15 Meditation and Sleep Videos that Will Help Center You
If there ever has been a time to learn new ways to relax, center ourselves, and sleep better, it’s right now

If there ever has been a time to learn new ways to relax, center ourselves, and sleep better, it’s right now. This year has rough, and we must find healthy ways to cope and de-stress from all the negativity. It’s important to find, and hold onto, those moments of peace.
One way to focus on keeping one foot in front of the other right now is living in the moment. Meditation is the perfect tool for this. It’s all about stopping and focusing right on the seconds, minutes, and/or hours that one is living in, not on the past or the future. To meditate is to silence all the outside noise and listen to one’s breath, as well as some soothing sounds and powerful words, should you choose.
And you don’t have to stop your hectic life for an entire hour during the day to get some meditation in. These videos show that you can get centered in as little as 30 seconds. Need help sleeping? Then fall asleep with a longer meditation selection. It’s all about just getting started and building from there. Here are 15 meditation videos we found on YouTube that will undoubtedly get you calmer, more centered, and more peaceful.
Calm Breathe Bubble
Let Go of Stress by Headspace
One-Moment Meditation: “How to Meditate in a Moment” by Martin Boroson
Three Minute Meditation by Lizzy Hill
5-Minute Meditation You Can Do Anywhere by Goodful
Have a free five minutes? Maybe you can pause your favorite TV show or take a break from social media for just enough time to get yourself truly calm and centered. Five minutes is all the time you need to take part in this helpful and relaxing meditation you can do anywhere, courtesy of the folks at Goodful.
Guided Breathing Meditation With Kim Eng by Eckhart Tolle
Sometimes all you need to take a really stressful moment back down to calm is to breathe. When we focus on our breath, everything else that stresses us out falls to the wayside. In this 10-minute guided breathing meditation by Kim Eng, she shows us how to “deepen our awareness of our breath and remain present.”
10-Minute Meditation For Anxiety by Goodful
During a typical eight-hour workday, we are given two 15 minute breaks, in addition to our lunch break. We can use one of those breaks to pamper ourselves with some simple self-care. All it takes is 10 minutes to follow this meditation for anxiety given by Goodful. And we all can use a little bit less anxiety.
Meditation for Anxiety by Yoga With Adriene
This meditation video also will take up just 15 minutes of your time, but what you will learn from it you can use for a lifetime. Adrienne shows you how to let go of anxiety, focus on your breathing, and keep your body still.
Blissful Deep Relaxation by Two Honest Guys
Are you ready to move onto a longer meditation video? This one from The Honest Guys is 20 minutes, perfect for really dedicating some time to inner work and self-care, but not crazy long. It is a guided meditation, which is perfect for beginners and/or those whose minds tend to race with many different thoughts, as it keeps your focus on relaxing and staying on task.
25 Minute Guided Meditation by The Mindful Movement
Music for Yoga & Meditation by Spiritual India
According to Spiritual India, who brings us this 30+-minute Om meditation where the sacred sound is chanted 108 times, “Om (Aum) when chanted properly is attributed with peace, tranquility, meditation, bliss, nirvana, eternal realization, soul, purity, mental stability, concentration, sound health, longevity, leverages the current phase of goodness, brings holiness and all those virtues that every human being yearns for.” With over 20 million views, we are sure that this video successfully brings a calm and centered feeling.
Zen by Tiny Lotus
Once you get the hand of meditation and reap its life-changing rewards, you’ll want to sit in that feeling for longer and longer periods at a time. That brings us to this one-hour video of healing zen meditation music brought to you by Tiny Lotus. These soothing and relaxing sounds, including a bamboo flute, are also great for peacefully falling asleep at night.
The 4-7-8 Guided Breathing Meditation Method
Relaxing Sleep Music by Soothing Relaxation
If you need a little more help getting some sleep and/or like to doze off to soothing music, then definitely check out this three-hour video by Soothing Relaxation. The music is selected to get you into deep, relaxing sleep in no time. It’s also a good choice for an extended meditation soundtrack.
Sleep With God’s Word On by Peaceful Scriptures
On YouTube, there are also plenty of relaxing videos that last the full eight hours of sleep we should all be getting each night. One of these is this Christian video featuring several peaceful Bible passages by Peaceful Scriptures. It’s great for those who want to be relaxed before and during sleep while also catching up with, and being surrounded by, God’s word.