Spiritual Non-Traditional Healing Modalities for Self-care

Dealing with everyday life can be exhausting, especially when there’s a pandemic happening

Spiritual self-care

Photo: Unsplash/ Marcos Paulo Prado

Dealing with everyday life can be exhausting, especially when there’s a pandemic happening. Here at HipLatina, we value the importance of spiritual self-care. We figured you could use a little love and could consider learning more about two spiritual non-traditional healing modalities for your self-care routine. Which you ask? The depth of energy healing and Quantum Healing Hypnosis.

Being in a constant state of stress or in the modes of “flight or fight,” can weaken your energetic aura — to say the least. Maintaining your energy through methods of rejuvenation and healing from Reiki and Quantum Healing Hypnosis can be beneficial for the individual who prioritizes their spiritual health.


There are various practices of energy healing. In Latinx culture, our energetic rituals derive from a sacred form known as, “paso de mano.” We’ll be having an explorative conversation with Reiki practitioners, which is another energy healing practice, to better understand how energy limpias can be beneficial.

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Intuitive Reiki Healer Elisa Ortega of Stay Chula Wellness emphasizes, “Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is a very specific form of energy healing. It is made up of two Japanese words Rei and Ki. Rei meaning Divine or Universal and Ki meaning Life Force energy. It’s a channeled energy sent through the practitioner to the client.”


Reiki energy healing is typically a gentle treatment and doesn’t produce any negative side effects. Reiki can easily assist the process of releasing energetic blocks and mend pent up trauma.

“In a world that has taught us to focus on everything else but what is happening within, it’s a beautiful experience to quiet the mind and be supported by this healing that is available to us,” shares Vanessa Codorniu , Reiki Master Teacher and founder of The School of the Healing Artes.

Reiki is a wonderful method of self-care that allows us to heal our bodies and experience our bodies powerfully heal itself in a natural way.

Codorniu recommends Reiki because it’s a helpful alternative healing modality that can be used safely along any Western medical treatment or medications. “The treatment itself allows the person to relax deeply, open to receive and allow themselves to be supported and taken care of- which allows the nervous system to release stress,” says Codorniu.

As for Quantum Healing Hypnosis, this very obscure and non-traditional healing method is a beautiful vehicle for healing of the subconscious mind. As Angie M. Rojo puts it, “As we look at various events that have occurred in our lives or relationships we’ve had both ‘good and bad,’ we are able to understand the life lesson behind the event.” Rojo is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner and Self-love Mentor based in California.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis can be perceived as astral therapy through the use of energy mechanics that can help one tap into their inner wisdom and more in alignment with self-acceptance.

Rojo, who has been a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner since 2016, recommends seeking out this medicine to alleviate any hyper-focused anxiety around key areas in our lives ranging from discovering your life purpose, to health, career, relationships, and so on.

Quantum sessions involve both the client and practitioner to facilitate the experience and co-create the outcome. Rojo walks us through what a session is like and shares, “This is one-way people are able to access this wisdom themselves. The client is the one diving into these realms [through hypnosis], and I, the Practitioner, facilitate the experience by asking questions while the client is speaking throughout their journey.”

In both Reiki and Quantum healing the individual is fully conscious. Both of these esoteric healing modalities can be performed through long-distance methods. Meaning, you don’t need to be in the same location as the practitioner, which makes for an extremely safe and comforting form of healing during a pandemic.

As far as misconceptions go, let’s ease any uneasiness that might arise in discussion of these foreign forms of spiritual self-care and healing.

When it comes to Quantum Hypnosis Healing there seems to be a paranoia around not being able to be fully hypnotized is sessions. Rojo reassures that when clients come to her asking, “What if I’m not able to be hypnotized?” or “What if I’m making it up?”

She gently reminds them that, “These are the most common [questions] I hear often. I always say everything means something,” and “When someone experiences a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session, and information begins to pour in, whether it’s in imagery, voices, a knowing – which I call an imprint – , there is new information going into your subconscious awareness,” says Rojo.

It’s Important to integrate these non-traditional healing modalities with practical and professional medical support as well. Corodoniu reminds of the importance that, “Reiki is not a cure all [solution] and ‘believing’ in it won’t support folks that need medical intervention or even surgery.” She does want to mention that Reiki works beautifully to help create a relaxation response that supports a mind-body state that is supportive to healing.

Additionally, it is crucial to clarify that Reiki and Quantum Healing are neither tied to religion or should be stigmatized as demonic because they both integrate esotericism at their core. This is a common misconception around these two independently respected forms of healing and self-care in the Spiritual Community.

If you’re looking to further address what is often known as “shadow work” or simply want to support your mental health better, and produce more positive healing habits, you can look to Reiki and Quantum Healing for such support.

May you manifest wisely.

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healing Self Care Self Love spiritual spiritual healing spiritual health
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