9 Latina Fitness Influencers on Instagram Sharing Accessible and Fun At-Home Workouts
Every year on New Year's Eve just before the clock strikes midnight and you're preparing to eat your twelve grapes, you vow that this is the year you finally get in shape

Photo: Instagram/@yzabethlopez
Every year on New Year’s Eve just before the clock strikes midnight and you’re preparing to eat your twelve grapes, you vow that this is the year you finally get in shape. Never mind that we have been in a pandemic and that all gyms are closed, let alone every food delivery service has been moved up to number one on our speed dial. Virtual gatherings have now become the new norm and online workouts have allowed to continue on our fitness path despite the quarantine. These are some Latina fitness influencers that will help get you feeling your best, whatever your preferred workout is. These fitness gurus are all about loving a strong body instead of endlessly searching for ways to get that model figure. They share great workout routines that you can do at home no matter what your fitness level is. Read on to learn more about these Latinas and discover which workout is best to get you movin’ from home.
Valentina Lequeux
Photo: Instagram/@valentinalequeux
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and raised in Florida, Valentina Lequeux is a personal trainer and online sensation. She began her career by posting her own fitness journey and quickly gained attention in 2016. Since then she has been posting easy-to-follow workouts you can do anywhere with minimal equipment. Another great thing about her is that she offers free meditation sessions on IGTV. She says that one of the most powerful and beautiful feelings a woman can get from working out is confidence, and we couldn’t agree more! She also has her own website where she offers personal training services and emphasizes that her mission is to help others realize their best body.
Mariana Nobrega Visconte
Photo: Instagram/@mari_nobrega_
Mariana Nobrega Visconte can be described as a Latina Elle Woods with dual talents. She is a fitness enthusiast from Brazil with a degree in law. She is all about seeking a balance between mind, body, and spirit and loves to share her experiences with her thousands of followers on Instagram. Not only do we love her because she seeks to inspire others, but she is so relatable. She is a working mom and shares that sometimes she eats a lot because sit brings her joy, normalizing feeling happy when indulging occasionally. Same girl, same. She also encourages her followers to focus more on a healthy lifestyle rather than a strict diet. Her Instagram and website are full of easy-to-follow workout routines including some that only require a resistance band or small weights.
Yami Mufdi
Photo: Instagram/@yamimufdi
Meet Yami Mufdi, your new Dominican bff. She is a fitness trainer and owner of Levavi, an activewear and swimwear line with a purpose. Her biggest mission in life is to help as many women flourish in what they’ve always been capable of. She’s a useful resource offering so many at-home workouts on her Instagram page. Another thing we love about her is that she is curvy and confident! She’s been open about having done all the fad diets that promised her results including eating 900 calories a day and doing four hours of cardio. But what she claims was missing was someone to guide her through a plan that worked for her body and that’s where she’s found the most effectiveness.
Karol Priscilla
Photo: Instagram/@karol_priscilla
Karol Priscilla is a burrito-loving Latina from San Diego, California. One of our favorite things about her is that she likes to spice things up by using things around the house as workout equipment for a good sweat session. In one of her IG posts, she uses her kid’s skateboard instead of weights. She says she loves creating a space where perfection doesn’t exist and that’s something we can get behind. wp_*posts
Mariana Jimenez
Photo: Instagram/@marianajimenezc
Miss Venezuela, Mariana Jimenez isn’t a fitness professional but she does post quite a bit of workout routines on her IG page. She also exercises with the Victoria Secret models’ trainer in New York City so she’s obviously picked up a few things. One of the best parts about her workouts is that they are short and effective so even if you have a full day you can easily squeeze these in as they’re about 30 minutes or less. Another plus is that she loves to work her abs so if your goal is a strong core, visit her page for some killer routines.
Massy Arias
Photo: Instagram/@massy.arias
Massy Arias is a personal trainer who changes lives and inspires a new generation of trainers emphasizing the importance of a healthy approach to fitness instead of going to extremes. She was born in the Dominican Republic and is currently based out of Los Angeles, California. She’s all about adopting a healthy diet and active lifestyle that changes individual’s lives mentally, physically, and spiritually. Many of her workouts focus on mobility and require zero equipment. Massy really shows her followers that it is possible to achieve a toned, healthy body without equipment and a gym membership.
Taya Smith
Photo: Instagram/@taysmithf
Taya Smith is a dancer and choreographer from Brazil who works as a dance instructor for a company called FitDance. Their purpose is to make people’s lives happier through dance and use dance as a way to combat the increasing number of mental illness in today’s society. Smith, and all of the FitDance instructors, lead you through easy-to-follow choreography to all of your favorite reggaeton hits. It’s so much fun and it’s a great approach if you don’t like standard workouts and want to feel like you’re out dancing again.
Carmen Morgan
Photo: Instagram/@mytrainercarmen
Carmen Morgan has a chiseled body that would make even JLo jealous. She is a certified trainer from Houston, Texas who offers simple, easy-to-follow exercise videos. She’s fun, energetic, and best of all, she starts all of her videos by dancing which is such a mood booster. Our favorite thing about her is that she really focuses on proper form and safety for each exercise which is even more important to keep in mind when working without an instructor with you.
Lyzabeth Lopez
Photo: Instagram/@lyzabethlopez
Lyzabeth Lopez is one fit mama. She’s a certified trainer, holistic nutritionist, and creator of the “Hourglass Workout.” She’s great because she offers a variety of fitness programs and routines on her social media platforms. One of our favorites is her “Stay Home Shred” program which is a thirty day challenge full of workouts you can do at home and it’s all free!