Reset and Relax with These 9 Latinx Wellness Retreats
It's good to reset your mental and physical health and sometimes you need more than a 10 minute meditation session or an hour long Zumba class

Photo: Rice
It’s good to reset your mental and physical health and sometimes you need more than a 10 minute meditation session or an hour long Zumba class. Making a real, healthy change would require you to get rid of bad habits and shift into a more positive mindset. Many Latinx wellness experts recognize this and they’re creating retreats that support this change physically, mentally, and spiritually. Leaders in wellness like Christine Gutierrez design retreats aimed at transformation through Diosa ceremonies and rituals while others like the Latinas Run Club offer experiences that can lead you on an adventure through nature. From curanderismo and sharing circles to beach resorts and the Italian countryside, these nine amazing Latinx wellness retreats have it all. Find one that speaks to you and take some time to start your healing journey.
Get Rooted Retreat with Robyn Moreno and OMEGA
Photo: Instagram/@robynnmoreno
If you’re looking to reclaim yourself, look no further than OMEGA’s Get Rooted retreat set in New York. Learn the wisdom of the ancestors with modern day curandera, Robyn Moreno, as she guides you through a path toward happiness. The retreat will feature hiking, dance, meditation, sharing circles, journaling, and sacred rituals.
Diosa Retreat with Christine Gutierrez
Photo: Instagram/@cosmicchristine
Break through boundaries and feel empowered in Puerto Rico with Christine Gutierrez’s Diosa Retreat. Experience meditation and powerful breath work through ceremonies and rituals so that you can feel and embody renewed energy. All accommodations are included and you’ll have unlimited access to the Diosa sisterhood support group.
Women’s Only Retreat in California with Latinas Run Club
Photo: Instagram/@latinasrunofficial @latinasrunchicago
Run to northern California for a three day, two night inclusive women’s only run retreat with Latinas Run Club. Enjoy three days of fun activities which include guided runs and hikes, empowerment sessions, and hydration workshops. You can expect swag bags and daily nutritious breakfast to power you up for the ultimate race. Being out in nature will put you in a relaxation state and the Latinas Run Club will have you feeling centered and empowered.
Yoga Retreats with Root 2 Rise Yoga
Photo: Instagram/@root2riseyoga
Namaste your way into a relaxing state as Michelle Chua of Root 2 Rise Yoga leads you through a culturally curated journey: develop a deep relationship with Mother Earth, learn ancient practices of Indigenous cultures, and renew your inner and outer harmony. Root 2 Rise Yoga offers retreats in two locations to integrate the Eight Limbs of Yoga and connect with the communities in Peru and California. Exhale as you experience the natural wonders of the world, practice mindfulness, and hike through nature to discover yourself.
Bali Retreat with Latinas Power Travel
Video: Instagram/@soylatinaspower
The Latinas Power Travel’s retreat centers on providing a “soul adventure” that includes visiting temples and experience in the beautiful nature of Bali. The itinerary includes sisterhood circle guided sessions, traditional Balinese spa experiences, and a flower offering class.
Latinas Healing Retreat with The Latina Healing Institute
Video: Instagram/@latinahealinginstitute
The Latina Healing Institute hosts a three day events are designed to bring Latinas together and connect through coaching and self-reflection activities. Coaches will provide you with tools to help reach your long-term goals. Also included are trauma-informed yoga sessions, watercolor painting and mindful coloring, and nutritious meals.
Italy Wellness Retreat with BRAVE Wellness Studio
Video: Instagram/@bravewellnessstudio
Ditch the beach and discover the beautiful countryside of Italy at this wellness retreat with BRAVE Wellness Studio. Learn how to deepen your yoga practice, unwind, and care for your body, mind, and soul with daily yoga sessions followed by gourmet brunch, coffee, and tea. Set in a prime location, near vineyards and ancient castles, you will have the opportunity to meditate, attend wellness workshops, visit Florence, and even take a pasta cooking class.
Wellness Retreats with Sweet Water Dance and Yoga
Video: Instagram/@swdythebronx
Sweet Water Dance and Yoga is Bronx-based yoga, dance, boot camp founded by Yosara Trujillo. Their previous wellness retreats centered on adventure and rejuvenation through dance, yoga and meditation classes. Their last retreat took place in Peru which included a guided visit to the Ancient Incan Ruins Of Machu Picchu so you can expect the next one will includes similar adventures in places full of natural beauty.