make the next move in some area of your life. Should you persist or just throw in the towel? Keep an eye and an ear out, because the universe shows you what you need to see in the most peculiar of ways. It may be a street sign literally pointing you in the right direction, or a song on the radio with lyrics eerily applicable to your situation. Whatever it is, pay attention and heed the universe’s advice on this one!




Your card: 10 of Wands

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You are so close Gemini, don’t give up now! Although you cannot see how close you are, you are about to achieve some goal you’ve been working towards for awhile now. It hasn’t been easy, but you will find the payoff to be well worth your efforts. You have much to celebrate, but with so many irons in the fire, you may not find the time!



Your card: The Chariot

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Things have been moving fast, but now they’ll be moving fast in one direction. The Chariot says it’s time you take the reigns and be the director in the movie of your life! You’re coming into a period of personal power, and will get the sense that life is more under control. Keep that momentum going and you’ll be riding higher than you’ve ever been in no time! Otherwise, get prepared to be left in the dust! As Ricky Bobby would say, “If you’re not first, your last!”

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